
Story by Spear on SoFurry

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#1 of Covet

A couple had moved to a small town, living a low-key, boring life. Things start to get a little less boring for them.

Snow drifted from the gray morning sky, and even breathing the air made the wolf's throat feel as if he had just swallowed a glass of cold water. Fog came out of his maw, and the bitter weather sucked the warmth from his bones. Yet, when the pair of blue eyes looked over the landscape, seeing a setting most would find depressing, he took in the pristine nature of everything painted white. Everything looked clean and humble, and a feeling of calmness washed over him with every flake of snow that covered his black fur and suit.

"Daydreaming again, Alax?" the taller, brown-furred coyote asked. She quickly brushed herself off, making sure the as-always lovely dress she wore was straight, and her coat spotless.

The short wolf turned his gaze up to her, and gave her a smile. "Sorry about that, Mea." The two held each other's hands, and walked towards the church before them.

There were no others inside. The church was located in a small town, so it was hardly surprising, but everyone who worked and attended did their best to make it was impressive as possible. The wooden benches had a familiar lemon scent of a cleaning chemical, and the red carpet looked brand new from a recent vacuuming. At the front was a large podium with an old Bible resting on it, its pages colored gold to give an aura of prestige.

"Early as always, and still beautiful," a strong and gentle voice greeted them. The young couple turned, momentarily startled. A middle-aged border collie stood there, dressed in plain white robes, and holding two closed cups in his hands. Tall and strong, the handsome dog towered over the wolf. "Here, it's cold. I don't know how you two do it, especially you, Mea. A dress, in this weather!"

"The heater kept me warm enough. Besides..." Mea grabbed her dress, and did a dainty bow. "It looks too good to not wear."

Alax gratefully accepted, sniffing at the unknown drink. "Coffee? And I promised Mea I'd try to cut back," he laughed, and looked over to her for permission. She shrugged and smiled.

"Oh, don't worry, it's decaf anyways. Most of the benefits, none of the headaches," he nodded. Mea shook her head, but thanked him for the offer. The priest took a sip after that, and went to his podium, placing the drink in a cabinet within it just as a few others began to join the congregation.

The two took their seats in a back corner, as per usual. They didn't want to stick out, or rather, Alax didn't. He always said the Judges, a horse couple that always sat at the front and happened to be their neighbors, purposely sat there to make themselves seen as more important to others in the town. It's true the horses were more wealthy, but there was no need to rub it in everyone's faces, damn it!

Kyp, the minister, didn't slack off just because the crowd was small and that they lived in a quaint area. His voice was loud and clear, and each verse was said with a deep passion, as well as the occasional hand gesture. With so many vague passages came his enlightening interpretation. All in all, Alax found it quite artistically entertaining in itself. So did everyone else, given how intently everyone looked at him. Mea always had a slightly mesmerized look, smiling slightly at the dog and never taking her eyes off of him. If he didn't know her better, he'd say she looked like a little girl staring at her school crush. Thinking that made him smirk a little, he knew she'd slap him if those words were ever spoken.

Their home was not anything fancy, but there was nothing to be ashamed of. Though a relatively small white house, it had two floors, and a chain link fenced yard. Well-taken care of over the years, Alax always felt it was a perfect example of the town life and why he wanted to move here: small, quiet, and clean.Inside was a little different. The front door opened, and the two came inside to the living room. On Alax's right was the stairway, modestly expensive paintings hanging along it that he had obtained from an auctions before they moved. To the left was the living room, a large TV mounted to the wall, with a black leather couch, chair, and a glass coffee table. Beyond the living room was the sparkling kitchen, and a relatively small guest bathroom. Upstairs lead straight to the bedroom, where a large red bed laid in front of a miniature television resting on a stand near a larger bathroom. Overall, relatively plain, but not cheap. It was a comfortable life.

"Alright, honey, I'm going to change quickly and be off to work." He sighed as he walked up the stairs, speaking as he climbed up. "I always hate it when the office has me work on Sundays."

"It's quite a shame. I'll make sure to make something delicious for you when you're home, darling." She hummed to herself as she walked to the living room, and turned on the TV.

As he rummaged through the closet for a clean uniform, Alax mused that he couldn't ask for a better life. Dressed in khakis and a polo, he came back down the stairs, and opened the door. Before he left, Mea called to him.

"Kyp was really great today, wasn't he?" The same mesmerized look was on her face that she had before.

Alax shrugged. "He's great every time." After she nodded in agreement, he left.

Anyone would be depressed by the sight of the place. Except for Alax.

Blinking, dull lights illuminated the office space to a bare minimum. Bathrooms that were almost always out of toilet paper, and with drops of piss permanently on the toilet seats. Panels of roofing that revealed the electrical wires above where repairs had been taking place for awhile, and loose tiles on the ground where he had to memorize the locations of so as to not trip.

An exhausted, tired-looking tabby cat passed him in the office building as Alax made his way to the his cubical. The two nodded to each other before he finally took his seat, and started the computer.

Smiling and humming, the wolf got to work. It was easy stuff, simple call center work. It paid surprisingly decently, and the cost of living in town was low. With Mea working a part-time job at a bakery, they didn't have money troubles.

After several hours of work, the calls stopped coming in. Alax sat for several minutes, waiting, until a claw tapped his shoulder. "Hey," the cat from before said. His voice was tired, and he sipped on a cup of coffee. Apparently, the feline had slept in, hating mornings. "You actually finished early. Good job."

"Oh, really?" He blinked, looking at the corner of his screen. 'Zero calls waiting.' "I hadn't noticed. That's great!"

An apathetic nod was returned, and the feline took a large gulp from the coffee before sighing. "Yeah, good stuff." Alax had to wonder if that was about the work, or the drink. "Listen, why don't you take the day off early? It's slowing down here, so there's nothing to do. No sense in paying you for three more hours of doing nothing."

A laugh emitted from the wolf's muzzle. His boss always had a way of being depressingly humorous. "Thanks, Lin."

Once he picked up his coat and waved goodbye, he scurried home, thinking about what he could do with all the extra time on his way.

Parked in front of his home once more, Alax took a deep breathe of the fresh, cold air. Winter had always been his favorite season. Mea sometimes complained, but every time he looked at the horizon, seeing the sky greyed out and the world covered in a sanitary, uniform glaze, it always reinforced his preference.

Equipped with a happy look plastered on his face, the wolf locked the car next to the curb, stepped out, and opened the gate. Immediately, something was curious. His foot didn't sink into the ground as much as it should have, and he looked down. A footprint was there, having compacted some of the snow already. Not only that, it was a much bigger foot than Mea's.

A sense of tingling panic swept over him, and the wolf stood for a moment, assuming the worst. There didn't seem to be any footprints coming back out, and they went straight to the front door. A thief might think to sweep his prints anyways, so chances were good that whoever made the prints would still be in the home. The thought made Alax's jaw chatter, but then he slapped himself. 'Stay calm, it could just be a visitor, don't be stupid. Who knows. Come on. Panicking won't help!'

Still breathing rapidly, he walked to the front door. Before it was opened, with his hand shaking on the door handle, he began to count to ten. One. He breathed in deep, and hoped she was safe. Two. Whoever hurt her would die.

He stopped counting after two.

The door was opened very slowly, and he looked around the living room. No signs of a struggle were obviously visible, and no one was present in the ground level, though the TV was on and two plates were set out in front of it with a few crumbs on them. 'She normally would always do the dishes immediately...'

Something made the canine's sharp ear flicker. A voice, coming up from the bedroom. Instantly, his gaze went up the stairs, seeing the bedroom door cracked open. With every step, it became louder, until he could clearly make out two voices. One was definitely Mea's, and the other...

"K..." Only letter left his lips before he bit himself, silencing the rest.

Alax stood at the top of the stairs, and leaned in just close enough to see the bed. It was all he needed to see. There, he saw Mea, laying on her side. One of her hands was tightly gripping the ass of a dog in front of her, the other stroking the male's long, knotted shaft, which was returned with a few thrusts. One of the male's hands rested on her breasts, fondling them, as they both made out passionately, tongues slathering in the open against each other and soaking both of their chins.

'Kyb.' All he could do for a moment was stare in shock. No emotions or feelings came to him, until the border collie reached between Mea's legs, fingering her wet pussy. She humped into the hand, asked for more, and got it. Jealousy panged in his chest when Kyb grabbed her neck scruff, and gently pushed her down until his dripping dick met her lips.

What the wolf was jealous of was how damn big the other male was. Alax hadn't even been thinking to do it, but his hand was at his crotch, squeezing his perfectly respectable but average length. He really had no idea why he was doing it. He should be mad, his wife was cheating on him!

But, it felt good. With the utmost care to be as quiet as possible, he unzipped his pants, and pulled out the previously constrained erection. He could feel his cock pulsing like it hadn't ever before. Confused, he began to pump himself, and held his own muzzle to keep himself from moaning.

The coyote didn't hesitate to slather her tongue from Kyb's heavy sack, and lapped over his tip, swallowing every drop of sweat and pre. When her wet, rubbery lips wrapped over his tip, the collie simply began to thrust away Alax could see the bulge form in his wife's throat, and she clawed the dog's legs, whimpering. From the start, his pace seemed rough and fast, eager to simply fuck her face. It made him worry for her briefly, but then he noticed her fingering herself with the most lustful look he'd ever seen."All fours," Kyb said gruffly. At the same time Mea pulled him from her muzzle and got into position, Alax felt his tail twitch up. That powerful voice being used like that, it really was mesmerizing.The coyote's voice shook, mostly from a bit of exhaustion, from the sounds of it. "Condom's in the closet, the-"I'm not going to need one," Kyb cut her off, and pressed his tip under her tail.

She cried at the mere thought. "Tie me!"

Not that the dog needed encouragement, but he pressed his tip against her. An inch sunk in, and he clenched his fangs at the feeling of a virgin ass finally being used. "I didn't hear you...!"

"Please, I, I've never had a cock in there!" she begged, clawing at the bed. "I want to know what a knot feels like!"

That was what he wanted to here. "Well, if you insist," he sighed in mock defeat. He pushed himself in slowly, being gentle for once, until his balls rested against her dripping cunt. Kyb leaned over her, getting into a feral doggy position, and grabbed her breasts. They were squeezed enough for milk to emerge, when he licked up.

Just as the collie was building up his pace, his shiny bare cock gliding smoothly thanks to the copious spit coating it, Alax remained behind the door, biting his arm. Blood trickled from it as he squeezed and tugged on his knot to create a false tie, the largest orgasm he ever had splashing over the carpet. He kept stroking even after that, smearing some of the cum over his shaft and orbs. By now, he was painting loudly, but the TV downstairs and his arm did its job in covering that up. Not to mention Mea's screams.

She had clearly had at least one orgasm already, as the sheets were soaked with her lust. Mea pounded her body back, especially as she felt the bulb of the dog's knot begin to form its early stages. Finally, it became too big to pull out, and the canine merely tugged on it desperately. Every rapid, mad thrust from both of them resulted in the satisfying noise of the dog's balls hitting her and her bouncing ass. Kyb bit her shoulder, growling like a monster as cum poured into her. In return, she curled her toes and made the longest, sexiest moan she could remember making. "Fuuuck!"

They both went rather limp in the bed at that point, quieting down quickly as they caught their breath, merely wiggling like two breeders drunk with ecstasy. Alax took this to be his cue to slowly step back down the stairs, and leave. They'd hear him more easily when not being as passionate, so he tried to be extra careful, keeping the doorknob turned until it was completely shut, and letting it go gradually.

Alax parked a distance away at a strip mall, staring out the window. At this moment, he just wanted to keep observing the gentle snowfall. It was always best when it wasn't too windy, like it was now. When ones landed on the window, he took the chance to lean over and look closely at their pattern.

But this was only a distraction to ignore his feelings. He looked down at himself, seeing the mess. Some dry cum was on his pants, which he quickly removed with a licked thumb. "What have I done? What has she done? What the hell was Kyb doing?!" He slammed a hand down against the seat. Wasn't everything great before? How long has she been doing this? Why was he so aroused watching her get fucked rotten in their bed?

He took a few deep breaths, and rubbed his hands together to keep warm. To save gas, the car was turned off. Yet another example of the wolf trying to distract himself.

That long dog shaft, that impressive knot, his wife's brown bubbly ass getting savagely used and unloaded into, and even tied. Alax whimpered, feeling the mixed emotions again in the pit of his stomach, and his aching cock twitched. He sighed, and gave up. If he confronted Mea, it'd just end in disaster. No matter what, he loved her, even now. Kyb was a nice guy before from everything he knew, even if he didn't understand what was really going on.

"I, I guess I'll just act like I didn't see anything," he muttered to himself, ears flattening back with depression filling his eyes. Outside the window, he saw the strip mall had an electronics store, and his face changed to a thoughtful one. "Maybe I can act like I won't see the next time, either..."