Bound to Happen 2

Story by pigglesworth on SoFurry

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#2 of Bound to Happen

Hunter had all but barricaded himself in his dorm room. The first day after he had gotten back he had not worried much about what the doberman had done to him. He had figured that once he was away from the dog he would be more or less safe unless his master decided to use the speaker that was apparently attached to the ankle monitor that had been put on his leg. And while his master seemed to have forgotten, or chosen, not to set off the alarm again Hunter had pretty quickly found out that it wasn't just his master's whistling that set off his bladder, but any sound that even came close. In the four days he had been back on campus, two of which he had spent inside his room, he had found 5 sounds that resulted in him running to the nearest bathroom.

Pictures of his return home had come up multiple times since then as well. They were slid under his door and taped to the wall of the hallways. Someone even had a package of adult diapers delivered to his room, wrapped in the most humiliating, baby-themed paper Hunter thought existed.That in itself wouldn't even have been that bad, because, truth be told, he had consider actually wearing those, what did made the whole thing unbearable to him was the fact that the delivery took place while he was in class, so he had to get the box from the dorm's post office and then walk all the way back to his room, leading to new pictures that would most likely soon show up next to the other ones.

While having little to no control over his bladder was certainly a problem it was his master's other "gift" that had Hunter far more concerned. The metal device adorning his groin had prevented any and all access to his dick for days now. At first he had figured he'd just will himself to ignore it, that idea however was thrown out during the first night when his cock tried his very best to grow. The resulting painful tug on his balls had Hunter quickly run into the shower to cool down. Since that experience he had done his best to avoid any form of arousing material, which helped for about half a day before he fell back into old habits.

By day three the corgi mix felt like going through puberty again. At random times throughout the day he'd get hard. Without any obvious reason his mind would simply decide to think about nothing but porn from that moment on. Hunter did his best to ignore his body's craving for release at first, but as soon as the evening came around he had locked his door and tried everything he could get his hands on to try and unlock the device holding his dick hostage. He however quickly found out that, short of getting help from somebody with power tools, there would be no way he'd get the device off of himself.

On day four Hunter hadn't even bothered to go out, instead he had decided to stay in his room and work on giving himself some release. It had been dark outside his window now for hours and Hunter was still kneeling on his bed, bouncing around a big red canine dildo, desperately trying to coax an orgasm out of his aching prostate. He had spent hours, trying various angles and intensities, only to come to the conclusion, that for whatever reason, he couldn't bring himself over the edge. His sheets were stained with precum and the whole room stank of his need, further fueling his lust, pushing him to try just one more time again and again until sometime around midnight he just passed out.

He had been sure he heard something, his mind however quickly returned to the blessed unconsciousness, that world far away from all the troubles of his waking life. No chastity device locked around his cock, no embarrassing pictures of him covering the dorms, nobody hammering against his-

Hunter got out of bed, quickly tripping and stumbling towards the source of the sound. Reaching the door the much too bright light from the hallway flooded his eyes, making it impossible to properly see the figure standing before him. Feeling a big hand on his chest pushing him back into the room sent him falling back, landing on his ass, as the giant before him closed the door and turned on the light inside the room.

Before him towered a horse, wearing only a pair of black leather pants and a matching vest. His fur was chestnut colored, with a few white accents along his wrists, hips and smugly grinning muzzle.

"W-who are you?!"

"Aww, and here I thought I made a good first impression."


"You came by my bar last week."

"Oh," Hunter's eyes widened, suddenly everything falling into place," B-bill, right?"

"Correct puppy!"

"What ... what do you want here?" Hunter blushed.

"Do you really have to ask puppy? I'd think Jeff told you exactly why I'd come by for a visit. tending a bar is hard work, you know, gotta need to unwind from time to time."

"No, please, I can't, I...I'll go insane!"

"Shhh," Bill reached into his pants pulling out a small silver key and dangled it in front of Hunter's eyes, "I'll give you this if you help me out. Of course if you don't want to I'll just turn around and go, though I'd have to talk to Jeff, since he's obviously -"


"I figured as much." The draft horse let himself fall onto Hunter's bed, which almost groaned in response. His fingers meanwhile quickly unbuttoned his pants and finally beckoned Hunter to take over before leaning back against the wall, Hunter's small bed barely wide enough to make that comfortable.

The corgi mix meanwhile began his slow, hesitant crawl to the bed. His face was burning. He was sure it showed, even through his fur. As he closed in on the horse, more specifically his groin, the equine's musk began work on Hunter's nose, flooding him with the ripe aroma of sweat,leather, urine and the unmistakable smell of horse. He shook his head after the first whiff, trying to physically get rid of the smell that was causing his cock to slowly harden inside his sheath. All this only earned him a chuckle from the horse above him.

Hunter reached for the open fly, his hand carefully sinking into the horses pants, groping for his target. His eyes widened as he looked up and his hand found what he was looking for. A mixture of panic and excitement flooded his mind, as he tugged the heavy set of balls out of the leather pants they made a wet, lewd sounding plop. The horse's package was massive. Hunter sighed in relieve though when he noticed, that the horse wasn't packing a foot long cock to match his testicles. Above his sac was resting a shaft that was merely a few inches long, but thick.

The musk immediately doubled in strength. Hunter moaned and he nuzzled against the egg sized balls resting in front of him. His hands were slowly closing around the horse's meat, lightly squeezing it in pulses. Soon Hunter's mouth followed, licking over the flat head, paying special attention to the piss slit. The horse groaned in approval as Hunter continued to work on his shaft. Slowly hunter felt blood pumping into the organ, as it began to grow in his hand.

He moved away from the slowly growing flare and focused on the shaft itself, letting it grow, while all he did was hold his tongue in place, immensely enjoying the flavours tingling on his tongue. Obviously the taste of sweat and urine were there, but the most overpowering taste was the horse's own, mixed with his musk, this close to the source, drove Hunter wild. His cock had quite a while ago reached the maximum size it could achieve, pressing against the metal and causing a not entirely pleasurable amount of pressure on the dog's balls.

Something tapping on his shoulder brought Hunter back into the moment. Looking up he saw the horse with his hands behind his back, enjoying the sensation with his eyes closed. Curiously he turned the head, while dropping his jaw. The cock he had thought manageable had grown, a lot. It had heen what tapped him on the shoulder and by the looks of it, it wasn't done growing just yet. Hunter had now idea how he was supposed to fit something like that into his mouth and throat, that must have been a foot long at least.

Above him the horse grunted, displeased with the lack of sucking going on, urging Hunter with a nod of the head to continue. Leaning back slightly the dog guided the tip of the shaft to his lips, he took a deep breath and let the monster slowly sink into his maw. The first few inches were no problem for Hunter, he in fact enjoyed them, the feeling of a cock sliding over his tongue paired with the taste and especially the sounds of pleasure coming from the recipient always stirred something deep inside him.

The problems started once the flare had reached his throat. Deepthroating always took patience, especially with bigger guys, but Hunter was unsure this would work, even given all the time in the world and an impossibly patient partner, which the horse was not. It didn't take a minute before the horse's big hand came to rest on Hunter's head, slightly urging him to get over with it all ready. Hunter meanwhile reached for the remaining cock and began stroking, hoping to buy himself some time. The dog did his best to relax and after a small struggle with his gag reflex manages to fit another inch in his throat.

"Good puppy, just another six or so to go."

He groaned, there was just no way, and yet, the hand on his head kept pushing, slowly forcing more of the length into his throat. His jaw was hurting, as was his throat and a burning sensation was beginning to spread through his chest. Hunter tried to take a deep breath, but the horse's cock made it impossible. He pulled back, only to be stopped by the hand on his head. The room felt as if it had turned 90 degrees as Hunter struggled to keep his balance. Weakly his hand tapped against the horse's chest.

"Shit!" Bill's strong hand pushed Hunter backwards, sending him flying to his back as air once again made it into his lungs, "Sorry, are you ok?"

Hunter managed to nod while coughing, as he slowly go up, looking at the horse.

"Well that obviously doesn't work, so what do you think pup? Call it a night or want to try your other hole?"

It took Hunter less than a second to nod while getting up and slowly walk over to the bed. Bill had leaned back and simply watched as Hunter straddled his hip, grabbed the bottle of lube off his nightstand and began slathering his hole as well as Bill's cock. Hunter grabbed the shaft as best he could and slowly guided it to his hole, using his weight to slowly let it spear him open.

Thanks to his exploits earlier that night he could take more than half of Bill's length without too much discomfort. Reaching the medial ring still was no small feat though. While the length didn't bother the corgi mix, the width presented a challenge, each inch sinking into him made him stretch, not too much, but enough for the slight stretching sensation that had started at his puckered hole to spread throughout his whole groin, each movement sending jolts of pleasure through his spine.

Once the medial ring had slipped in through, the sensation quickly changed. The small bump of flesh had hit his prostate and Hunter lost control over his voice. Up until now he had kept a lid on his moans and grunts, keeping them to a barely audible level, but in that moment of contact all that pent up need forced itself out of him in something close to a howl. His cock reacted in a similar fashion, shooting out a small spurt of precum, that slowly ran down the side of his cage.

Slowly adjusting to the feeling Hunter let gravity take over, sinking further on the horse's cock until finally he could feel himself coming to rest on his hip. Hunter was panting, his body had never felt this full before, and looking down the dog noticed a rather big bulge poking out just below his belly button. Touching it, Hunter shivered, another moan escaping his mouth as the horse's hips began to move. The dog grabbed Bill's shoulders for support and slowly let his cock slide out again, wet slurping sounds accompanied by grunts and various other sounds of pleasure.

Once only the tip remained inside the corgi mix, he took another deep breath and began to sink back down, letting loose a long drawn out moan that lasted until he reached the horse's hip again. Each repetition happened quicker than the previous one until after a few minutes the foot long piece of mean burying itself inside the young dog's ass had become a blur. Each time it was hilted Hunter screamed, happily bouncing in the horse's lap, his cock practically drooling precum.

A loud knock came from the door, slamming it open in the process and revealing a tired, yet angry looking badger standing in the hallway. Hunter's eyes widened, his hands quickly moving to his groin, covering his cage, while making the bulge in his abdomen all the more prominent. The horse however didn't seem to share Hunter's privacy concerns, or was too close to his orgasm, as he simply continued to hump into the dog.

"For fuck's sake, it's like 4am and I have a class in 4 hours, will you two keep it the fuck down!?"

"So-AH Sorry, we... we'll stay AH q-quiet."

"Yeah right, keep it down!" The badger slammed the door shut.

"Are you FUCK ...close?"


Hunter's hands quickly found their way to his muzzle, effectively clamping it shut as he did his best to move his hip complementary to the horse's, slamming down whenever the horse was thrusting into him. A few seconds later Bill started to whinny, as Hunter felt the horse start throbbing, shaking his whole body. He could feel every spurt of cum as it stretched his hole a tiny bit more, before adding to the bulge shortly after.

Slowly the panting died down, as both of them began to catch their breaths, and while the horse had an expression of pure bliss on his face Hunter himself felt pretty much the opposite. This whole nightly visit had turned his need up to eleven. The dull pressure he had felt the evening before Bill's visit had become omnipresent. His balls didn't only slightly ache anymore they felt like they were about to explode, and the horse seemed to had noticed somehow.

"I'm pulling out, don't you dare spill a drop, neither now nor while you make sure I'm presentable."

Hunter groaned, squeezing his ass shut as he pulled himself off the horse with a lewd pop. His tail quickly pressing against his hole, attempting to keep the torrent of horse cum in place, as he leaned down and began lapping over the slowly shrinking shaft. Running his tongue over the meat added further fuel to his desire, as the taste of horse cum became his world. There was nothing else, only the salty taste of horse, pushing away everything else.

Finally finished Hunter knelt at the end of the bed, watching the horse get up, get dressed and approaching the door.

"Well done puppy, I'll let Jeff know you did well tonight."

"Wait! The.. the key?"

Bill laughed as he reached into his pocket, fished out a small key and threw it into Hunter's room

"Have fun with that."

The door was closed for about three seconds before Hunter all but jumped off the bed, his hand shakingly reaching for the key. He was shaking as he pushed it into the lock. He tried to turn the key, but it wouldn't. In panic he pulled the key out and reinserted it, but with the same result, the key fit into the lock, but it wasn't the key belonging to the lock. Tears of frustration began welling up in Hunter's eyes, as he tried to pull the cage off with the lock still holding both pieces secured together. All this for nothing

Several hours later Hunter woke up, his fur sticking to itself and his bed. His phone was busily blinking, announcing two missed calls from his master as well as two new text messages. Slightly worried about its contents he picked up the phone and started reading

-> You better have a good excuse for not picking up!

Hunter's heart sank, fearing what punishment his master would come up with as he nervously scrolled down to the second message.

-> Bill just called, so this one time you're off the hook. I'll come pick you up around two, no need to pack anything, it's not like you're going to wear any of your clothes this weekend

The corgi mix let out a sigh of relief. The calls had come in before 9am and after the night with the horse he wasn't surprised his phone hadn't woken him up. Checking the clock he made a dash towards the bathroom, with any luck he'd be able to get the cum and horse smell out of his fur before the doberman came by to pick him up.

Stepping into the shower had two effects on Hunter. Primarily he finally was beginning to feel clean again, as the dried cum slowly began to come out of his fur, the more noticeable effect though came from the smells that were getting revived by the water. Pretty soon the whole bathroom was smelling like horse, just as his room had the night before, and with the same effect.

Hunter's cock grew to fill his prison, luckily this time though it didn't try to push the cage off as it had before, it just filled enough to remind Hunter of the cage's presence. Not that he needed that reminder, his permanently throbbing balls made sure he couldn't forget the damned thing. The mix of slight but constant pressure, mixed with the fact he hadn't been able to empty his balls in over a week now had given him his first case of blue balls.

Knowing full well he had no time or the ability to do anything about that problem now he did his best to ignore it as he slowly worked the shampoo into his fur. The smell of sex and horse began to vanish as the citrus scented steam filled the shower. He quickly rinsed it off, stepped out and began the process of drying himself, first with a large towel and then the blow dryer, to minimize the potential for wet dog smell.

Just as he slipped on his shorts a knock loud knock came from his door. Hunter quickly ran towards it, not worrying too much about his appearance, since he probably wouldn't wear what he had been able to put on for very long anyways. He hastily swung open the door and froze. Before him wasn't standing who he had been expecting.

"Can I help y-" the angry looking badger grabbed Hunter by his throat and pushed him inside the room, giving the door a small kick to close it.

"You fucking mutt!" Hunter's back hit the wall painfully, making him groan, "because you can't schedule you fuck buddies properly I overslept!"

Hunter flinched as the badger's hand came flying towards his face, grabbing his fur and pulling on it roughly.

"S-Sorry, I ... it won't happen again."

"You're damn right it won't!" the hand paw that had been holding his fur let go and the other one flexed, pushing him up to his toes, making it hard for the corgi mix to breath. The other hand balled into a fist and knocked the breath out of Hunter's chest. The dog's legs quickly gave way, sending him down to his knees. Between coughing and trying to get air into his lungs he saw the badger pull his arm back, readying it for the next hit.

A loud sound coming from the door made his ears turn, but the more immediate threat of getting hit in the face was the focus of Hunter's attention. Like in slow motion he saw the black and white fist heading straight for his face. Slowly his eyes began to close and his arms began moving to protect himself. He saw a flash of brown before his eyes closed, bracing himself for the inevitable impact. The next thing he felt however were his arms reaching his head, which confused him, because the fist should have been there first.

He opened one eye and peeked in between his arms. The badger's whole body was a few inches above the floor, moving, due to the adrenalin coursing through Hunter's body, very slowly towards it. His neck and head were what first made contact. Clamped around his throat was a deep brown paw. Following the arm with his eyes Hunter saw his master on his way to his knees, an angry snarl on his lips and a deep growl was the only sound in the room.

"How DARE you lay you hands on my pup!"

The badger opened his mouth to answer, but quickly realized, that between the paw around his throat and the doberman's leather covered leg pressing his knee onto his chest, he had ne breath left to actually speak. Hunter watched as the badger clawed at the paw holding him down and his master leaned in close, whispering something into the badger's ears. The mustelid's eyes widened in what Hunter could only describe as pure terror as his head began nodding.

As soon as the knee had left his chest the badger ran out of the room. The doberman let himself plop down next to the slightly shivering corgi mix and put the paw that had just a second ago smashed the badger onto the floor, on his head, lightly petting his head. Before he knew how Hunter's head was resting against the doberman's shoulder, his heart slowly calming down as he enjoyed the affection.


Hunter nodded, "How did you -?"

"I saw him entering your room, and nobody treats my pup like that," the doberman chuckled, "other than me that is."

The smaller dog swallowed audibly.

"Don't worry, you'd have to really piss me off. And you just want to be my puppy, don't you?"

"Yes sir."

"Good pup."

The doberman got up and pulled Hunter off the floor in the same motion, leading him the two steps to his bed. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a small key and, without any ceremony, slid Hunter's shorts down and it into the lock securing Hunter's sheath. After that he pulled a plain light brown collar out of his pocket, holding it out in front of Hunter.

"Ok pup, decision time", Hunter tilted his head slightly, "Last weekend was a look into what this could be, but I think you have some doubts, I certainly would if some guy could make me piss myself whenever he wanted to. So this is your one chance to call it off. Unlock your cage and you're free to go, or pick up the collar and become mine."

Hunter's look immediately fell down to the cage, keeping his favorite toy hostage, then slowly looked up to the doberman's face, looking for any hints of deceit. Questions flooded his mind. Was this a test? Would he really let him go that easily? Did he even want to leave? What about the ankle monitor, or the piss thing?

The situation made Hunter's head swim, and before he knew it his shaking hand was reaching for the key, pulling it out and offering it back to his master. With a smile the doberman took the key and made it vanish in his pockets again. He gave Hunter's head a small scratch behind the ears before tightening the collar around his neck. Between his neck fluff and the collars color it was practically invisible, save for a shiny silver D-ring sticking out of his fur near his throat.

"That's a good boy, " his master's hand began fondling his balls, making him lean into him, " let's get going, so I can make you regret that decision."

Hunter wanted to worry, but looking up into those warm eyes made him simply nod in agreement. He heard a click and felt a tug as his collar, as his master turned to leave the room, pulling Hunter along with a leash. He was more than happy to follow, and even had the presence of mind to grab his keys and shut the door as he followed his master, tail excitedly wagging.

Along the corridors and down the stairs he followed, his eyes always fixed on the leather jacket covering his master's back. As he stepped out of the dorm a cool gush of air hit him, making him realize, that, not only was he wearing only his shorts, but also that his balls were still tugged over the waistband. Hunter quickly took care of the second problem, but resigned himself to being lead around campus like a dog, and strangely enough it didn't bother him that much.

That being said there was still a slight red glow shining through his fur, especially around his ears, additionally the previously wagging tail had curled up between his legs. He heard people whispering, laughing and taking pictures, which, he was sure, would join the other ones of him already littering the campus. Still he followed his master without complaints. They had left the campus some time ago and had just continued walking down the road.

Each step made Hunter forget his embarrassment a bit more, calming his mind. His tail had began wagging again when his master told him to sit down next to a street light. Hunter quickly sank to his knees before looking up to his master, who leaned down to scratch his head. Hunter's mind was still filled with pleasure of the praise he had just received as he watched his master turn around and enter a store, only to return a few minutes later, small plastic bag in hand, through which Hunter could make out two cans of 'Premium Doggy Dinner'.

"I wasn't sure what you like, so I picked the beef flavoured one. It's a bit pricy, but you earned yourself a treat today pup. Come along now, I parked just around the corner."

Hunter spent the whole drive back to his master's place with his face in the doberman's lap, his nose pressed against the deliciously smelling bulge. He was disappointed his master had chosen to not unzip his fly, that feeling however quickly vanished as the doberman's paw began petting the back of his head. The smell of leather, mixed with the doberman's dominant musk quickly lead to Hunter's tail repeatedly hitting against his seat as he felt his submission wash over him. It was wonderful, his master's warmth against his face, his hand roaming on his body, making his fur stand up wherever he was touched and that delicious smell.

The corgi mix inhaled deeply, filling his nose with the dominant smell of leather. Another sniff and that smell fell away, his sensitive nose picking up the bigger dog's musk; earthy, a bit of sweat, and hidden behind all of that was the salty smell of cum. He had been so caught up in his aromatic headrest that the two fingers sliding into his hole took him completely by surprise, coaxing first a yelp and then a long, drawn out moan out of the dog.

His master gave Hunter little time to adjust, immediately pressing against the small knot of nerves, sending pleasure coursing through Hunter's groin. His caged cock reacted in the only way he knew how, quickly filling its confines and then letting loose an unending stream of pre-cum into the dog's shorts.

By the time his master pulled out of Hunter the smaller dog had no idea how long they were driving or where they were. He turned his head, grinding it softly against his master's groin while looking up with his best puppy eyes, managing a needy sounding "Please!"

"Shhh, puppys don't speak in my house, understand?"

Hunter nodded.

"Good boy."

Those two simple words made him shiver, his chest swelling with pride. The doberman reached over to the glove compartment and pulled out two heavy looking leather mittens. The black leather looked shiny, not the tiniest flaw on it anywhere, the same held true for the white puppy paw print on their underside.

The doberman opened the first one, holding it in place and waiting for Hunter to put his paw into it before securing it around the corgi mixes wrist with the buckle and a lock. The same thing happened with Hunter's other paw, taking away his ability to grab things. Looking at his new accessories the smaller dog felt his cock throb.

His master smiled, getting out of the car and leaving his puppy to familiarize himself with his new paws. Opening the passenger side door he grabbed the leash, still dangling from Hunter's collar and ordered the corgi mix out of the car with a small tug. After the door was closed he simply snapped the fingers and pointed to the ground, sending Hunter to his knees before turning and taking his new puppy home.

Inside Hunter froze in place for a second as the memories of the last weekend came crashing down on him, the thrill of it all, the humiliation, the various times he had doubted whether he had done the right thing in coming here, all making his heart race in excitement. He couldn't to start this weekend and, more importantly, he couldn't wait to, hopefully, get to cum. He watched patiently as his master undressed, getting rid of his jacket and pants after taking off his shoes, until he stood before Hunter in only leather jockstrap and harness.

"Now, since you aren't allowed to talk you'll have to use your barks boy. Once means 'yes', twice 'no' and if you need my attention bark three times, understood?"

Hunter nodded, his master looked down to him, raising an eyebrow. A barely audible woof left Hunter's maw, as he blushed furiously.

"That's better. Now let's go downstairs, I have a surprise for you waiting there."

The corgi mix happily followed his master to the stairs, slowly getting used to crawling instead of walking and while his master had to wait for him Hunter himself felt proud when he was praised for not stumbling. The doberman looked down the stairs and then back to his puppy with a somewhat worried look.

"Think you can do that yet pup?"

Hunter inched forward, looking down the stairs and taking a cautious first step before pulling back. The way he'd have to balance himself on his fists and knees made him nervous, on one hand he really wanted to try, and then get his head scratched, but at the same time he didn't want to fall down, maybe hurt himself and potentially put an early end to this weekend.

Looking up to his master he pulled his tail between his legs and gave two disapointed barks, letting his head fall in disappointment. Above him the doberman chuckled. Arms reached for Hunter, hooking under his chest and belly and effortlessly pulling him up. He nuzzled against his master's chest as he was carried down the stairs.

"You'll learn to do that pup, don't worry."

Back on the floor Hunter looked up as his master opened the door. Even before the doberman reached for the lightswitch Hunter knew exactly what the surprise was. The smell was so intense he could almost taste it. Clouds of humid air escaped the room, carrying the unmistakable smell of a room that had been the location of a good, thorough fucking. He could smell the sweat, the stale air caused by excessive panting and moaning in an unventilated room, cum, lube, leather, but above all he could smell another dog.

A slight buzzing noise filled his ears and the light bulb came to life. From the ceiling dangled a dalmatian in elaborate ropeworks, mimicking the position one would have in a sling. Hunter himself was quickly reminded of last week, where he was in almost the same situation, albeit slightly different position, as the other dog. The buzzing sound came out of the dalmatians rear, where a bright red plug was busy mercilessly teasing the bound dog's prostate.

Hunter's eyes slowly travelled upwards, noticing a heavy looking metal ring around the softly panting dog's testicles. Above that was the same chastity device Hunter was wearing, with one slight alteration. A small cable was running along the tip of it, looped through a ring poking out of the device before returning to the lock. The dalmatians ass flexed, sending a sizable drop of precum travelling downward the metal device, running over the ballstretcher, as well as his already drenched balls, before finally dropping down to the floor, where a small puddle had began forming probably hours ago.

The doberman leaned down, hooking a finger under the waist strap of Hunter's shorts.

"Lose 'em" The corgi mix crawled a few steps forward, letting his master pull of the last piece of clothing he wore.


Hunter barely registered his master's command and simply followed him with his eyes. First the doberman went to kill the plug's vibrations, which brought life to the dog that had been motionless up until now. His head weakly rose and Hunter saw a heavy rubber mask over the dog's face. The hood was modeled after a canine head, only there were no holes for either eyes, ears or mouth. The only openings in the hood were two tiny holes for the nose.

Hunter shuddered, remembering well how he felt once his senses had been taken away. The doberman meanwhile had let the dalmatian down and had begun to peel away layers of rope. Several minutes later the dog had been freed from most of the ropes, save for a harness, tightly hugging his chest and belly. Picking up some of the rope his master walked back to Hunter and with practiced precision tied the same harness around the corgi mixes chest.

Slowly the dalmatian seemed to fight himself out of the daze he had been in, moving his head around, trying to locate his master. The doberman seemed to notice, as he went immediately towards him and carefully removed the mask. Light and sound assaulted the dalmatians senses, as he buried his head inside his master's chest fur, who only made low calming noises as he slowly kept stroking over the dalmatians sweat drenched head.

Finally coming out of his master's protection the dalmatians eyes fell on Hunter and his curious look from only seconds ago turned into a growl directed at the corgi mix. His master grabbed and twisted the dalmatians ear harshly, forcing the dog to quickly shift his focus of attention towards the dog holding him.

"NO! Bad puppy, Spot!"

Hunter didn't believe the effect those simple words had. Spot winced and, as if struck across the face, fell to the floor, whining and quickly rolling on his back, exposing his belly to his master, who took hold of the dalmatian's already taut scrotum. He began slowly squeezing the balls in his hands as Spot continued to whimper and twist on the floor.

"I'm disappointed spot," he let go of the dalmatian's balls, letting the weight add one final painful tug to the dog's balls, "I thought i trained you better than this. That was a terrible first impression! Did Rex greet you like that when I brought you home with me?"

Spot averted his eyes while giving two barely audible barks.

"That's right, He greeted you like a new play mate, he even helped you with your training. I thought you could do the same thing for Hunter, since you'll be leaving soon, pass on your knowledge so to speak."

Spot barked.

"That's better," the doberman started petting Spot's belly, "but I guess you will need some time to bond with the new puppy. Come here Hunter."

Carefully the corgi mix crawled over, stopping just outside Spot's reach and looking at his master. The doberman just smiled, and got up. He took a few steps towards the back of the room and opened a drawer, pulling out two metal plugs. Both puppies immediately knew what they were supposed to do next and quickly moved into a position on their knees with their ass stuck out.

"Good boys."

Spot shuddered as he heard those words, a moan escaping his mouth and the fur along his spine standing up. The doberman grabbed the base of the red plug, still lodged inside Spot's ass and yanked it out without much resistance, quickly replacing it with the metal plug. Turning towards Hunter he reached for a bottle of lube, that was laying on the floor. He squeezed a generous amount of the gel onto the plug and into Hunter's ass crack, following that up by quickly sinking the plug into his second puppy.

"Face each other and scoot in closer."

Both dog's complied without hesitation, though Hunter did his best to avoid Spot's gaze. Their master grabbed a rope of the floor and threaded it through the harnesses, pulling taut as he went along, pulling the dogs closer each time until finally their chests and groins were tightly secured to each other. Both dogs were visually displeased with the forced intimacy, their heads awkwardly turned away from the other.

Getting back up the doberman threw a rope over a hook in the ceiling, pulling both dogs onto their knees in the process before securing the rope with a knot. He then went back to the drawer and returned with a black box and several cables. Connecting it to an outlet made it come to life. Lights began blinking, and on a small display various settings began to light up. Focused on the display the leather clad dog spent several minutes pressing various buttons until he finally gave a satisfied nod.

Opening a compartment of the box he pulled out a small microphone and set it up pointing towards his puppies. On his final visit to the drawer he returned with two pairs of handcuffs, securing Hunter's already mitted paws behind Spot's back and repeating the process for the dalmatian. Satisfied with his work he turned to his puppies.

"I know that getting a new puppy is always hard for the old one, but you two have a lot in common, you even visit the same college," both dogs turned their head towards each other, and while Spot didn't recognize Hunter. The corgi mixes eyes lit up with recognition. Hunter may not have known the other dog's name, but he clearly remembered bumping into someone with the same nick in the left ear as the dalmatian. The doberman chuckled, "see, he remembers you Spot. Anyways I don't have time to let you come to the conclusion that the other one isn't so bad, so I'll have to help that realization along. Now be nice to each other and there may be a treat in there for you. Either way I suggest you come to an understanding quickly and more importantly quietly."

Both dogs looked kind of worried as their master smiled and flicked a switch, preparing themselves for something to happen, only to be surprised by nothing. The doberman continued to smile and slowly moved one paw close to the microphone, slowly moving his fingers into position before snapping his fingers.

Both dog immediately winced, as the sound of the snap was translated into current and sent into their prostates. Hunter, being entirely new to this kind of sensation, thrust his hips forward, grinding his locked cock against Spot's, sending the dalmatian's ball weight swinging. This in turn made the other dog grown, which was picked up by the microphone and redirected into both dog's prostates again.

"Enjoy, I'll be back in a bit." the doberman said with a wicked smile as he got up and left, making sure to slam the door shut. Both dogs were writhing, grinding their bodies against each other, only slowly calming down, trying to make as little sound as possible. They did however not consider that their master had other plans for them. A few minutes after he had left the room Hunter groaned again loudly, zapping them both with the sound he made.

Another few seconds later the same happened again, only this time it was Spot moaning desperately, as the timer the doberman had set up jolted the dalmatians prostate. Both dogs moaned in unison, sending more and more current through their bodies until finally Spot took initiative and muffled Hunter's moans with his mouth.

When he opened the door back up Jeff debated for a second to run back upstairs to get his phone. In the center of the room, where he had left them, both his puppies were caught up in the hottest makeout session he had ever the privilege of witnessing. Both muzzles were interlocked and covered in drool. Taking a quick look at the display he saw that currently Hunter was the one getting shocked repeatedly.

He stepped in closer looking at his new puppy, moaning into the sloppy kiss he was sharing with spot. His moans muffled by Spot's tongue as his hips were grinding into the spotted belly before him, pulling him closer in a desperate attempt to maybe feel a tiny bit of pleasure on his aching cock. Slowly he saw one dog calming down, while the other took his place as the pleasure torture continued.

Kneeling down he flicked a switch and turned off the microphone, but let the cycles continue. The doberman stepped in closer as he pulled his leather jock down. His cock, that had began hardening the second he stepped inside the room, thankful for a chance to expand fully, throbbed. Putting one paw on each of the pups' heads he carefully pushed the tip of his shaft into the flurry of tongues.

A deep loud moan left his throat as both dogs stopped kissing each other and began to focus on their master. Hunter immediately went for the tip, thirstily lapping up any drop of precum that appeared. Spot meanwhile buried his nose in the dark chocolate colored pubic fur of his master, inhaling deeply as he let his tongue slowly inch its way into the tan colored sheath.

The doberman was more than content to let the dogs do as they pleased, after two hours of this teasing they had more than earned the right. He took a quick look at their groins, and confirmed what his nose had told him already. The fur of both was completely matted and sticky from their belly button downwards. He grunted. Hunter had stopped simply lapping at his shaft, obviously dissatisfied with the amount of cum he was getting. The corgi mix was sucking like his life depended on it, the doberman's shaft vanished repeatedly into the hungry maw, while Hunter's tongue did its best to hasten his master's release.

Spot's focus also shifted, away from the delicious, musky sheath to his masters knot and balls, alternating between the two. The doberman meanwhile was at a loss of words. Both his puppies were barely getting started with working on his cock and he was already close. His hips gave a few small thrusts and a torrent of cum started spurting. The first spurt going right into Hunter's throat, making the corgi mix choke and gag, causing him to pull away, only to have his place taken by Spot. The dalmatian was more than happy to let his master fill his maw with his cum, hungrily swallowing every drop. Once he had stopped coughing Hunter quickly fought Spot for the place at the tip of his master's length, pushing the dalmatian away with his head, only to be rewarded with a streak of cum landing on his muzzle. Slowly calming down the doberman pulled away, leaving behind two ravenous puppies, whining loudly while licking at each other's muzzle to get that last drop of cum.

"Damn! Remind me to repeat that some time. Good Puppies!" he hit the power button of the box with his footpaw, ending the assault on the dogs asses. Next he undid the rope holding them up and finally the cuffs and harnesses, letting the panting dogs collapse onto the floor.

It took Hunter the better part of five minutes to calm down, and for the fire coursing through his groin to slowly die down. His cock hurt, as did his balls, having spent the last few hours almost completely hard was beginning to take a toll on him and he was incredibly thankful that his master didn't seem interested in continuing with the teasing. Once he could think clearly again he noticed that Spot was up on his knees already, slightly behind the doberman, who stood before Hunter with a riding crop.

"Time to get a bit of actual training in, don't you agree pup?"

Hunter opened his mouth to answer but luckily caught his error in time to change the 'yes' to a bark.

"Let's start with some positions first, should be easy enough. Hunter sitz!"

The corgi mix blinked. He had never heard that word and wasn't even sure what language it was from. He looked up to his master, then Spot, but neither moved a muscle.

"I said sitz!" the dobermans footpaw began tapping as he gave the crop a practice swing through the air.

Hunter's ears quickly pulled back as he heard the sound, he had no idea what his master was expecting him to do other than change his position. He swallowed, hoped that sitz meant sit, it certainly sounded similar enough, and pulled himself into a kneeling position with his mittened paws resting on his knees. His master took a step towards him, placing the crop on his left thigh and pressing it outward, correcting Hunter's position by spreading his legs a bit more and making sure he slouched less.

"Good puppy! That wasn't so hard, was it?"

Ruff Ruff.

"Next one. Hunter Platz!"

Hunter's mind was racing, trying to come up with another word that sounded similar, but he was coming up short. Again his eyes looked at the other dogs inside the room, pleading for some hint, but again none was given. His master repeated the command and half a minute later the crop cut through the air and landed straight on Hunter's ass, making him whine loudly.

Once he opened his eyes again he saw Spot, on all fours, ass slightly raised and once their eyes met he silently resumed his sitting position.

"I suggest you try something Hunter, or the next one will go straight to your balls."

In an instant Hunter assumed the position Spot had just shown him, face close to the floor, arms stretched out slightly, ass raised. He stayed like this for a few seconds before he dared looking up, only to see his master smile, making him immediately forget the painful smack he had received.

"Perfectly done," the doberman said while turning to take a quick look at Spot, whose face was the definition of innocent, "non of my pups got that as quickly as you did."

"Let's try something harder then. Gib Pfötchen!"

Hunter immediately took a quick look at Spot, hoping his master wouldn't notice. Spot checked that the doberman was still looking at Hunter before raising his paw slightly and stretching it out a bit. Hunter turned his head, looking for whatever Spot was pointing at, thinking it probably meant something like fetch. When he didn't see anything other than the drawer standing at near the wall though he turned back, looking at Spot with a confused look. The dalmatian simply rolled his eyes.

"Not the smartest pup, are you? Well let's try again Gib Pfötchen!"

This time his master held out his own paw, palm up and suddenly Hunter understood. He placed his leather mitt in his master's paw and shook it, giving Spot an apologetic look.

"Good boy! Just one more for now, how about something" the doberman turned his head again, finishing his sentence while looking at Spot," where Spot can't help you cheat?"

The dalmatian whimpered, his head moved, looking straight down, while he tried his best to make his body appear smaller.

"Hunter, Gib laut!"

Figuring it'd be best to at least try something Hunter thought about positions one would train a feral dog in. The only one he could come up with was to roll over on his back, so he did just that.

"No! Gib laut!"

He panicked, what else was there, maybe 'beg'? Quickly the corgi mix rolled back onto his knees and pulled his arms close to his chest, looking up to his master.

"Nope, last chance, Gib laut!"

Hunter whined loudly, hiding his muzzle underneath an arm like an actual dog would.

"Technically correct, try again!"

He removed the arm and immediately brought it back to his muzzle, angling it slightly differently this time, hoping that would do the trick.

The crop cut through the air again, hitting his side this time, forcing a strange sounding mixture of a whine and a bark out of Hunter.

"Better, again, Gib laut!"

Finally he understood, giving a loud, clear sounding 'RUFF' as response.

"Good Boy!" his master's hand came down, scratching his head, sending Hunter's tail into a frenzy.

"As for you Spot," the dalmatian's tail vanished in between his legs, "Good boy! You helped train the new puppy. You've earned yourself a treat for tomorrow."


The remainder of the day was spent upstairs. Occasionally his master would repeat a command for Hunter, who would then think for a second and comply. Other times were spent watching a bit of TV, where the doberman would every now and then let his hand slide over one of the pups' balls, or in the backyard, where Hunter quickly learned that, not only was he the only one who reacted to his master's whistle with pissing himself, but also that the blushing was a lot more noticeable due to the white fur of on dalmatian, as were the urine stains.

As it got dark the doberman vanished into the kitchen, coming back out with a plate hidden under a juicy looking steak, which he slowly ate while watching the news, watched intensely by two dogs, all but drooling at the smell. Once finished with his meal he put the plate away and returned with two dog bowls, placing them on the floor in front of the two dogs.

Spot immediately began devouring his meal, Hunter on the other hand looked at the meat cubes in brownish sauce and was unsure what to do. The thought of eating canned food for feral dogs alone turned his stomach, but looking at his master he knew he was supposed to eat it, and judging by how Spot eating it couldn't have been as bad. Slowly he lowered his head, sniffing a while before taking a tentative bite.

He was surprised. He had expected it to taste awful, but the opposite was true. The meat tasted clearly like beef, the sauce was slightly salty, but fit well, his master even had added a bit of rice and a few veggies. Staring at his food in disbelieve Hunter began wagging his tail, as he quickly finished his meal.

"Ok, time for bed." announced the doberman with a yawn.

He grabbed a large fluffy blanket and lead both dogs downstairs. He opened the metal crate that stood in the corner of the room, placed the blanket inside and nodded for his puppies to get inside. While the blanket itself was warm and comfortable the cramped space inside made it hard for both dogs to find a comfortable position. They ended up with Hunter on the bottom and Spot using his chest as his pillow.

Before locking the crate the doberman brought over one last, familiar looking item. Hunter whimpered slightly as the headphones were put onto him, white noise filled his ears interrupted by barely audible whispers, slowly lulling him to sleep.

Hunter woke up when Spot was awkwardly climbing over him and out of the crate. The first thing he noticed, other than the knee pressing down on his stomach was that the headphones were missing. Worried slightly that he could have broken them during the night he looked around, but there was no sight of them.

He followed Spot's example, leaving the cramped crate and stretching himself as much as he was able to on all fours, taking his place next to the dalmatian at a dog bowl filled with eggs and bacon.

The doberman came back about half an hour later, cleaned up the bowls and led them upstairs in the living room, where he let himself fall onto the couch, a camera on a tripod standing next to it.

"Hunter, Platz!"the doberman pointed to a spot in front of the camera, "Spot, bei Fuß!"

Spot went over to his master, kneeling down in front of him. The doberman reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver key. Hunter's head snapped towards it the second he saw the silver glint in the corner of his eye, but quickly whined disappointedly, when his master reached for Spot's cage. The lock snapped open and his master's hands carefully removed the wire going through Spot's piercing, finally removing the cage entirely.

The dalmatian began panting almost immediately as blood flowed into his cock, hardening it. He nuzzled his head against his master's inner thigh, his nose bumping against the leather covered bulge.

"This is your reward for helping with the training," the tan colored hand of his master slowly stroked over Spot's length, making the dog shudder, "go ahead, mount your bitch. You've earned it."


Hunter's heart was pounding in his chest as his head followed Spot making his way behind him. The dalmatian practically jumped on the corgi mix, using his paws to push Hunter's shoulders further down, as his belly came to rest on his lower back. Spot began thrusting his hips forward, trying to find the soft warm hole that promised him release. Hunter meanwhile had trouble carrying both their weight, making it hard to breath.

Something jabbed against his balls, then his cheek, before finally finding his target. Spot hilted himself almost entirely, aided only by the precum his cock had been drooling. Hunter whined at the sudden intrusion, luckily the pain only lasted for a few seconds, before his well trained ass adjusted, welcoming the intruder. Spot, having heard the pained whine leaned down even more, lapping apologetically at Hunter's neck.

The familiar feeling of having his ass stretched and filled woke the need in Hunter again, the first time for today. He felt the desire spread through his groin, like fire flowing through it. Spot seemed to notice as well, he stopped licking and began a slow rocking motion, slowly working on burying the few inches that he hadn't been able to sink into Hunter with his first thrust.

Hunter himself had started pushing back into Spot's thrusts, each time sending the dog's pierced tip straight against his prostate. The corgi mix barely felt the discomfort of his cock trying hard to break the metal dome holding it down. He was far too focused on the pressure radiating from his prostate. Occasionally it would lessen, when a big glob of pre would escape his cock, dripping to the floor, but it would always return, and grow.

"Good boy, Hunter!" came his master's praise. Hearing the words made Hunter moan in the sluttiest fashion his pleasure addled brain had ever heard. It was as if the words entered his ears, traveled down his spine as electricity and finally coiled around his cock squeezing it. Pure pleasure was running through his body, letting him forget for a second how pent up he was, gifting him some sort of momentary release, if only for a few seconds.

When his need retuned, it did so with a vengeance. His cock throbbed madly inside its prison, pulling hard on his swollen and sensitive balls. Behind him Spot had lost any control he had left. The dalmatian was humping into Hunter like a feral dog would, not caring about anything but the warm hole around his cock and the primal instinct to breed his bitch. Each mad thrust sent Spot's ballstretcher flying against Hunter's balls, adding even more stimulation to the corgi mixes pleasure torture.

Spot's knot did the same thing for Hunter's hole, each time threatening to enter, stretching the puckered muscle to its limit before retreating. Hunter tried to get the dalmatian to knot him, pushing back harder each time, hoping to maybe cum in the process.

Ruff Ruff Ruff came Spot's breathless barks.

"Close pup?"


"OK, tie the bitch!"

Spot's hips immediately slammed forward, while his arms pushed against Hunter's hips, pushing them back into the thrust. Finally the knot slipped into the corgi mix with a triumphant howl from its owner. Feeling the sudden increased pressure against his prostate touched something inside Hunter's mind. His ass clamped down increasing it even further and when Spot was finally emptying himself into Hunter the throbbing made Hunter see stars.

When he came back to both were laying in the floor, Spot still securely knotted inside Hunter, happily panting and lapping at his neck. Hunter's nose picked up a familiar scent, something he hadn't smelled in a while, and looking towards his groin confirmed his hunch, he had come as well, yet strangely enough he didn't feel the familiar afterglow he normally did.

"Aww, is my little puppy cum?"

Hunter looked up, too spent to muster any more of a response.

"The good news is there'll be lots of chances for you to make sense of it, the other good news is that I'll need to unlock you a lot less than I first though. If you can shoot like that, there really is no reason to."

Ruff Ruff!

"Heh, no, you don't get a vote in that pup. Now try to relax, and take a nap, Spot takes a while to go soft. Afterwards I'll give you both a bath and then we'll go visit Bill for a bit, gotta show off my newest puppy slut."