School Ground Hunt - 02

Story by Arthur Griffin on SoFurry

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#3 of School Ground Hunt

School Ground Hunt - 02

Life is challenging for the new thrall. I have shattered her will so I create her a new one. A life time of selfishness overwritten by the need to nurture another. This is difficult, so I start with my own needs first. She grooms my fur in the mornings and shops for groceries. The thrall goes for walks with me and does not speak. The thrall and I pass through the mall and she is not allowed to enter her favorite stores. She whimpers slightly at this but I use my will to discipline her. The thrall must learn to serve without hesitation of complaint. The thrall must learn to find her joy in helping another without expecting anything back in return.

The first week passes and school starts. Her old life cannot be completely eliminated. I will not have authorities looking for a missing girl so I send her to class. With some concentration and focus I see and hear what she does. Tammy is here for business, and her classes are interesting to attend. I learn right beside her. It his how I stay informed.

She tells her parents a little about her new boyfriend but leaves out the damning parts. She studies in the library, makes a couple of shallow acquaintances, and keeps a low profile. She returns to me at night and we ravage each other. She shifts during our mattings and comes at me vigorously. Stress and passion build during the day and are worked away at night. She is becoming stronger. I feed on her lust. It is a powerful, wonderful, thing.


Three band members practice with their sliding trombones. Seeing a pretty pair they hold their instruments erect, blow, and extend. They know what they want. They know how to show it. The girls giggle, tossing their hair like mating plumage. If the boys find the girls later they might have a chance.

Pretty little girl with large glasses to hide her face. She's ashamed to wear so little, but it is a hot day so she must. She looks at the ground, most of the time, not daring to meet my eyes. Part of me wants to hold her, but not for the same reason as the others. She's fragile, delicate, in need of protection. The other predators look for the weak. She is in danger from them and she is ashamed. I should watch out for her in case the hyenas get too close.

Naive blond girl walks with her parents. Fixing her ponytail causes her to pull back her arms. Perky young breasts push forward in a light blue shirt with white stripes. 'Here they are' she seems to say. 'Look if you dare, my daddy's right here.' A father who cares will tear a man in two for insulting his little girl. Her body sways as she pulls her hair back. Like a serpent doing her dance I cannot help but look. Her father scowls so I walk away.

I know what she needs. I will hunt her later. After a display like that... those perky breasts need to be touched. Her lithe frame needs teeth marks. Her superior stance needs to be broken. Her haughty voice needs to howl.

Angelic Angela always assures abstinence and arrogantly argues against anal assault assuming agony.

But being beautiful by birth brings bad blights brought by bitchy blonds being bimbos.

Crass cantankerous creatures cuddle cash, cry consistently, create clues, carelessly creating calamity.

Dizzily daring dangerous dogs during dumb deals dreaming disastrous drudgery.

Every easy edge flows farther, going hunting is just killing, learning my name over priceless questions.

She likes the way I talk. My cleaver rhymes are musical to her lofty standards. I'll bring bread to this gold digging hunter of the good life. She's only willing to work toward her own comfort. She has never given to another. She thinks only of number one.

Already she thinks of how my strength can please her. My mind can make money for her. My money can comfort her. She wants to chain me with her looks and then her children. Keeping me working until I die at my desk. She collects the life insurance. With the kids old enough to move out of the house she is able to do what she wants. Perhaps some expensive surgery. Perhaps a trip to Paris. Perhaps not.


Tammy is jealous, she does not want to share. This was expected but it is part of her training. She must share me because I am not hers. I withhold myself from her. I burn as well but I focus my lust on hunting and planning. Tammy cannot focus in class and paws at my door at night. I push her down and burn her selfishness with thoughts of sharing.

"Why can you not share?" I ask as she pouts.

"I don't want another having you! You're mine!" She has stopped swearing but she still does not understand. I shift and she drops to all fours. I mount her body and she whimpers with need, I do not mount her. I lower my muzzle to her ear and whisper.

"I am not yours. This part of our lives is temporary. We need to stop the greed of others, here, together. You must bring her here."

"Master," she whimpers as tears run down her face, "why must we help? Why can't we just be happy on our own?"

"Because the world will not leave us in peace," I tell her with a gentle smile. "Because it is our duty."


"Oh Brian? He's a sexy wolf!" Tammy tells Angela between fits of giggles. "He knows his way around." It has been months since I spotted her. Tammy has been well trained and the time of her first testing has come.

"Is he old?" Angela asks with a smirk of a house breaker.

"Not really... twenty-three, I think. You should see his abs." Tammy talks on, reeling Angela in. It was her own idea. I do not pretend to understand this type of hunt. Once a male has past the test of one female, then other females will be more willing to try him out. The underhanded backstabbing can be very intense. But there also another type of female tradition where one woman sleeps with a man and then tells her friends all about it. Her friends then take turns trying the stallion out. I do not understand this, but it works.

"You think he'll like me?" Tammy's trap has lured her in. She smiles at her new friend and touches her leg.

"Well, I like you," Tammy draws close to Angela and blows pheromones into the girl's nostrils. Angela does not know why but she is wet. The has never been interested in other girls before but she wants very much to kiss this one. "I think we'll all get along just fine. Can you come at nine?"

'Come or cum?' Angela asks herself, she hopes the answer is both. Tammy bites the inside of her mouth and licks the blood. Drifting forward, she kisses the other girl. Her tongue darts in, placing the blood into Angela's mouth. Both like it and want more, but this is not the time or place for such things.

"The bus stop at nine," Tammy reminds her as the blood is absorbed by her body creating subtle changes within her.

"I-I'll see you there."


My blood is in Tammy's veins but her own blood is potent as well. When a master puts himself into another it creates a thrall. When a thrall puts her blood into another it creates a link to the master. Angela can think of little else all day. She skips her last class and goes to the store to slut up a bit. She has been told, no make-up, so she takes a shower. She has been told, no hairspray, so he straitens, blow dries, and puts her hair in a ponytail. She has been told, nine o'clock, so she goes to the bathroom and masturbates.

When Angela is ready to go, her roommate asks her if it is a boy or a party. Her reaction tells her it is a boy, so they both giggle. Angela's roommate wishes her luck and a 'see you in the morning.' Angela reaches the bus station at eight and paces for an hour.

When Tammy arrives she is all smiles. The French maid outfit was torn to shreds so she has jean shorts instead. They are cut so short that one can tell her bikini line is shaved. Angela's jean shorts are the type that look as if they have been spray painted on. Both wear tight shirts that do not need to be low cut to show what they have.

They embrace and giggle, like old friends do. Walking north, into the residential area, they chat about outfits, class, teachers, and going green. Tammy is not as shallow as she once was but she is still able to talk like she is. Tammy walks close to her friend and Angela's blood reacts. Her skin begins to flush and her breathing is quickened. They pick up the pace, walking faster and faster until they begin to run as fast as they can. Tammy is my thrall, so she wins the race. The two girls giggle and enter my house. Angela is still panting from the run. The deep breathing draws pheromones that add to the affect of the thrall's blood. Her head begins to swim as Tammy closes and locks the door behind them.

"Wow, what a-" Angela is cut off with a kiss. She does not know why, but she returns it fully and passionately. Dropping their purses into the corner, Tammy presses Angela against the wall. There is some playful kissing, and nipping. My thrall is dominant, and runs her hands up the inexperienced girl's shirt. The naive blond girl gasps breathlessly when her breasts are stroked.

My thrall has been good lately so I give her first honor. Tammy touches her as only another woman can. Pealing their shirts off and rubbing hard nipples together, they tingle and moan. Tongues run together and taste skin. Shorts and panties peel away to reveal shaved lovelies, smooth and sensitive to the touch.

There is soft moaning from the front hall. They feel, explore, and feed their lust with all the curiosity and excitement of a first time. Pressing together brings a new sense of closeness and they reach around from behind. Stroking, grinding, gasping, and whining, they peak in wet convulsive symmetry. When they settle, they look into each other's eyes. They pat the other's hair and kiss lightly as they bask in the afterglow, a growl emanates from the hall.

As master, I can see what my thrall sees, hear what she hears, and feel what she feels. I am in the basement with a smile on my face. My thrall remembers me and draws Angela to her feet. Giggling, the initiated leads the initiate into the basement for the next part of the ritual. Angela is nervous but so swept away by what is happening that she cannot resist. My thrall is firm but gentle with her charge. Into the ritual chamber they run. The heady scent of sex and pheromones makes them both wet and ready once more.

I hide in the shadows. I have already transformed from the intensity of my thrall's orgasm. I am so proud of her, leading this other here, claiming her as her own but willing to share with me. Willing to share us both, the first step to truly caring for another.

Tammy lays the inexperienced girl down in a nest of pillows and begins to kiss and caress her anew. They rub their legs and torsos together. Moans and scent tell my thrall when her new initiate is ready. Baring her claws, she runs them down Angela's back. The girl lets forth a loud confused moan and cums immediately.

'Lucky females,' I think to myself. They cum so much more than I ever will.

Raking down to Angela's butt, the dominant female is on top, she pushes her face between the new girl's legs, small fangs pierce pink flesh drawing rich blood to the surface. She begins to feed. Angela's eyes roll back as she cums again and again. Her mind falls away to the hunger of the thrall. She does not notice the girl is becoming a werewolf, she does not care.

I am so hard that I can barely hold back. I promised Tammy this honor and I will keep my word. I lead by example, showing how caring for another works. She is learning the joy of tending to another's happiness. I will not approach until she calls me.

Tammy turns into a sixty-nine position and then begins to feed again. Angela's will is in the hands of the beast that has her pinned. She licks her master's lower lips. Fur tickles her stomach, as the brunette's wolf features accelerate. There is another orgasm. The tail straitens, the muzzle points to the ceiling, she howls as her love juice jets into the other's mouth. She has completed this part.

She calls to me. On all fours, I approach, salivating as the low rumble of my voice fills the chamber. My erection oozes pre-cum as it bobs gently from my movements. The females smell divine.

Tammy's rump is in the air, her tail is up, displaying her need, but she knows what must come first. I stalk around to her back side, where Angela's mouth hangs open. I lower myself and penetrate that open mouth. She moans in delirious bliss as Tammy stops draining and begins licking. The lupine tongue is long and hot across her neithers. The bliss of two types of pleasure creates one long orgasm that ripples through her for several minutes.

Finally, I grunt in the way Tammy has heard before. She stops her licking so that Angela does not drown. Liquid heat burns from my body and flows down the open throat. There is a little back-up and a white line leaks from the corner of her mouth. I finish and withdraw.

Tammy turns and smiles, 'Better not waste any of that,' she says in the way of our people. Her lupine tongue gets to work, lapping up what has spilled. She licks the girl's mouth both outside and in. The initiate moans and returns the affections of her mentor, licking, kissing, tasting. They are a sweet sight as I watch and wait for my body to regenerate.

Tammy always was a biter. She cannot help but leave teeth marks all over her new student. She wags her tail in excitement as she tastes and touches every part. The naive young blond shrieks and writhes as she is stimulated in ways she never knew could exist. It is time for the next part.

Laying on my back, Tammy lifts her initiate and places her on top of my scepter. I harden quickly like this and she starts rubbing her hips forward and back. I reach up and touch her breasts. It was the one thing I wanted to do when I first saw her and I decide it was worth the wait. They are firm, soft, and on the small side. I get a dirty feeling like molesting a teenager, though I know she is of age. She looks underdeveloped. Only pigtails would make her look younger.

The initiate is not coherent enough to impale herself properly, so the lead thrall helps her along. She licks us both then guides us together. We slide slowly into place. I am so huge in this form that only in her current state can she handle my girth. I am too long, though, and she can only take the top half of my wolfish nature.

Tammy straddles my chest and draws Angela forward. Her body teases mine as her wagging tail fans pheromones into my face. I growl but keep my movements steady so I do not hurt the new girl.

Tammy cuts her breast with a claw and dribbles blood onto her nipple. She brings Angela forward and allows her to feed. Blood, seaman, and cum from both of us are in her. Her own fangs push out and bite the breast that feeds. Tammy growls in excitement and pain. Her initiate is becoming more vigorous. She pulls the girl's head up to hers and stares hard into her face. Blue eyes begin to look green as bits of yellow speckle into site.

Claws scratch her big sister as her bones begin to crack and shift. I feel the shock waves through my erection. The pleasure causes me to spurt a little, heating her insides. She cries out, as her hips widen, allowing more of me in. A second pair of nipples surface and soon a third follows. Her main breasts are growing larger, the others all pulse with blood as they become small handfuls of joy.

A tail sprouts and begins to wag. Moans become whimpers, screams become barks. A muzzle pushes forward and allows her to howl as her womb becomes deep enough for the rest of me. As she slides slowly down, I pull her forward, crushing Tammy between us. I claw my rune into her back, the chant of binding is uttered, blond fur sprouts, muscles bulge, fangs fill her jaws. My knot begins to pulse, filling every inch of space as she grows. Almost there, it won't be long now.

Tammy is rabid with excitement and I need to bring her with us. Opening my muzzle, I grab her butt and set her down in my waiting jaws. I slide my tongue into her. She moans loudly, excited by my attentions. I slide forward and back a few times and am rewarded by her creaming into my mouth. I withdraw, lap her opening, then plunge forth again.

The three of us cling to each other as we climb to out conclusions. Our bodies are fully developed and out souls are merging together. There is a great rush as our energies sync and release. Hot seed rushes into a warm womb, held tightly in place by a large knot. My face is almost crushed by the orgasm of the she-wolf on my snout. They rise and fall together, howling their music into the space around us. We soak our mates in all of our fluids. We fill out mates with all the power of our bodies. When at last there is silence, we sleep deep in the comfort of our lair, curled up with the fury bodies of our loving mates. Before we were just a pair, but three makes a pack.