Our Darkness - Introduction

Story by SevenElevenMan on SoFurry

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Shad, a rabbit anthro battling depression, has gone to a park during the night, to try to clear his head. As he is about to leave, somebody strikes up a conversation with him...

Title: Our Darkness

Author: Ridlius

Warnings: Gay Pairing, Depressing Themes, Romance, Swearing

Summary: Tobias and Shad. Two rabbits both with darkness, and two rabbits who can't help falling for each other. Despite what the rumours say, can they really pull through and save each other from themselves?

So yeah. A beautiful gay love story. Because I can't get enough of these pairings. This is an original story. I've changed it to anthro because who cares. I love it so whatever XD


A black figure was sitting on a branch of a tree near a river, flowing quickly downstream. At first glance, you couldn't see much about him. If you got closer, you'd see more.

He was a tannish-yellow-haired rabbit, wearing a dark-blue hoodie with a white top underneath it, a spaced-out look on his pale white face. He was currently watching the river which was sparkling with the moonlight on it.

"Hmm..." The rabbit said absentmindedly, before snapping awake and blinking. He glanced around and sighed softly, a cloud of frozen breath appearing when he did so.

This bunny's name was Shad, and he was going through some hard times currently. He was currently battling depression alone, except for the constant support from his friends. He was glad that he had a few friends to help him out.

Shad brushed a few of the bangs of his hair aside, sighing, before sliding off the branch, hitting the ground with a soft thud. His emerald-green eyes glanced around the deserted park, seeing nobody at all.

He sighed again, and decided he'd just go home. He was turning around, and about to leave, when he heard a voice behind him ask, "What are you doing here?"

Yep, short intro. But, better and longer chapters are coming soon!