Affiliated Student Bodies, chpt 2 The Kings Return

Story by SigmaWolf on SoFurry

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This is a continuation of the original A.S.B (Associated Student Bodies). The tile of the series is A.S.B. Affiliated Student Bodies.

This story is fan fiction based on the characters copyrighted by "Lance Rund" and "Chris McKinley) all copyrighted characters are property of their respective owners.

I look forward to constructive criticism. Would also like to know your thoughts on continuing this comic. I should also point out the illustration is part of the story and takes place in chapter 10.

This story is fan fiction based on the characters copyrighted by "Lance Rund" and "Chris McKinley) all copyrighted characters are property of their respective owners.

The story is meant to be told in a comic format similar to that of the original A.S.B.

The Kings Return



Brian Johanson: Male, White/Grey wolf

Daniel King: Male, Lion

Marcus: Male, Grey Wolf (Daniel's mate)

Secondary Characters:

Michael King: Male, Lion (Daniel King's younger brother)

Tina Devereaux: Female, Skunk (RA for Hillard East)

Steven Paris: Male, Rough Collie

Nigel Churchill: Male, Wolf

David Mears: Male, Bengal Tiger

Vincent Donneman: Male, Whitetail Deer

Gerald Anton: Male, Cat

Timothy Montgomery: Male, Meerkat

Alex Infantino: Male, Red Fox

Thomas Carey: Male, Red Fox

Mr. and Mrs. King: Male, Lion/Lioness

Jamie: Male, Rabbit

(Daniel looking out car window, in front of Hillard)

Daniel: It's good to be back, I wonder what Marcus and the guys are doing.

(unloading trunk)

Mom: Are you sure you don't need any help with these boxes.

Daniel: No mom I got it thanks.

Daniel: I wish dad could have been here

Mom: I know sweety....Your dad and I both love you Daniel, I want you to know that.

Daniel: I know mom, I just wish I could say something to dad to make him understand

Mom: I know Daniel, but you have to give him time he will come around.

Daniel: I know, I just wish I knew what it was like for him to be proud of me.

Mom: Of course he's proud of you, you are such a brave and kind person

Mom: You grew up so fast, it's hard for a parent to let go, he's just got to get used to another man in the house.

Daniel: Thanks Mom, I love you.

mom : I love you too sweetie

Tina: Daniel... your back!

Daniel: Tina hi... it's good to see you.

Daniel: Is Marcus in?

Tina: I think he's out right now.

Daniel: ok thanks.

Jamie: HI!

Tina: Hi

Jamie: Well aren't you a big strong lion.... rawr..

Daniel: Um....Hi... who are you?

Jamie: My names James but you can call me Jamie, and I'm here to get my room assignment

Daniel: I'm Daniel and this is Tina.

Tina: What's your last name?

Jamie: Thompson

Tina: Let me check... ah you're in room 202

Daniel: Isn't that Thomas's room

Tina: Yeah looks like he's got company this year.

Jamie: Well Mr. kitty would you mind helping me with my stuff, you being so strong.

Daniel: Sure.

(Hallway Thomas's room)

Jamie :(knock knock) Well hello there cutie, I'm your new room mate .

Thomas: Hi, I'm Thomas

Jamie: I'm James but you can call me Jamie.

Jamie: Well thank you Mr. big strong lion.

Daniel: No problem.

Jamie: Here let me thank you properly. (moves in for kiss)

(avoids Jamie, Marcus coming down hallway)

Daniel: Oh Marcus (hugs Kisses).

Marcus: Um wow... been that long?

Jamie: Such a shame for such a pretty kitty.

(down the hallway)

Marcus: Who was that?

Daniel: Jamie, Thomas's new room mate.

Marcus: Hmm, never a dull moment in Hillard.

(Daniel's Room)

Daniel: I missed you so much Marcus.

Marcus: I missed you too babe, any luck finding your brother?

Daniel: No he's still missing, Mom and Dad are losing their mind looking for him.

Marcus: I'm sorry... I wish....

Daniel: Shh you were there when I needed you and I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been.

Daniel: Oh I got you something.... (hands lava lamp to Marcus)

Marcus: You didn't have to

Daniel: Yes I did.. I broke your lamp that night with my parents here and that poor lamp didn't deserve that.

Marcus: (chuckles) Thank you Daniel.

Daniel: Besides I thought it provided good mood lighting.

Marcus: Hmm what do you say we give it a try to make sure it works?

Daniel: It only works at night silly.

(Registration line)

Brian: Wow there is a light at the end of this tunnel.

Daniel: Yeah well when we get around the bend there's another tunnel.

Brian: (sigh)

Daniel: Hi my names Daniel.

Brian: I'm Brian

Daniel: So are you a virgin?

Brian: (chuckle)

Daniel: What's so funny

Brian: Yes and no.

Daniel: Huh.

Brian: I'm a sophomore this year.

Daniel: Umm... oh... sorry

Brian: Don't be I think it's funny... if a bit ballsy.

Brian: So where are you staying on campus?

Daniel: I'm in Hillard hall.

Brian: Oh one of those guys huh.

Daniel: Hey don't be so judgmental, just because we're different doesn't mean...

Brian: Guess I'll fit in just fine then.

Daniel: Wait... what?

Brian: Yeah I'm in Hillard this year too.

Daniel: Oh sorry... Hillard sometimes gets a bad rap from people that have no clue.

Brian: It's ok... us outcasts have to stick together you know.. makes the normal people steer clear... ha ha.

Daniel: Well since I'm being ballsy... are you different too?

Brian: (chuckle) Different yes... gay.. I don't know... still a virgin remember?

Daniel: So what room are you in?

Brian: 206

Daniel: Really, that makes you my neighbor.

(Brian's room)

Brian: Hello baby time to relieve some stress. (pulls out guitar)

Brian: (*singing* god must have spent a little more time on you...)

Marcus: Where is that music coming from

Daniel: I don't know, it doesn't sound like a radio, let's go look.

(Marcus: Daniel: peek into Brian's room)

Marcus Daniel: (kissing in hallway, more people peeking in room)


Jamie: Wow what a voice, not bad looking either.

Jamie: I wonder if he's single.

Timmy: Marcus and Daniel seem to be enjoying it.

Steven: Why is everyone looking in that room?

Nigel: Shh

Brian: What are you guys doing?

(Everyone, awkward, coughs)

Steven: Just passing by.

Brian: Uh huh.

Brian: They said Hillard was gonna be weird.

Steven: Dorm Meeting guys.... let's go chop chop.

Daniel: Let's go meet the crazies.

Marcus: (chuckle) They may think we are the crazies.

Daniel: Careful they may elect us their leaders.

Marcus: I hope not.

Timmy: Ok ladies let's get started

Thomas: (off panel) I'm missing Stargate.

Timmy: Thomas you can play with your wormhole later.

Timmy: Let's get this over with.

Timmy: We have a lot of familiar faces with a few new one so let's all say hi.

Timmy: I'm Timothy Montgomery, Call me Timmy and I shall rain fire upon you.

Timmy: This is Alex

Alex: Aloha

Timmy: That's Gerald

Gerald: the clouds weep upon the fields as I too weep.

(Everyone) Shut up Gerald.

Timmy: This is Nigel.

Nigel: hmm

Timmy: Over there is Thomas

Thomas: I am the chosen one

(Everyone): Nerd!!

Timmy: That is Jamie

Jamie: Hello boys

Timmy: Over here is Steven

Steven: grrr

Timmy: Here we have David and Vince

David: That's Mr. David to you

Vince: (Giggle) and I'm Mrs. David

Timmy: Over there is Marcus and Daniel

Marcus: Alpha wolf here

Daniel: Hi

Timmy: And Brian

Brian: Hey

Timmy: Good Job everyone you all get a sticker... now....

Daniel: he's still too short to be Patton.

Marcus: Napoleon then?

Timmy: Who do you nominate for our representative?


Timmy: I hate you guys... .I mean it.

Timmy: Your turn Steven

Steven: Ok guys for those that are new... Hillard 2 east has a reputation....

Steven: For those that don't know most of the members are well......

Marcus: We're gay.

Steven: Thank you Marcus.

Jamie: Isn't that why we are all here?


Steven: Brian you're new too, any questions or concerns?

Brian: Can't say whether I am gay or straight, doesn't really matter to me

I try to keep an open mind.

Steven: Terrific

Timmy: Anything else.


Timmy: You guys are the worst

(Everyone): We love you Timmy.

Timmy: You will all burn a 1000 fiery deaths.

Marcus: I think it's time we try that lamp out.

Daniel: Hmm I like how you think.

(Daniel and Marcus love scenes, noisy)

Brian: What the hell is that noise.

Brian: Really? I was hoping for some peace and quiet this year. Oh well I guess.

Brian: (guitar, headphones)

Daniel: Hmm mood music too?

Marcus: I wonder if he takes requests?

Daniel: (chuckle)

(school scenes, classes, y2k is coming)

(A week later, Hillard Main Lobby)

Michael: Um hi I'm Looking for Brian he said he is staying in this dorm, have you seen him?

Tina: No I think he gets out of class in a little bit though, if you want to hang out.

Michael: Ok thanks if you see him tell him Mike was looking for him will you.

Tina: Sure.

(Hillard Lobby)

Brian: Mike... what are you doing here bud?

Michael: Um does that offer still stand?

Brian: Of course. I thought you had enough for a place to stay?

Michael: I got mugged yesterday..... they took everything, my money my guitar I barely got away with the hair on my tail.

Brian: sure bud come on up, you're in luck I don't have a roommate so there's an open bed.

Michael: Thanks man I owe you.

Brian: Nah bud it's what friends are for

(2nd floor lobby)

Daniel: I will never understand professor McMaster, he drones on and on almost puts me to sleep.

Marcus: Yeah I remember his classes, never could keep my eyes open.

Daniel: So any plans for tonight?

Marcus: I don't know, any ideas?

Daniel: Oh I got a few (grins).

(Daniel Marcus walk by Brian's Room, Michael sees Daniel)

Michael: Brian I'm sorry but I got to go I can't stay here after all.

Brian: What... what's wrong?

Michael: I got to go man.

(Michael runs out hall as Daniel passes, Daniel turns and sees him)

Daniel: Michael?..... MICHAEL!!! is that you!?

(Michael glances back for an instant and runs)

Brian: You know Mike?

Daniel: He's my brother.

Brian: Oh.... crap.

Marcus: What's going on.

Daniel: Marcus... Michael was just here.

Marcus: Your brother?

Daniel: I got to go after him, mom and dad have been freaking out since he left.

Brian: Daniel, wait.... you can't just run after him.

Daniel: Why not he's my brother?

Brian: I know.... but... let me talk to him ok?

Daniel: You got nothing to do with this... he's my brother.

Brian: Daniel... if you go after him he's just gonna keep running let me talk to him.

Daniel: Why would he listen to you.

Brian: Because he spent all summer at my place, I think I understand what's wrong.

Brian: Daniel... please... trust me ok?

Daniel: Ok... go...please bring him back.

Brian: I'll do my best.

(chasing Michael)

Brian: Michael.... wait up.

Brian: Here sit down a bit let's talk bud, tell me what's going on.. .you know I only want to help.

(park bench)

Michael: Yeah well you're the only one.

Brian: Are you sure about that, your brother seems pretty concerned.

Michael: He told you?

Brian: Yeah I had to calm him down before he tried to haul you home in his teeth like a cub.

Michael: I don't want anything to do with him.

Brian: Is that his fault though?

(bench sitting down)

Brian: So what if your brother is gay?

Michael: It just.... it makes me wonder.. every time we played together.... gone swimming in the creek....

Brian: Michael, just because your brother is gay doesn't mean he looks at you like that.

Brian: You said you have a sister have you ever looked at her that way.

Michael: Eww no...

Brian: Exactly... your brother clearly loves you... .with a brothers love, just the way you love him.

Michael: I guess you're right. It still creeps me out though.

Brian: That's fine, we all have our own tastes, but we can't condemn others because their different, there has to be a margin of tolerance or we would all kill each other.

Brain: Maybe getting mugged was a sign you know... someone trying to tell you it's time to go home.

Brian: I can't count the times I hit rock bottom and would have loved to have a family to turn to for support.

Michael: I don't know... my dad is going to bite my head off... literally.

Brian: Yeah he might but I think he's going to be more concerned that his son is safe.

Brian: Besides you can always tell him you're gay too and he gets no grandchildren unless he lets you go back home.

Michael: You are one sick puppy.

Brian: Yeah I know.

Brian: Hey if it doesn't work out, that offer is still open... no return policy remember?

Brian: So what do you say.... ready to face the music?

Michael: I guess.

Brian: Cheer up it can only get better from here right?

Michael: I hope your right.

(Front of Hillard)

Brian: Ok go in my room I'll go get Daniel... you two can stay and chat for a bit.

Brian: It's gonna be ok bud. (hand on Michaels Shoulder)

(Doorway Marucs, Daniel Room)

Daniel: Brian?!

Brian: Mike is in my room... (Daniel sprints for door) wait.... one sec.

Brian: Be easy on him ok?

Daniel: After what he did?

Brian: I'm serious... if you go in there guns blazing he's gonna bolt and you might never see him again.

Daniel: Ok...I'll try

Brian: He's in my room... you two can talk this out in there.

Daniel: Thanks Brian.

(Daniel, Marcus room)

Marcus: I swear that kid is more trouble...

Brian: Hey Mike is a good kid lay off.

Marcus: Sorry it's just he.... Daniel was really worried and....

Brian: I get that but give the guy a break, I get the feeling his dad is a bit demanding.

Marcus: They're dad is well... let's just say overprotective, and controlling.... but he has a loving family

Brian: I hope I'm doing the right thing here.

Marcus: You are... Daniel and Michael have a good family. They will be able to work through this.

Brian: I guess I'll have to trust you on that.

Daniel: I'm sorry Michael... I....

Michael: No Danny I'm sorry, I got hot headed.

Daniel: Yeah well you do take after dad.....

Michael: Don't tell him that, ok?

Daniel: I called Mom to let her know you are in town.

Michael: Oh great dads gonna drag me home by my tail.

Daniel: No he's not... I talked with mom not dad... he doesn't know yet

Michael: What did she say?

Daniel: She said that she loves you and wants you to come home, and if you wanted. She would buy you a bus ticket for tomorrow and you can come home on your own.

Daniel: Mike... she misses you.. dad misses you...I missed you...she was so happy she was crying on the phone.

Daniel: But she understands you have to make your own choices.

Michael: Thanks... I'll go home tomorrow.. dad's gonna kill me though.

Daniel: I won't lie he's gonna be angry, but if you take responsibility, he will probably respect you for it... after he yells at you.(grin)

(Next day Bus Stop)

Brian: You going to be ok?

Michael: I think so.

Brian: That offer still stands if things go south.

Michael: Thank you man. (hug)

Daniel: I told mom that your coming and should be in town around 4:00.

she said they will be there to pick you up.

Michael: I'm sorry Danny for all the trouble I've caused.

Daniel: Yeah and I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused too, but hey that's what brothers are for.

(brothers hug)

Daniel: Good luck... and don't let dad fool you he's more happy your coming home than mad that you left.

Affiliated Student Bodies, chpt 3, Starting the band

This story is fan fiction based on the characters copyrighted by "Lance Rund" and "Chris McKinley) all copyrighted characters are property of their respective owners. The story is meant to be told in a comic format similar to that of the original...

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Affiliated Student Bodies, chpt 1 The Power of Love

This story is fan fiction based on the characters copyrighted by "Lance Rund" and "Chris McKinley) all copyrighted characters are property of their respective owners. This story takes place during the summer between semesters and after another...

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