She Was a Cashier

Story by Duffin on SoFurry

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#1 of She Was a Cashier

Based off a piece by Meesh ( and created with his permission, I give you a new procedure bound to make anyone agreeable as Suzy Cambridge was about to find out. It was going to be a one-off, but I found that once I got to about 11 pages and I had a lot more planned, I might need to break it into two or three parts,'s part one!

She Was a Cashier

By Duffin Caprous


This story is of an adult nature and therefore, if you are under 18, you need to not read this. However, if you do choose to not heed my warning, don't let your parents sue me!

The 23 year old house cat made her way onto the bus, wandering back to one of the seats near the rear of the bus. Setting her messenger bag down beside her, she pulled out her tablet and looked down at it, humming softly. The buildings passed by on Market Street as it traveled down the main thoroughfare of San Francisco. The feline, Suzy Cambridge was making her way to work. She'd been at ConvenienceMart for three months. It wasn't glamorous, but it allowed her to live in San Francisco even if she did live in one of the worst areas in probably one of the worst apartment buildings.

The bus stopped a couple blocks from her workplace, so she walked the rest of the way. The white house cat hugged the strap of her bag as she walked, politely declining to give to the homeless furs along the stretch of sidewalk. When she first moved to the city, she'd certainly given when she could, but...when you see the same faces every day, it becomes difficult to think you're helping by giving such relatively small amounts and she was probably always on the verge of homelessness herself with the rental prices in the area.

Walking into the store, she smiled politely to the strung-out looking mouse behind the counter. The mouse, Jerry, was...well, always jittery. Even more than mice normally would be. Her boss had to know he was hopped up on something, but he was one of the best cleaners in the store,'s likely why this was overlooked.

"Any disasters today, Jerry?" she asked him.

He shifted his weight from foot to foot, "Nope, nothing today, Suze, it's been quiet, yeah really quiet, just had a couple cops come in, gave em some coffee, and the orders came in so I put them away we just need to do the next order, cool?"

After his string of words, Suzy smiled and nodded her head, "That's cool, I can do it. Just let me clock in."

Suzy went into the back. She hated working second completely destroyed your day. You lost most of the morning and night. And for a huge city, San Fran was surprisingly dead at night. Everything was closed after like 10 o'clock. She sat at the computer, entered in her login information, and clocked herself in before grabbing the order gun.

The store was relatively small. Looking in from the door, it was like a slender-ish hallway. The cash registers at the front with the coffee and donuts, a row of coolers past that along one wall with candy and snacks on the opposite wall. Suzy began to work on orders, first having to stock everything and count what they had in back stock. She spent a couple hours cataloging and entering totals into the gun. It was a cool instrument that took a lot of the guesswork out of ordering.

"Excuse me," came a voice, a bit deep. Suzy was kneeling on the floor, counting the least popular candy on the bottom shelf.

She glanced up, "Yes, how can I help you, Sir?" she asked, finding herself looking at a rather geeky-looking skunk. He wasn't young, but he wasn't extremely old either. He was a bit on the chubby side. Wearing round glasses and a pair of khakis with a light blue polo shirt, he smiled.

"Oh, I was wondering if I might...use your restroom?" he asked with a pleasant smile.

Suzy's tail lashed slightly behind her. She hated getting this question, "Oh, uh...yeah, sorry, but we don't have a bathroom for customers. It' know, just for employees."

The skunk adjusted his glasses, "Oh, but...please, I will be very quick. It's just I can't wait, you see and--"

Suzy cut him off, "Sir, as I said, I can't allow customers in..."

The skunk's disposition was suddenly quite different, "Well, fuck you, then! I can't believe you would want to lose a customer instead of let them fucking use your bathroom!" he yelled out, causing the couple customers getting coffee to look over. The skunk stormed out, Suzy's ears drawn back in a submissive gesture.

They used to have their bathroom open to customers, but...after a variety of homeless using it as a makeshift shower, drug users using it as a place to get high, and assholes who trash it for no reason, her boss had locked it to employees only. This was not a new reaction for Suzy to experience.

"You okay?" Jerry called from the register, Suzy smiling softly to him and waving her paw wordlessly. She went back to her ordering. She spent a couple hours doing the ordering, finally finishing up and making her way back into the office to set the order gun onto its charger. She made her way back out and lifted a paw to Jerry.

"Go ahead on break, I'll man the guns," she says with a little grin, slipping behind the counter to log into the second register. Jerry saluted and ran off, no doubt to shoot up or...snort up or whatever it was he did on his break. Customers came and went for about thirty minutes. Cigarettes, snacks, hot dogs, coffee, she sold it all. Luckily they didn't have the hassle of selling alcohol, at least. Looking at the clock, it was about 7 o'clock. A couple suspicious-looking characters walked in about a quarter past seven: a rat and an opossum. Both were skinny in leather jackets and blue jeans. The rat had a red bandanna on his head, the opossum wore a pair of sunglasses.

The rat nudged the opossum, shooting a glance at Suzy behind the counter. She put on her biggest 'customer service' smile, "Hi, is there something I you gentleman with?"

The opossum snickered to the rat, "Haha, gentlemen...uh, yeah, we lookin' for, uh...what're those...the energy drinks with the alcohol 'n shit."

Suzy's ears lowered slightly at the rather crass speech from the opossum. She didn't mind wearing, but it was certainly a bit intimidating, especially since she was going to have to disappoint them.

"Oh, you mean Five Crazy? That, um...isn't something we carry, sorry. We don't have alcohol in the store. But, we do have energy drinks if you just wanted the buzz," she replied, keeping up the melodic lilt in her voice to sound friendly.

The rat scoffed, "Told you, man."

The opossum shook his head, walking closer, "Naw, naw, I seen em in here before."

Suzy started to look more nervous as the opossum got agitated, "I'm...I'm sorry, sir, but we've never carried alcohol since I've been here--"

"How long you been here?" the marsupial challenged, the lanky male right up against the counter now.

"Um, three...three months, but my boss--"

"See? The fuck you know! You only been here a little bit!" the opossum spat back at her, looking quite annoyed.

", I'm sorry, I...just know we don't sell it now, so if you'd--"

"Oh, kickin' us out, bitch?" the opossum growled, baring his teeth slightly. Suzy's paw shot to where the hidden police call button was, fear in her eyes. She tried to be subtle, but the rat seemed to catch it.

"Dude, come on, let's just go to the Quick Stop down the street, they got it," the rat interjected. The opossum looked like he was almost fuming.

Lifting a paw up, he pointed to her, "Your lucky night, bitch! Let's go." he told the rat, smacking the back of his paw into the other male's chest before walking out, leaving Suzy's heart pounding in her chest, paw nervously falling away from the button. As if on queue, Jerry walked in moments afterward.

"Hey you look like you've seen a ghost, everything okay, I don't think I was late, I hope you're not mad--" he said, his voice starting to ramble again when the white feline lifted a paw.

"No, it's cool, Jerry, just, uh...couple bad customers," she said, forcing a little smile to Jerry, "I'm, uh...gonna take my break now, okay?"

The mouse nodded his head and Suzy quickly made her way into the back for her bag, letting out a breath once she was able to close the door. She'd had some bad customers before, but never anything that made her consider hitting the panic button. With a shake of her head, the car headed back out toward the door around 8, waving to Jerry. She had decided to go to her favorite sushi place. It was just a few blocks down Market Street. They knew her well there since she went in so often. It was fresh and cheap and the sushi floated out on little boats.

Suzy pulled out her phone, looking down at it, checking to see her schedule, when she was working next when suddenly she felt a paw clasping over her muzzle, another around her waist, yanking her down a side alley. They sun had begun to set and it couldn't penetrate the tall building on Market anyway except in the middle of the day. No one saw her. Before she could react, two sets of paws forcefully shoved her chest first against the wall of the alley.

"Heeeeelp! Heee--" she started to scream out when suddenly something large and round was forced into her muzzle. She felt something like a strap being yanked tight behind her head. She found she couldn't push the object from her jaws, keeping them quite muffled. She could scream out, but it was barely audible. She found her arms being yanked behind her back swiftly, rope winding around and around her wrists before being roughly tied.

"You were so lucky earlier, bitch. I was about to fuck you up, you know," came a voice. Suzy's eyes shot open as she instantly recognized the opossum. She screamed into the ball gag filling her muzzle, even if she didn't know what that was, "Yeah...talkin' to me like I'm an idiot. But, gotta deliver you in one piece. You lucky my bro here reminded me."

Suzy tried to look around, but screamed again as she felt something being yanked over her head, blocking out her vision. The opossum and rat yanked her arms to tug her along further into the alley as she tried to struggle. The rat, who hadn't said anything so far since the abduction, swatted her across the face.

"Shut up. We won't hurt you if you don't fight. You're worth more without marks," he said, the smack not really hurting, more dulled by the leather hood covering her head, but it was enough to jolt her to reality. She yelped out, finding herself being pushed forward. She expected to hit the ground, but instead she hit something much sooner, her body bent over something.

" gotta let me do 'er, teach 'er a lesson," she heard the opossum state so casually. Suzy screamed into the gag, struggling anew upon hearing the opossum wanting to "do her" for some perceived slight on her part.

She was hefted suddenly and shoved all the way into what she instantly realized was a van, "Whatever, man, just keep her fucking quiet. And wear a rubber this time. Last time they only gave us fucking half."

Suzy struggled, hearing the van door slam shut. She screamed out for help, hearing an engine start up and suddenly feeling the floor moving. The opossum laughed, "Hey, you think I'm passin' up a chance to nut a rat? Fuck that!" He went to work yanking the girl's belt while she struggled on the van floor, trying to kick out with her feet. She squealed out, feeling the pain on her arms trapped beneath her as the opossum tugged open her khaki pants and started to tug them down her legs.

"Mmmmmm! Mmm mmf mmmmf!" the white cat cried out, muffled into the hood as she felt her pants being tugged down. She whimpered, shaking her head back and forth, suddenly feeling the opossum tugging her panties to the side.

"Maybe next time you'll show the proper respect, cunt," she head him say, the opossum's voice right in her ear, "Sad thing is, next time we see ya, you probably won't even remember this."

Suzy had no idea what he meant by that, but she did scream out, feeling the rather thick marsupial tip nudging her bared folds before sinking into her. She was no virgin, but his size was not something the girl was used to. She couldn't kick her feet, pants keeping them tangled around her ankles while he held them up in the air. He sank in, moaning out into the van, feeling the girl's heat surrounding his dick. To his credit, he did wear a condom, but that certainly didn't make Suzy feel any better about her rapist. She struggled weakly, eventually calming down with a sob under the hood as the hoodlum opossum fucked her eagerly. If he's been a true lover, Suzy would have been disappointed. He lasted maybe a few minutes before moaning out, hips jerking and humping more quickly as he shot his load into the condom.

"Whew...fuck...yeah, bitch, there ya go. Shit..." the opossum said before leaving the girl there on her back, legs falling back to the floor of the van, hooded and tied up. The rest of the trip, other than that, was pretty uneventful other than the curse-filled conversations between the rat and opossum up front. Suzy wracked her brain, trying to think of what she could do to escape. She thought back to any TV shows she would have seen, but couldn't think of anything. She doubted there were any windows, so she couldn't try to look out and wave to help. Even if there were, she didn't know where they were in relation to her current position. The girl resorted to crying fearfully in the hood, not caring if her face got wet from it.

An hour later, Suzy was jolted awake. Somehow she'd fallen asleep (or passed out, more likely), but the sound of the can door opening brought her back to life.

"...didn't even nut her this time!" she heard the opossum say as the door opened.

"Mister...Scrag, we have told you multiple times that you are not to copulate with the subjects!" she heard someone say.

"Copu...Coppa...I didn't do that, I just fucked her. I used a rubber. You said 15 G's!"

Suzy could hear an exasperated sigh from whoever the other person was, "Mister Scrag, the fifteen thousand was for an untouched subject. You penetrated her and now she will need a full exam. So, you will take the ten and perhaps next time, you will keep your member in your pants next time."

"I...I oughta fuck you u--" the opossum started to say, suddenly stopping himself. Suzy could hear what sounded like the cocking of a gun, "I m...I mean, uh...ten's cool, man!"

Paws hefted the feline from the van, carrying her out. She felt paws tugging at the leather hood and unbuckling the ball gag from her aching jaw. She opened her mouth and closed it as her arms were untied from behind her back. She winced, eyes trying to adjust to the suddenly bright light around her. Paws held her arms just under the shoulder, keeping her from falling, or from running. She heard the opossum and rat bickering in the van as they drove off, leaving her there.

"Wh...what the fuck is going on here!" Suzy blurted out suddenly, weakly pulling at the grip, looking up to see a grizzly bear holding her on one side, a muscular-looking wolf on the other. Both wore what looked like orderly uniforms like one would see in a mental institution or something.

"I'm sure you have many questions, some of which I will answer. You have been chosen for a very special program, Miss Cambridge. If you would follow me," said a voice which drew Suzy's eyes to the left. She saw...wait, that was the skunk from earlier in the day! The only difference was now he had on what looked like a lab coat on top of his outfit. He seemed to notice her recollection, chuckling softly, "Apologies for my outburst earlier today. I was testing your instinctual responses. They were perfect."

Suzy struggled as they started to lead her further into the building. It looked sort of like a hospital, but with very white walls and bright lights, "Le...let me go, you can't do this!"

The skunk walked calmly in front of them, leading Suzy down a hallway lined with doors. He ignored her outbursts as the two burly males forced her along with them. She tried to take stock of the place as her face scrabbled on the floor of the hallway. Soon enough, they reached a room labeled as Room 18B. Inside the room was a toilet with a sink attached and a simple bed with a sheet and blanket. The skunk lifted his paws, showing Suzy a collar-type device before closing it around her neck. She struggled weakly against the strong from the the males, pleading the skunk to let her go, to which he ignored her. Once the collar clicked into place, she was pushed forward. She stumbled into the room and quickly turned around in time to see the door shutting.

"Nooooo! Let me out of here!" she screamed, rushing the door to pound on it, trying to look out the little window, her heart pounding. The skunk smiled in a disconcertingly friendly manner as he popped into view in front of the window, making Suzy jump back in surprise.

"Miss Cambridge, it will go much easier for you if you just relax and follow our instructions. Now, take off your clothes to your bare fur and put them in the chute," he told her, the cat's eyes going wide at the shock of the instruction.

A door in the wall to her left whooshed open as he gave the instruction. It looked like a laundry chute and Suzy whimpered before suddenly lashing out at the door, "Go...fuck yourself! Let me out of here, you fat fuck! I'll...I'll kill you!"

The skunk kept his demeanor, as if he were used to being called names and threatened. He tsked softly, shaking his head, "Very well. The chute will remain open until you follow instructions. Until then, you will receive no food, no water, no sleep and you will only be allowed to stand."

The slamming shut of the cover over the window was terrifyingly finalizing. The feline's heart was pounding and she looked around desperately to see what the room had to offer her. The walls were white, the lights high above her maybe 10 feet. She'd never reach them. There were no windows or any other exit other than the door. She had no idea how they were going to tell her she couldn't stand, that's for sure. She took a seat on the bed and suddenly yowled out, feeling a sharp pain in her neck, her paws shooting up to the collar. She cried out, trying to pull it away from her neck, searching blindly for the release, but couldn't find any clasp. The car stood up and the second her ass left the bed, the pain stopped.

She whimpered in realization of how they were going to keep her from sitting or sleeping. She tried to reach up to toy with the collar, but the pain returned the moment her fingers touched the leather strap of the collar, stopping as soon as she pulled them away. Tears began to stream down the feline's face, sobbing as the emotions welled up in her. She wanted to know why these people were doing this to her! And then anger set in again. If they thought she was going to acquiesce, they had another thing coming!


Marcus Petty sat watching the monitor as the white cat paced back and forth in her cell, hmming, rubbing his chin. He grinned a bit. She had spunk, that's for sure. Most subjects broke down within moments of realizing what their only option was.

"You really think she's a good fit for the program?" asked his colleague, Doctor Vincent Hollister, a short but slender mouse.

Marcus turned in his chair, looking to the murine doctor, "Oh, certainly. Just look at her. She's perfect. It's time to show we can modify not just the willing or...the semi-willing due to their sexual fetishes. We've studied her for months. She has absolutely no sexual proclivities other than vaginal intercourse in the missionary position. She barely masturbates. To be blunt, she's a prude, Vincent."

The mouse walked over, leaning closer to the monitor, "Yes, but she's strong willed. So far, we've only taken on weak-willed subjects."

The skunk stood from the chair, clapping his colleague's back, "Exactly, that's my point. With her, we will prove once and for all that the Cocktail works on anyone."

Vincent continued to watch and chuckled softly, "Your...'perfect subject' is trying to rip the door off the chute."

"Shit!" exclaimed the skunk in a rather uncharacteristic manner, quickly pressing the button to Suzy's collar. She screamed out, paws coming to her neck as she quickly backed off. He could see her sobbing anew, the pain. Normally Marcus would have just left the watching of the new subject to one of his subordinates, but he was particular interested in this one. He watched her for hours as she stubbornly refused to comply with the one order given to her. Into the night, she stood there with her arms crossed in the middle of the room, glaring up at the security camera nestled into the top of the room to the right of the door. It was around hour ten when the girl's body was beginning to give out. It was never the hunger or the water which broke the new subjects. It was the sleep and Suzy's eyes were beginning to drift closed, her body wobbling a bit on her feet.


Suzy's eyelids were sliding up and down, making her look a little drunk as she stood there with her arms tightly crossed. They loosened slightly when the sharp electric pain hit her neck again, causing her to jolt awake and fall backward onto the floor. The pain continued and she screamed out as it increased steadily. The cat scrambled to roll onto all fours and get to her feet shakily, another miserable sob slipping out of her muzzle. With a growl, she knew...she knew she had to comply for this, at least. There was no way she could escape if she was dead from lack of food or water. In her sleep deprived mind, it didn't even occur to her they wouldn't have paid $10,000 just to let her die. But, weakly, she started to pull up and remove her uniform shirt and bra. Next, her pants were shakily removed and put into the chute. She had no clue where it lead. In fact, it went directly into the building's incinerator, destroying her clothing instantly. Finally, the girl forced herself to push down her panties and toss them into the chute. It shut moments later and as if giving her permission to sleep, the lights shut off. It was mere moments before the naked cat was lying on the bed, not even bothering to cover herself before she passed out.


After sleeping for...well, she didn't know how long, the cat suddenly yelped at the small jolt to her neck, waking her up as the lights in her room...cell...turned to full brightness. The door clicked and unlocked as Marcus made his way inside, carrying a small metal folding chair. Suzy's first thought was to grab is and swing it across the skunk's head, pro wrestling style, but thought better of it. She quickly gathered up the bedclothes, covering herself up with them as he took a seat and the door to the cell closed.

"Now that you've had some time to rest, Miss Cambridge, it's time to begin. You have ten minutes to ask me whatever you like and I will answer truthfully. And then we begin your treatment," he said, crossing one leg over the other.

Suzy looked to him with fear and a hint of anger, "What the I doing here? Who the fuck are you? Why the fuck did you bring me here?!"

Rather common questions in Marcus' experience. He chuckled softly, "Well, as to who I am, my name is Marcus Petty. I am head of this facility's program. I will be overseeing your treatment. Since your other questions are similar, I will lump them together. You have been recruited into the Physiological Reprogramming Effectiveness Program or PREP. We take individuals such as yourself and shape their minds into something completely different."

"Pr...PREP? What the f...I didn't volunteer for anything! Look,if you let me go, I won't tell anyone about your...your program or whatever," she replied fearfully.

Marcus smiled softly with a look of understanding, "Oh, I'm aware you didn't volunteer. Think of it more as...being drafted!"

Suzy whimpered as she heard him confirm he knew she wasn't there willingly, "Wh...what are you going to do to me?"

Marcus leaned forward in the chair, "You will be given multiple months of treatments where your mind will be shaped to be more...pliant, shall we say, more accepting to what your superiors want."

The feline blinked as what he was saying suddenly dawned on her, "A...a slave?!"

Marcus laughed softly, "Oh, no, no...not merely a slave. You will be incapable of thinking for yourself and will do whatever you are told instantly."

The cat girl couldn't take it anymore, suddenly leaping with feline-like quickness, her claws outstretched, "Fuuuuuck yo-" she screamed out, her attack leaving her mostly just screaming out as the pain in her collar suddenly fired up, leaving her writhing on the floor some.

Marcus looked down at her, "Miss Cambridge, as I said...this will be much less painful for you if you don't fight it, truth, regardless you will not remember much of this once your treatments are complete. I'm afraid your time is up. Rock? Bear?" he called out. The grizzly and wolf from the previous day walked in, picking up the trembling feline from the floor, carrying her out of the room with Marcus following behind, scribbling notes onto a clipboard.

She watched as they dragged her down the hall to the end where a double-door stood. Once inside, she saw the most prominent feature of the room, a dentist-like chair. It wasn't like any one she'd seen before, though, and she struggled as she was pushed into it, her arms strapped using leather straps around her wrists and biceps. Her legs were next strapped around the thigh and ankle.

"St...stop, please...M...marcus, please, I don't want to be a slave, pl-please..." she whimpered, trying to appeal to any sense of guilt or good will within the skunk.

Marcus nodded his head to dismiss the guards. Suzy soon noticed a second figure, a tall sultry tigress dressed in a rather skimpy nurse's uniform standing straight still, arms at her side, "I understand, Miss Cambridge...Suzy, but there is no going back now, alright? Just relax. One, administer the IV."

The tigress walked forward slowly and immediately, eyes looking down to Suzy in a cold emotionless gaze as she began to wrap a rubber hose around the cat's bicep, "S...stop! Stop, please, help me!"

"She won't...or, can't, help you, Miss Cambridge. This is One. She was the first subject of the program. We found her on a hypnosis forum, begging to be turned into a mindless sex slave. I'm sure she didn't really believe it would happen, but...well, here she is," he said as the tigress carefully pushed a needle into the feline's vein.

"St...stop, please! Please,!" Suzy whimpered out, struggling in the chair. The girl suddenly felt something cold and chilling running up her arm, "Wh...what...what're you doing?" Within moment's, the feline's body went still. Her eyes drifting closed anesthesia went through her veins and up into her brain.

An hour or two later, the feline found herself waking up in the same position, only whole body felt quite numb, "Wh...what..." she asked weakly.

A completely unknown voice spoke into her ear, "I need you to talk to me, alright, Miss Cambridge?" the voice was soft and quite female. A card of a boar was held in front of her eyes, "Can you tell me what that is?"

"Boat..." she said softly, throat feeling quite parched.

"Good! And this?" she asked again, showing another picture.

"Tree..." Suzy replied, eyes slowly blinking, feeling nothing other than some really odd sensations just above her right temple, "What's going...on?"

Another card was displayed above Suzy's eyes, a car.

"" she replied, still feeling some odd, though not painful, sensations against her head. Her questions went unanswered as she continues to state what was on a car or what a number plus another number equaled. For what seemed like hours, she laid on the bed, strapped to it, though she couldn't have moved if she wanted to at this point. That same cold feeling suddenly flooded back up her arm, the girl's eyes drifting closed.


Marcus sat in the chair beside the recovery bed. They kept her under for a week to ensure the healing would be allowed without much movement. Every once in awhile, he would check the shunt just below the feline's right ear. One would come in and replace the bandage and carefully clean the area. The day soon came when Suzy was to be awakened. The nurse administered a drug into the IV in Suzy's arm and soon enough, her eyes slowly fluttered open, wincing immediately and trying to bring a paw to her head only to find her wrists were buckled to leather cuffs on either side of the bed.

"Wha...what..." she weakly asked. Marcus scooted a bit forward.

"'ve had quite an intense number of days, Miss Cambridge. You've been sleeping for a week. But, now I think you've had enough time," Marcus told her, quite eager to begin her treatments.

"What...what did you do to me?" the feline asked, beginning to wake up a bit more.

"We have installed an inter-cranial shunt into your skull, Miss Cambridge. It is essential for the treatments you will be receiving. You will also notice some slight pain, but you have almost fully healed. I believe you are fit for duty, as it were," the skunk told her, looking so giddy at telling her they basically put tubes all through her brain.

"What t...the...fuck is wrong with you people!" the feline cried out, into the bright white room.

The skunk ignored her question and smiled, "The first time is always the scariest for us. If something didn't go correctly with the procedure, well...let's just think happy thoughts, shall we?"

Suzy struggled in the bed, her arms kept out to her sides, legs spread apart as well, but not as widely as she was kept parallel to the ground, "Pl...please, no..."

Marcus heard her whimpers, but lifted up a syringe to show to Suzy, "This is what we call Primary. Not a imaginative name, but I'm sure marketing will come up with something snappy. It...well, you'll know pretty quick what it does..." She felt the syringe being fitted to the tube sticking out of the side of her head, the cat worried to move her head and risk damaging her brain. The skunk's thumb pressed down on the plunger, sending the chemical directly into Suzy's brain. She could have sworn she felt it worming around in her brain, but that was certainly unlikely. Marcus brought up a second syringe, "And this, as you might guess is Secondary., heh. This one...this is the key, for you. Once properly trained, over time, this will kill all those unnecessary parts of your brain. Things like reasoning, logic, judgment..."

Suzy screamed out in fear, upon hearing that, she struggled again regardless of ripping the shunt in her head as he injected the second chemical into the shunt. It didn't take long for a sudden feeling hitting her body, like the air itself was tingling on her fur. Marcus set the syringe down and looked down at the very naked feline. She gasped, feeling him poke lightly at her nipple and as if on queue, they stiffened instantly.

"It always amazes me how quickly Primary acts..." Marcus observed, a paw cupping one of the white cat's breasts, making her gasp out suddenly, a moan blurting out of her muzzle.

A look of horror washed across her face at that, "I...that wasn't...I don't like this!"

The chubby skunk laughed at her reaction, "Of course you do. At least...your body does, thanks to Primary. Now...We will begin your training. We shall start off with something simple today since you're still recovering," Marcus told her as he took a seat on a stool between the cat's spread thighs.

With her head elevated, she could see the skunk's paw lifting up to trail along her right thigh, drawing another shock of pleasurable sensation through her leg, shooting right to her crotch, "A-ah! S...stop it!"

The skunk ignored her pleas, looking up at her as he sat on the stool, "Repeat these sentences back to me. 'I am no longer a person. I am property. My name is no longer Suzy Cambridge. My main designation is Thirty Six.'"

The girl looked down at the skunk wide eyed as she heard that, "A...are you nuts? Fuck you!" she exclaimed, muzzle puckering up to spit a wad of saliva out toward the skunk, but instead, her head tossed back as the slightest touch of fingers sent shocks of pleasure through her body, his fingers just lightly sliding up and down the girl's exposed sex.

The patient skunk looked up at her, "You will also refer to anyone who is not a fellow subject, anyone not wearing a collar like yours, as Master or Mistress."

Suzy did not like the sound of this at all! She struggled against the cuffs, crying out as the skunk sank two fingers into her pussy, simply slipping them inside, curling up into her, forcing a whimpery moan out of her tilted-back muzzle, "Ooohhhhhhhh fuck yooooooou....." she cried out, trying to hold herself back as the chubby skunk began to finger her, the pleasure washing through her loins suddenly, way more intense than she'd ever experienced.

"What are you? What is your name and who am I?" the skunk asked as he stood up, letting Suzy get a good look down at his fingers pumping quickly in and out of her quickly soaking wet cunt. The pleasure rushed quickly, the white feline's toes beginning to curl up and breathe a bit faster, forced closer and closer to climax.

The girl tried to fight it as long as she could, but it quickly became too much and she finally decided to give in to it, but right when she was about to go over, the fingers tugged out of her cunt and she wailed out as the pleasure disappeared instantly, "A-ah, wh...what?"

As her eyes opened, she saw the skunk standing there. Wordlessly, he stood there, staring down at her until she started to come down. The fingers soon spread her lips once more and sank back into her, causing the confused girl to cry out again as the drug in her brain continued to raise her libido and make her much more sensitive to touch. Again, her climax began to quickly rush toward it's precipice and the feline's toes curled in pleasure, "What are you? What is your name and who am I?"

The voice brought her back to reality suddenly, her moans getting louder as she rushed toward orgasm a second time, her pussy starting to flutter around those fingers and just before she crashed over, they drew out again, causing Suzy to thrash and whimper, "Nooo, no, please! Please hurts, pl-please, it burns!"

It certainly felt like she was in heat and Marcus knew that. His fingers very lightly trailed up and down the feline's slit, "I know, I know. All you need to do is say the words and I'll make you feel all better," he assured her as his middle and fore fingers very slowly slide back into the girl's cunt, drawing another anguished moan from her lips.

She shook on the table as Marcus curled those fingers upward, in search of the cat's g-spot. She yelped out, hips jerking upward the slightest bit she could manage in her restraints. Her pants became quickly and closer together, "U-uhn pl...please...please let...let me c--uhn!" she pleaded, moaning out as his fingers began to batter her g-spot, tapping it rapidly, making her hips shake the closer she got to orgasming. Suzy's eyes crossed as the pleasure began to overtake her when suddenly the fingers drew back again.

Suzy screamed out, "Noooo! Please!! Please, okay I...I'm property! I' name's Thirty...Thirty....Thirty-something, please!" the cat cried out, pleadingly. Marcus chuckled softly, his fingers plunging back into the girl, wiggling around inside.

"Your basic designation is Thirty Six. Say the words exactly. And then nicely ask me to make you cum," the skunk told her, looking down a bit condescendingly.

The feline sobbed as the pleasure hit her again, fingers tapping viciously at her overly sensitive g-spot. The girl couldn't hold the words in, so desperate for the climax she needed, "Uhhhhn, my basic designation is Thi...thirty Six! Master, please! Please, please make me cum, Master!"

The words rolled so easily off her tongue and Marcus tsked softly, "And here I thought you'd hold out longer...shame. Go on, Thirty Six, cum," he said, but Suzy was barely paying attention to anything other than the word 'cum'. And cum, she did, the feline wailing out as her pussy clenched around the skunk's chubby fingers. She milked at them as the intense pleasure shot through her explosively, causing a veritable explosion of her juices to splatter out onto the floor, her toes tightly curled and shaking in her restraints. The orgasm was much more short-lived that the girl would have liked and soon enough the skunk pulled his fingers from her sopping wet snatch, wiping them off on her thigh fur.

"Good kitty. Yes, I think your training will be much easier than my colleagues anticipated. I knew the program would work for you," the skunk said before making his way out of the recovery room, leaving the feline to lay there, panting heavily.

Sound Asleep

Sound Asleep (or Why You Don't Play Truth or Dare When You're Young and Horny) By Duffin Caprous Disclaimer: This story is of an adult nature and therefore, if you are under 18, you need to not read this. However, if you do choose to not heed my...

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The Risk is the Reward 8

The Risk is the Reward 8 By Duffin Caprous Disclaimer: This story is of an adult nature and therefore, if you are under 18, you need to not read this. However, if you do choose to not heed my warning, don't let your parents sue me! AUTHOR'S NOTE:...

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Magic Fingers

This story is of an adult nature and therefore, if you are under 18, you need to not read this. However, if you do choose to not heed my warning, don't let your parents sue me! Also, I am well aware that most masseurs would never consider doing...

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