LST Chapter 1 - The End of the Village

Story by Val Karasaki on SoFurry

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#1 of Little Slave Tara

My First Publishing of my series. Please let me know what you think! This is just a draft of what can be something great (at least it could be).

Tara awakened from her deep sleep. Was it a dream or is it an account of the future? The rich taking over the poor class' lives. Slavery, is it? It cannot be. Her family was built based on the idea that no class separated them, but was that the foundation? Could it be that the only foundation is from this slavery institution that she envisioned? That would probably could explain why she is a hybrid of a wolf and a cat. Or maybe it could just be of the love they found, but her village doesn't like that there was the hybrid like Tara. Are things as she saw in her vision true in anyway? Did the institution of slavery make its way to her village or was it here to begin with and she just realized when she became of age to see things that she didn't see before?

She closed her eyes, hoping to get a clearer image. She sees females tied, as well as males, all chained to at least one being, some of them with a couple, holding power to those chained. She could not stand, she was trembling. "That's not true," Tara repeats to herself.

Her father walks inside, he always had the tension of being powerful, since he is looked at to take care of the household. "What's not true, Hon," he asks as he sits next to her.

Tara gives out a long sigh. "Daddy, I had a dream where our village is being overthrown by those that were taking trophies," she gave emphasis when saying trophies to hopefully have her father understand what she means.

"Oh, Hon! You aren't having that slavery dream again, are you? You know it's only a dream!" he responds with a smirk on his face. "There is no fur trying to overthrow and take others as slaves. I promise. Now, how about you relax and take deep breathes---"

"She's not having that dream again is she," Tara's mother asks her mate. "When do you think will be a time to tell her the truth about it, babe? She deserves to know."

He growls at Tara's mother. "I'll tell her when I feel like it! If she knows, which I believe so, she would not need for us to tell her about it." He puts a paw to Tara's breasts and grabs them, almost squeezing the life out of them. "They're mine," he tells her before he walks out of the room, taking her mother into the other room.

Tara, being the rebellious one around the household, got herself access to a radio, something that the village restricted access to those other than the elders of the village because of the news topics that are broadcasted. The radio sounded softly, barely audible outside Tara's room.

"To all that are listening, even to the younger audience, lock your doors, hide in a safer place, they are taking over. Nothing to do about it now, we at FurNewsNow wish you the best in surviving as we sign off..."

Static overcomes the radio station as a new, submissive voice is broadcasting the newest updates, but only there is a slight difference.

"...This is OwnerNation Radio.. I'm your reporter, Royal slave. Reports say that the take over is going at its steady rate. By midnight tomorrow, the village of Furcs will be under control of the scalies..."

More static overcomes the radio, causing a louder noise.

Tara sobs as her parents are listening to the distant sound from Tara's room. "Why? Why is this happening?"

Tara's mother shows concern of her daughter on her face as she turns to her mate, whispering. "You know she has trouble because of her kind. The elders look at her, then us like we have committed a crime. We need to do something to show that we love her."

He grins, responding "Oh, yes. I know what we shall do." He grabs her and pushes her against the wall. "Surprise," he exclaimed. "Now, you thought I really showed my love for you?"

She nods, "Yes, I did. Why would I not?"

He growls, "Oh, I was only trying to grab you up, use you as I wanted, to make a child that will become an addition, not only as a family, but of for a service. Now, don't think you are under my control for long. I am only doing this for a greater being."

Tara opens her door, crying her eyes out, face blood red. "Mom! Dad!" Only thing different, she couldn't find them. She looked out a crack in the blinds and scanned for her parents. Her sobs sounded louder, not realizing her surroundings nor her loud sound.

It was only a matter of time that a dragon invader destroyed Tara's house. "You are coming with me, you worthless pelt." were the words of the dragon before he grabbed her and flew away from the village, left to rubble and fire.