Shardstalkers: The Invaders

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#2 of Shardstalkers

Shattered Shards: Shardstalkers

Chapter 2

By Von Krieger

Aaron cried out as the creature's claws easily cut through his mesh shirt, and almost as easily scored his own flesh, blood leaking from three shallow wounds. The young man stepped back, brushing his long, pale-blonde hair out of his eyes. The wolves seemed to be toying with him. The bipedal beasts towered over him, and it was a two to one fight. They'd taken the bandana that kept his hair from getting into his face, as well as the band that had been holding the lower portion in a loose ponytail.

They'd managed to isolate him from his friends, coaxing him around to the other side of the strange carriage that they'd arrived in. It had been pulled, not by horses, but by massive, horse-sized wolves. Wolves that had quickly become seven foot tall beast men, seeing fit to attack the four teens that had left the strangeness of Felicity House behind them.

On the opposite side of the carriage two others struggled against their own feral lupine foes. Alec had removed his shirt and had leapt onto the back of one of the werewolves, the black fabric gripped tight in his hands as he nearly garroted the creature with it, his legs locked tight around the monster's midsection. The wolf tried to claw Alec's legs, but his leather pants were sturdy enough to block the wolf's blunt claws.

Behind him, half hidden in a bushes, a young Asian teen fiddled with her cell phone, trying to get a signal, but found that Felicity House's grounds had gone from four bars to no bars virtually overnight. She looked warily between the two battles, letting out a frightened and frustrated grunt as her phone continued to be inoperative.

The fourth wolf was yelping and running in a circle from the lithe pink haired girl who had found herself a shovel that one of the garden detail orphans had left out in the grove. Mirielle had been entranced when Star Wars Episode I had come out in her youth, and upon her arrival had founded the Lightsaber Dueling Club. While she had been teased about her lack of legitimate swordplay with her broomstick covered with duct tape, it HAD given her the reflexes, aim, and dexterity to give a large target a good thwacking.

It had been with the handle end, mostly, but now that the wolf had his back to her, Miri was getting in a few good bonks with the metal part. "Yaaaa! Get out of here, you shaggy brute!" she called, managing to get the blade of the shovel underneath the wolf's leg, tripping him up. Delighted, she quickly pivoted her grip, bringing the metal portion swinging up to connect with the side of the wolf's head, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Back on the other side of the carriage Aaron found himself sandwiched between the two wolves; one of them holding him in a crushing bear hug, his arms pinned to his sides while the other one was... grinning and removing Aaron's pants?

He cried out for help, but a heavy lupine paw covered his mouth, "Just relax, little toy, you're only going to be frightened for a moment." The wolf behind him whispered in his ear.

"Yeah," the one before him said with a grin, "You're going to love this soon."

The wolf knelt down, "Oh look at the cute pink thong!" he said with a snort, using a claw to remove the garment and then run his tongue over Aaron's member.

"What are the desires of the victors?" whispered a soft, sultry voice that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, "Ask a boon of your goddess, and it will be granted."

"Make him more fun," the wolf behind Aaron said.

"And make all the fun bits all big and sensitive. More fun to play with." The one down between the teen's legs said, nearly giggling.

Aaron felt himself calming down, entirely against his will. He stopped struggling, instead found himself leaning back against the soft fur of the wolf behind him. They were... kind of attractive, like large, muscular men covered in gorgeous white, grey, and silver fur that was wonderfully soft, their palms feeling like soft, smooth leather.

"There's a good boy." The wolf behind him said, tilting Aaron's head back and leaning down to kiss him.

The teen couldn't help but moan pleasantly at the sensation as he felt himself growing aroused, his shaft rapidly stiffening within the werewolf's mouth. He felt an odd warmth spreading throughout his body, making his inside tingle delightfully.

"You're going to make a cute wolf, toy." The one behind him whispered, running a clawed hand through Aaron's plentiful blonde hair. "So soft and sweet, you're going to be the biggest cuddleslut in the whole pack once we head home with all our new members. Like you, cutie."

Aaron mmmed happily as the wolf nuzzled his neck. The beautiful creature wasn't hugging him as tightly anymore, allowing the captive to reach up and wrap his arms around his captor's soft, furry neck. He knew he shouldn't be acting like he was, but it was just so much fun and it felt so good. The ridges atop the wolf's mouth were absolute heaven on his cock as the creature bobbed his head up and down.

They weren't hurting him, and aside from a few minor cuts and bruises, which already felt better, there wasn't really any harm done, and they were making up for the harm they inflicted with some wonderful sensations. The teen cried out as the wolf's leather-padded fingertips began to circle his nipples through his mesh top. It was pure bliss, and Aaron found himself arching his back in order to lean into the caress. It was strange, as he felt a sensation of swelling upon his chest not unlike that which had so recently filled his groin. He looked down to find his pectorals growing outward to fill the wolf's palms. He had breasts.

Aaron wasn't sure what to think, he'd wasn't exactly sure if he wanted to be a girl or not, true, he rather liked the somewhat feminine look he had, and he absolutely adored the clothing, but actual womanhood? It was something that he'd ever thought would come up.

"Mmm... there we go..." the wolf behind him rumbled, his clawed hands groping the still-growing orbs. "Now they're getting fun sized. Another minute or two and they'll be just perfect."

Aaron blinked at that, another minute of growth? The tits he had now were borderline porn star/stripper sized as it was but... mmm... boy did they ever feel good. The teen could feel the change spreading over the rest of his body, smoothing his skin, tweaking his muscle mass and...

He cried out, thrusting into the wolf's maw as the creature cupping his growing buttocks, the transforming skin oh so sensitive. He felt a torrent of seed rocketing from him and into the werewolf's eager maw, it was like he was expelling a portion of his manhood, allowing room for female aspects to grow. His cry of bliss was higher pitched, perfectly feminine.

"There we are, pretty pet, you're good to play with properly now." The wolf before Aaron said, licking his lips. The human was about to ask what he meant, but then the wolf behind him pressed up against the captive, and with a growl, thrust his shaft into Aaron's ass.

The feminized boy cried out from the mix of pain and pleasure. The werewolf was huge, his knot even moreso, it took another pair of thrusts to get the swollen knot into him, stretching the youth wide. The second wolf's hands joined those of the first on Aaron's breasts, there was plenty of room for the both of them, and the caresses were enough to make the fem-boy's eyes roll back into his head.

"And now we can share in having a fun toy." The second wolf said.

Aaron felt the canine's cock against his own for a moment, delighting in the smooth, slick heat. The wolf's prick dipped downward, tracing over the teen's balls, and then behind them. The wolf thrust against him, but there was nowhere for the shaft to go, there was just skin and flesh between Aaron's legs.

But then there was not, something gave way, transforming Aaron in an instant from an incredibly feminine male, to an outright hermaphrodite. The new herm moaned loudly with glee as she was given a second set of delicious, sensitive naughty bits for her lovers to enjoy.

Aaron grinned, loving the way the changes felt. Her plentiful breasts had pulled her mesh shirt from her waist to just below the wondrous orbs. But it wasn't her new additions, nor the two canine cocks within her that made her shiver with lust, but rather the playing of wolven fingers over the tender skin where his claws had cut her.

"It broke the skin, little toy, so that means..." the one in front of her said with a grin.

She wasn't sure what he was talking about, but then it felt like every hair on her body was standing on end, and then even more besides. Soft golden fur grew from her skin, displaying her infection with the werewolf's curse. Aaron couldn't even make a sound as the strange sensations washed over her.

Sounds were suddenly too loud; her mind was assaulted by what seemed to be an entirely new sense as her face pushed forward into a canine muzzle. She could detect a whole new world of scents and smells that had been previously closed off to her. The new werewolf also felt something else: her cock growing. She looked down, but was unable to see over her chest.

The teen reached between her legs, stroking the slick length. She panted as the furred skin at the base formed into a sheath, the loose skin upon her shaft seeming to retract, growing tighter. It grew more sensitive as it grew larger, doubly so as she felt it swell, taking on an oversized, canine shape. Much like her breasts it seemed to grow well beyond the point of normalcy.

Her cock and tits were so big, and so sensitive. She knew she'd be toying with them all day, constantly fondling herself, rubbing herself, fucking herself...

Just like a good pet would.


"What are the desires of the victors?" came a whispering voice from all around.

Alex stood, taking his shirt from around the windpipe of the unconscious werewolf and turned, looking for the source of the voice.

"Though you are not my children, I welcome you into my arms. I will give you whatever is in my power to grant that you most desire..."

Alec and Mirielle both gasped at the same time as something warm and slick seemed to reach into their minds, comforting, caressing, but slightly malevolent. A consciousness that felt them somewhere between wayward children, beloved pets, and amusing toys.

From Alec the strange force stirred an old, painful memory, a feeling of rage and helplessness, being powerless to stop the actions of people he'd once called friends. The crying of the eight year old in his arms as her rushed her to safety.

He turned to look at Sammy, his 'sister,' they'd come to Felicity House when the twelve year old Alec had been unable to take care of both of them, and now six years later, he still needed to protect her.

Alec didn't give voice to the desire, he didn't need to. The strange force plucked it from his mind with ease. He felt the sensation become something physical, like soft hands caressing his body. He gasped as the phantom hands seemed to seize something within him, stroking it, caressing it, making it grow.

And Alec was growing right along with it, his sixteen year old body gaining height and muscle mass. It was like his body was being shaped into a more adult shape, the growth of four years taking place in twenty seconds. But the change seemed a little bit... off.

Though he was athletic and somewhat muscular, his body style didn't seem to extending from his normal build it was more... girly. He found his pants growing tight around his hips and rump, growing loose in the waist. Everything seemed to keep the same, fit tone and the muscular definition. Alec could also feel himself getting stronger, but it was strange. It was like rather than having four years of growth as a male, he was instead having the growth of a female. And for some odd reason it was making him hard and horny as hell.

Thankfully the change didn't come with anything weird, no breasts or removal of his cock or anything. Oddly enough it felt... bigger in relation to the rest of his body than it had before.

The chocolate skinned youth let out a soft cry as the phantom hands seemed to grip something within him, and pull it out with a quick tug. The sensation was strange, an intense feeling of cold air on something wet, but the feeling was coming from some sort of appendage that he didn't have.

A few moments later his physical form seemed to echo the purely mental or spiritual sensations he was feeling. Something tore its way free from the back of his jeans, wriggling all about, the tepid 60 degree air feeling cool across its wet surface for a moment before the sensation of warmth came over it. The caress of the phantom hands seemed to draw out something from within, warming the new addition.

Alec turned his head, seeing a long, black furred feline tail twitching behind him. The caresses moved from his tail to his face, gentle brushes of fingertips upon his cheeks, his nose, over his eyebrows. The forest glade before him seemed to clear, Alec had known he needed glasses for quite some time, but Sammy had always needed them more.

The hands seemed to focus on his ears, poking them, prodding them, molding them into a new shape. All the strange shaping in the human ear quickly smoothing out, coaxed into a triangular structure, and then gently nudged further up Alec's head.

He could hear soft moans of pleasure coming from the other side of the carriage that the werewolves had arrived pulling, and they made him long for sex even more. But the scents that suddenly flooded his more feline nose were nearly enough to make him climax on the spot. The hot, sexual odor of two horny werewolves, coupled with the scent of a heat-stricken, but familiar female... no, not quite a female. The scent was changing, going rapidly from male human to that of a werewolf that wasn't quite either gender. Alec was just about drooling when he felt a soft brush of lips upon his own.

"Your wish is granted," whispered that same female voice from before, "You desired Felicia's strength for yourself... and for your sister; such has been given to you, and now to her."

Alec turned in time to see Sammy gasp, her useless cell phone slipping through her fingers as she was overcome by the same strange arousal that suffused Alec. She shivered as her body began to grow, advancing her age much as it had for Alec. The short Asian girl rapidly found herself at Alec's own six foot height, much to her confusion. Her proper skirt looked almost like a miniskirt upon her tall, gorgeous frame.

She let out a soft, needful cry and began to rub at her chest. Alex watched in astonishment as her figure filled out in an instant. She looked confused, baffled, but most of all aroused as her blouse began pushing outwards at rapid speed. Even a foot taller than before, the garment had covered down to her naval, but now? Now it strained to contain the bounty of her bust, and hung just below Sammy's breasts.

The white fabric darkened around her nipples as the fourteen year old turned stripperific knockout began to lactate. Sammy moaned with pleasure and began to caress her leaking tits, a blissful look coming across her face. But to Alec's new feline nose, he could sense she wanted... needed more.

He went to her, kneeling before her, wrapping his arms around his adopted sister, hugging her close. Sammy nuzzled her big brother's neck happily. She let out a soft mmm as her tongue traced over his ebony skin. Alec shivered at the touch, tilting his head, but allowing Sammy to make the first move.

Alec had felt Sammy's lips upon his before, her tongue inside his mouth. It had been a few weeks previous, his sister having snuck out of the girl's dorms to slip into his bed as she often did. She never seemed to feel safe anywhere else. Then she'd kissed him, wrapped her legs around him. But that was as far as he'd let it go. Maybe when they were older, he'd said. It felt weird, him being 18 and her being 14. Sister Felicia wouldn't approve.

But though they were still 18 and 14, their bodies were not. His little sister needed him, and Alec no longer had any reservations about giving her what she wanted. He ran his fingers through her raven-black hair, which seemed to be growing out from the shortish cut she liked.

Sammy had taken to liking Felicity House immediately, and she was rather taken by their feline guardians. She'd even tried to grow her hair long like Felicia, which had led to a bit of a tangled mess. But as he stroked Sammy's hair, the somewhat coarse texture smoothed out, her hair growing longer, thicker. Alec smiled and nibbled his sister's ear as it began to change, smoothing out and growing fur, like his own had.

But rather than the black fur he sported, Sammy's fur had a pattern to it, yellow and white with black rosettes. She moaned softly, unbuttoning her blouse, scooting up into Alec's lap. She took one of his hands, guiding it beneath her shirt, she was so soft and perfect. She hiked up her skirt for a moment, to slice off her panties with her new claws. Sammy was going more feline than Alec, who had little more than a feline ears and tail added to his body, with a touch of point to his canines and a slight sandpaper texture to his tongue.

Sammy unbuttoned her brother's pants, allowing his aching member to slip free. She lowered herself onto it slowly, seeming to savor the moment despite her sopping wet need. She let out a soft cry as he hilted within her, just as her tail rapidly snaked out from beneath her skirt. Alec found himself rubbing the spotty-furred appendage at the base, drawing a contented purr from his sister's throat.

"Oh, Alec..." she whispered, eyes tearing up, "I've wanted this for so long."

"I... I know." Her brother replied, coaxing a moan from her as he circled her nipple with his thumb. She pressed tightly against him, hugging him close. Close enough that he could feel the fur upon her body growing, taking on the interesting shapes that Felicia and the others had.

He wrapped his arms around her in return, his soft, beautiful leopard kittygirl. She was going into heat, like Felicia and the others had, and Alec knew that she would need his help for quite some time to come. He only hoped his new feline stamina could cover it...


"What are the desires of the victors?" purred a soft voice, virtually in Mirielle's ear, "I can grant you almost anything you desire. Just think of it, and it will be yours."

Mirielle thought for a few moments before her attention was drawn to Alec. She watched as he grew rapidly, gained a feline tail, and then went to Sammy, who had much the same thing happen. She licked her lips at the sight of the Asian girl's bust blossoming into something wonderfully huge. She'd always had... fantasies about something like that. But her desires were different.

"It is done!" the voice whispered into Mirielle's ear, "Your wish amuses me greatly, so I think I'll grant you a few more of your other fantasies, my cute little toy."

Mirielle blinked, she hadn't wished for anything. But then she felt something warm, soft, and pleasant slipping into her, swirling around within her, making her feel warm and loved down to her very being.

"I... I didn't..." she began, almost horrified that her deepest fantasy was about to be granted, "I don't actually want..."

But it was too late. She could feel something strange happening inside her. It was as if all of her insides, bones, organs, muscle alike, had all turned into water, and was rapidly draining out, leaving her an empty husk.

Mirielle could feel herself growing lighter and lighter, but it didn't hurt. It felt... quite nice. The texture of her hair changed, she could feel the pink strands upon her bare shoulders, it became softer, sleeker, shinier, and even longer. She held the ends in one hand, watching as it turned from the natural pale pink shade to a hot, neon pink, entirely uniform in coloration. It looked... artificial.

The werid draining sensation continued, the was less and less of her occupying the same space. It was... liberating. The minor aches and pains of a living body, the constant, chronic pressure in her allergy-prone sinuses, the annoying tightness in her back that would never go away; all of it vanished, leaving behind an animate creature, with an unloving body.

Mirielle giggled as her skin took on a smooth sheen, flaky human skin becoming something better; perfect, smooth latex. She ran her fingers over her opposing arm, delighted at the rubbery scraping sounds they made.

She held her hand up to the sky, an oddity, as it was bright as day, yet the sky was a deep black, filled with the twinkling of stars. Placing her hand over a very bright one, she could see the star's light through two layers of her latex skin. It made her giggle again, absolutely giddy.

Mirielle was a balloon, a living, breathing, feeling balloon. She drew in a deep breath, delighting as she heard her latex body stretch. Her chest swelled, and then contracted, and then a completely different portion of her chest swelled. She took in several more breaths, each one making her breasts more sensitive as they rubbed against her spaghetti strap top, filling it out nicely.

It felt so good, so... arousing. Just like she'd always imagined. Mirielle took in another deep breath, this one longer, making the rest of her proportions just perfect, adding a few inches to her height, adding some padding to her hips and butt, and then scaling her size up just a bit to give her a nice, narrow looking waist.

But she suddenly found that she couldn't stop. She was drawing air into herself, but wasn't sure where it was going. It felt weird, the way it flowed into her fingers and toes, her teeth and tongue, and into her ears. It tickled, though, and made Mirielle giggle once she could breath normally. The tickle spread over her skin, adding patches of bright pink to her mocha colored skin, pink patches that blossomed into soft, brightly colored feline fur.

She grinned, showing her new, plastic fangs. She always admired Felicia and the others, not for their strength or fighting ability, like some of the others had. But for their beauty and their passion. She'd seen the way Grace and Alto card for one another, and once she'd even hid in the closet while the two beautiful catwomen pleasured one another. She had long since wished she could be as affectionate and passionate as them, but she'd always been two shy.

Miri drew in another breath, allowing her new, fluffy tail to fully inflate, it was soft and wonderful, and felt so good swishing through the air. The inflatable catgirl wished she had a mirror so she could see her new form. Sleek, shiny mocha colored skin, coupled with hot pink fur on her forearms, lower legs, and feet, as well as in interesting designs upon the rest of her body. She sported a thick mane of shiny, hot-pink hair as well, the color she'd always longed to have.

Everything was perfect, but there was one more thing she needed to fulfill her deepest fantasy. Her eyes widened as the two defeated werewolves stood up, moaning softly as her wish took effect upon them. Miri found herself nearly drooling as the two werewolves grew aroused, their erections peeking from their sheaths and continuing to grow, and grow, and grow, along with their balls.

The two lycanthropes seemed to be more amused than anything, and Miri quickly found them surrounding her, as they had done before. But rather than a battle, they were quite content to have something far more tender and gentle. Their soft caressed upon her latex skin were so caring, so wonderfully tender. Their ears were lowered and they bowed their heads, seeking permission to continue.

Alec and Miri had beaten them in a fair fight, so in pack dynamics, they were higher ranking. It brought a grin to the latex love-kitten's face, "Mmm... good puppies. Think you can fill me up?" she purred.

The wolves were only happy to oblige...


Felicia panted as she ran towards the old grove. She felt the darkness there, a darkness that seemed to be growing slowly, moment by moment. She hoped that she wasn't too late, but as she approached the center, where an old gravel road had once been, she knew she was too late.

She could smell the scent of sex upon the air, and it seemed she was no longer immune to its pull. Felicia found a dull ache spreading through her loins, annoying yes, but still very tolerable.

Just ahead she saw a large wooden carriage, whatever beasts were meant to pull it were nowhere to be seen. But then Felicia saw the werewolves, saw them double teaming two of her orphans. As she got closer she could see that something had altered the teens, one had become a golden furred lycanthrope, and the other was a catgirl, colored an intense pink over chocolate skin, but she looked odd, strangely shiny. Her body squeaked where the wolves rubbed it. Like a feline blow up doll.

"Calm down," the familiar voice of her guide said, "They're not hurt, they're having fun."

"But they're... they're..."

"Not human? Sweetie, neither are you. You've had five of your human charges transformed today, and four of them are into feline forms like your own. They look up to you, the admire you, the idolize you, they respect you. Is it any wonder that they want to be just like you?"

Felicia couldn't think of a reply to the voice, so she picked up her pace. Just before she reached the grove itself, the door to the carriage opened, and out stepped a stunningly beautiful woman, and shortly followed by an equally stunning catgirl. The catgirl wore a heavy collar around her neck, connected by links of chain to a loop of leather in the... Felicia caught her scent. Despite her looks, the regally dressed woman wasn't human. She was as much of a werewolf as the four beastmen. Nor was she a she.

The werewolf leader smelled masculine and feminine at the same time, much as poor Aaron did. Felicia found her gaze drifting towards the three werewolf coupling. It looked like fun, being sandwiched in between two large, powerful, softly furred, very well-endowed males. Felicia winced and focused on the werewolf alpha and her pet.

The alpha stood a few inches taller than Felicia, her skin perfect and creamy, her hair golden and long, worn loose and combed to be absolutely perfect. A simple silken top covered her breasts and a portion of her arms, while a black leather miniskirt adorned her waist. She wore strange, strapped sandals upon her feet, with too many buckles and straps that Felicia saw no purpose to.

Her pet was dressed in a simple top and loincloth and didn't seem to mind. Like Felicia the catwoman had pure, snow-white fur. But unlike Felicia it covered her entire body. The captive catgirl looked over the grove with her yellow, slit pupiled eyes, focusing upon the four wolves and their playmates.

"Mmm... it looks like I'll be having company in the pet den, mistress." The feline purred. The alpha wolf chuckle and reached up, scratching the feline behind one ear before running her fingers through the mane of bright, radiant red hair.

"Indeed you will, and we've only just started the day." The alpha said with a fanged grin.

She clapped her hands loudly, "Enough fun, boys. Pack up your new toys. We're moving on."

Felicia stepped into the clearing, "No," she growled, "They don't belong to you."

The alpha grinned, sizing up Felicia, "Well well, another naked, transformed kitty-slut eager to service my wolves. Such a bountiful collection of whores that has been added to my realm today. Even if I decided to head home right now, I'd have more toys to play with than I acquired the last time Darkness reigned."

"I'm not a slut!" the catwoman snarled.

"You're walking around naked, I can smell that you've had sex recently, and all the other kitties here are busying themselves with carnal acts. So you're a slut until proven otherwise." The alpha said with a chuckle, "Now, step aside, pretty kitty, and let me collect my new playthings before I chase you up a tree."

Felicia began walking forward, her fingers instinctively held spread, ready to use her claws at a moment's notice.

"NO! You can't take them!"

The alpha snorted, "Well, I can leave those three," she waved at Alec and Sammy in the bushes, and then nodded at Mirielle, whose latex belly was swollen with the sheer amount of seed from the two hyperphallic wolves, "But the loser was claimed by my wolves, and has been marked by me. The goddess' rules of combat say he, pardon, she is now a part of my realm."

"What do the rules say about getting him back?" Felicia said as she approached, standing just far enough from the alpha and her feline pet.

The alpha grinned, "You win a fight against a Baron or Baroness of Lady Gerrig's lands, and you can ask a boon of them, in lieu of a wish from the goddess. Of course the fight has to be entertaining, and that usually means..." she licked her lips and slunk behind her pet, gripping the catgirl's breasts, "Sex. Sometimes in the middle of the fight, but most often inflicted upon a defeated foe."

Felicia began to walk forward once more, "Fine, I'll fight you, I'll win, and you'll give Aaron back and clear out of here and never come back."

The alpha clicked her tongue, "No, my dear, that is two little favors. You'll have to win two fights. You'll have to defeat my pet and bodyguard, Ausha, first of all."

The alpha werewolf removed the leash from her pet's collar, the red-haired catgirl grinning, her tail swaying from side to side, as if ready to pounce.

The alpha grinned, showing that even with a human form, she still had wicked fangs, "And then you'll have to face me after my sweet kitten has worn you down."

"And if I lose?" Felicia asked, stopping just before the pair.

"If you lose, then my wish to the goddess will be that you become my gleeful and eager fucktoy." She said, holding out a hand, "Forgive my canine propensities, but I prefer to shake hands for an agreement of terms."

Felicia nodded, "I accept your terms." She said, bowing her head.

Or at least that was how the motion began. It ended with Felicia ramming the crown of her head into Ausha's muzzle. With a lightning fast motion she reached up and gripped the opposing catgirl by one ear, seized the alpha's hair with the other, and brought their heads together with a loud clonk. The impact sent both falling to the ground.

"Ow! My nose!" Ausha whimpered, clutching her face.

"Stop whining about your nose! I can't see, my vision is all full of spots, and I have fur on my eyeballs, AND a HEADACHE!" the alpha growled.

"Well, it looks like I win." Felicia said with a giggle.

"That's not fair!" the alpha protested, "You were supposed to wait until..."

"Did I break any rules?" Felicia asked, grinning, her tail swaying with amusement.

"No, but..."

"No buts, you take your wolves, you get out of here, and you leave everyone alone." Felicia demanded, but that familiar voice coaxed her into something more.

"Though I do have a few questions, like say how I can make it so people stop getting horny all the time for no reason around here, and how I can make my orphans stop turning into kitty people!" she demanded.

"Well..." the alpha began.