The Quick Fox Fix

Story by Sparkle on SoFurry

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The Quick Fox Fix

"DARRGH!" A voice called out, echoing along the empty halls of the workshop. A hot burst of oil had spilled all over his face, tainting his brilliant orange coat a shade of dark slimy midnight and he was about at his wits end trying to fix an unfixable piece of machinery. He groaned, sliding himself out from underneath the large shambled plane and took at deep breath, sitting up on his skateboard. He was not getting this done today. He just wasn't. End of story. No question. He was way, way, too tired.

The little fox gave a deep sigh, casually rolling back and forth on the skate board he was resting on. After their last battle with Eggman, the Tornado-X was going to need more work then he thought. The engine was completely shot, the belts needed to be replaced, it needed new paint, new landing gear, another windshield, the computers were completely fried, and he couldn't count the number of breaches to the hull that had been made. The fuel tank was peppered with laser holes, and the fire damage to the entire ship was almost beyond repair. The transforming programs were completely out of question and the weapons were no longer existent. It was going to take weeks to get everything up and running again...if he was lucky. Weeks if he worked around the clock and gave up on food, sleep and any chance of seeing the sun again.

The two tailed fox gave another deep sigh and closed his eyes. Starting a brand new project might be easier then trying to fix this one. He still had a chaos emerald to work, and until Knuckles or Rouge tried to wrench it from him, he could use it's energy to create a new plane. But not now. No no no, not now. Tails was way too distracted now. Way too frustrated, and way too tired to even think about any more work. The little fox sighed, resting on his skateboard, looking casually up at his plane. His baby. He closed his eyes, taking a long breath, before he scooted back and underneath, and then away from the disheveled aircraft. He'd get to it tomorrow...or maybe later tonight, but he needed a break. There was no question about it. He'd been working since early this morning after all- and it was almost evening!

The fox gave another long, deep sigh of frustration and stood up, letting his skateboard roll back under the plane, and blindly walked towards the bathroom, groping along his tool bench, the door, before he heard the sound of his boots gently skip across the tile of the floor. He padded over to where he was certain the sink was, turned it on, and let it flow for a few moments before hot water began to steam over his features. Slowly, he splashed his face with water, washing free the slimy, black oil that covered his muzzle, until two crystal blue eyes peered back at him in the mirror. Clean...The fox smiled softly, looking at himself; His golden orange tuffs of unmanageable fur over his forehead, creamy white tummy that trailed over his chest and down around his hips- two fluffy, orange tails that spiked out just over his backside.

Miles 'Tails' Prower. Resident Genius, and Sonic the Hedgehog's right hand. He smiled a pure, and innocent smile, flashing his pearly white teeth at himself in the mirror, before the fox headed back into his tool shop. He walked past the broken Tornado, forcing thoughts of getting back to work away from his mind, and simply padded towards the large tool chest sitting quietly next to his workbench.

The chest, was large red and filled with drawers that rolled out, revealing a good number of tools and equipment Tails used to create whatever device him and Sonic had a need for- well all of the drawers, except for the last one. The last one, he claimed he could never get open. It was stuck- so he told everyone else. They asked him- as a genius- why he couldn't figure out a way to unstick it, and he always told them he'd been too busy working on some other project. In reality, of course, had it actually had been stuck, there was no way Tails could have continued his days without taking it apart, finding out what was wrong with it, and then putting it back together. No, it wasn't was locked. The fox smiled quietly, kneeling down to examine the last drawer at the bottom of the toolchest, and reached out to grip the knob gently. He gave it a soft twist to the right, a half twist to the left, and then a quarter turn twist to the right- and like magic, the drawer popped open with a soft click.

Inside that drawer there were tools of a different nature. Tools for different applications that weren't machinery. "Tools for tails" He called them. The drawer was filled with comdoms of shapes a sizes varying from large to tiny, a plethora of lubricant flavors, and a variety of dildos, most of which he hadn't tried. Most of the time, Tails found himself far too impatient to wiggle one of the larger ones into himself, and mostly stuck with a plump sized green one that always did the trick. It was full, thick and wobbly, but it did magic for him...but not today. Usually, that one would slide in all too well with an application of the right lube, and a little patience, but tails didn't want to instead he choose one that was smaller, and thinner. It was a slim, white design of color with a very smooth texture. There was something special about it, but...Tails couldn't quite remember what it was. Not that it mattered anyway, really. It was just the right size to do the trick. Hurriedly, the golden little fox boy closed the drawer underneath, and almost skipped back to his work desk. He plucked his shoes off, tossing them haphazardly to one side, and kicked both feet up with a soft little squeak. Already he cloud feel his chubby little sheath beginning to form and plump out, thickening between his thighs, the little tip of a bright pink fox cock starting to slip out to poke at the stale air of his garage.

Tails scooted his round little bottom to the end of the chair, leaning back as far as he could, just teasing the tapered tip of his toy across the firm little cheeks. The teasing was the best part. Before the first shock of pleasure from the actual penetration, the anticipation of being roughly fucked and held down and taken...The foxie shivered shyly and closed his eyes, breathing in deep as he finally tickled the tip of his toy across the sensitive little crack of his bottom...

Tails gave a shy squeak, eyes widening as he finally pressed the slim toy into his round little rump. Inch by inch he wiggled it into himself, slowly, wobbling it to and fro, left and right, until he finally felt it hilt, the tapered tip brushing gently against his prostate, and each time it did, the foxie let out a helpless little mew of pleasure. His penis gave a throb, already quite ready to release, Tails had to focus what little mental energy he had left at the task at paw. Quickly, he eased himself into the soft, cushy engineering chair he'd invented and took a deep breath, doing his best not to wiggle his bottom with every motion he made. He was doing his best- but it wasn't helping at all. Every time that sweet little tush shifted position, the toy pressed firmly against his little pleasure button, and every time that happened, Tails gave a helpless moan, and felt his mind slipping away to the pleasure that threatened to over whelm him. The naughty fox leaned back gently, squeezing his soft, gloved fingers around the little chubby cock that poked out of his fur, and gave a sigh. He wanted this. By the chaos emeralds, he needed this.

And suddenly there he was...the smartest little two tailed foxboi genius in existence, lewdly, and openly masturbating, in the middle of his workshop. His bottom stuffed with a little white dildo, the door spread wide open, just like his legs, and his dirty bare feet resting on the desk.

Tails was loving every moment of it.

His cheeks were bright red with a perpetual blush, the foxie quite unable to stop himself from feeling horribly exposed, each thrust of his fingers, forcing a little jet of pre to shoot from the tip of his cock and slap the desk with a wet splash of pleasure. He closed his eyes, whimpering shyly, as he rocked back and forth in the chair, his fingers locked tightly around his chubby little penis. It felt so good! So, so, so good to relax and take a load off...and even better when he finally got a load off! His plump little toes curled helplessly at the sensations his talented, nimble fingers bestowed on him. Each stroke of that fat fox boi cock was like magic, each stroke another firm shove towards that long awaited orgasm, each stoke like a monument of self control and pleasure, mingled together to rocket him towards an explosive orgasm. His fingers grasped his throbbing, needy penis, and his other paw reached down, grasping the thick toy lodged so deeply in his behind. He gave it a gentle poke, pressing it juuuuust a fraction of an inch deeper into his depths, and nearly squealed when his pleasure doubled. He was going to enjoy this. He was going to love this. He was taking it slow. He had to take it slow, he had to enjoy this. Nothing was going to ruin this for him. Nothing.

"Taaaaaaails!" A voice called out from outside. The fox's eyes flashed open. Sonic. That was Sonic's voice. That was Sonic's voice calling out. Calling for him. Sonic wanted him. Sonic was calling for him.

Somehow...the word. "Fuck." Just didn't seem to cover it.

Tails, who was sitting in the most embarrassing position he could think of, gave a helpless squeal, and quickly, let his feet fall forward and flat against the floor while the chair righted itself- no longer leaning back, and no longer supported by the foxie's feet. Fortunately, Tails managed this only movements before a blue blur of attitude rushed into the room. Unfortunately, this also lodged that toy in the fox's behind in to the hilt, the dildo almost completely disappearing inside of the fox- who's eyes were wide as saucers.

The azure hedgehog arrived, just as Tails scooted himself forward on the chair, hiding his erection under the desk. Blue pointed ears, long cobalt quills resembling spiked dreadlocks, shiny red shoes. Sonic. T. Hedgehog.

"Hey buddy! Hows it goin! Workin' hard on the Tornado?!"

"SONIC!!! I mean...uh...HI! Hello! Hahaha, yes! Yeah, w, working r, real hard on...on t, the tornado...X. The tornado X. The plane. I'm working on it."

"Yeah? Hows it comin along? "

"...O, oh uhm....uhh...It's um...It's doing alright...I I'm just...t, takin' a break." Tails whimpered softly. He was under control. He could deal with this. It was not a problem. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second. Focus. Concentrate. He was a genius...he was master of his body, he was in charge! Sonic, never one to stand still, burst from his position at the door at raced over to the machine sitting in the corner of the room. The hedgehog peered at it closely for a few minutes, before he zipped around behind tails and rested a paw on his shoulder.

"Hey, don't work to hard pal, you look kinda beat! Wanna go fry up some chili dogs?! We'll chill, have a bite to eat, relax a bit, know what I'm sayin?" The goofy creature implied. Tails was frozen- his eyes wide, his fangs pressed tightly together- his fingers digging into the desk. He'd remembered what was so special about the toy that was lodged in his bottom. When Sonic had clapped a paw down on Tail's shoulder, a soft, tiny, inaudible click sounded out from the fox's rear end. The toy wasn't a dildo. The toy was a vibrator, and it was now humming at max speed, rattling the poor vulpine's very core with shattering bursts of pleasure. Tails forced a grin, glancing up at Sonic nervously. He was still hidden enough from Sonic's view, that the hedgehog could not see the throbbing pink little fox cock begging to be stroked underneath the desk. But he could hold out. He was going to hold out. He had to hold out. The vibrator was muted between Tails' soft, rounded little rump cheeks, and the foxie was doing every thing in his power to keep it that way. Every shift of his hips, or clench of his buns sent an arch of pleasure roaming to every corner of the fox, and Tails gave a nervous whimper.

"Ahh, n, n, no t, thank you Sonic. I've r, really...erm....ummmm really got to, to finish um...uh..."

"The Tornado?"


"Awww come on Tails, you've been in here all day long! You really oughta take a break! Come on outside with me!"

"N, NO! No no, heh, no t, that's just fine! I, I mean I really can't just stop o, once I s, s, start you know...l, l, lack of concentration...I'll...I just need...a little..."Tails trailed off, taking a deep breath. He wasn't going to lose it. Not gonna lose it...not gonna lose it...

"Are ya SURE I can't get you to..."

"YES! Yes, yes, very sure...very very sure, I'll be out shortly, ok Sonic?" The fox quipped nervously. Sonic tilted his head, looking at the young, squirming fox, before he slowly nodded his head.

"Alright pal, snooze ya lose. I'll catcha later! Up-ovah- and OUTTA HERE!" Sonic yelled, before he raced out of the little workshop, leaving jets of fire in his wake.

Tails gave a deep sigh, eyes rolling back as he slid down in his chair into a more comfortable position, and then it happened. That slide of his hips, slid the vibrator a hair of an inch further into his cute little bottom, forcing the poor fox to squeal in pleasure. Tail's eyes crossed, and his sweet little cock throbbed like mad, sending ribbon after sticky white ribbon of hot fox syrup all over the boy's desk, his golden soft fur, even a few splashes of need smattering across his face! The poor fox boy couldn't help himself, his entire body shuddering while helpless mews of pleasure burst from his lips- and already old habits were kicking in. His orgasm kept forcing him to climb to higher and higher peeks of pleasure- one's he'd never known before, ones that forced every single thought from his mind save the blissful sensations that rolled through his hips and assaulted his body. His paws crept up to his muzzle, and soon he was suckling at his thumb, whimpering in ecstasy while his toes curled painfully tight. It was by far, the very best orgasm he'd ever, ever had in his young life, and with a final burst from his erection, his eyes rolled back into his skull, and the fox tipped over in his chair- passing out.

Tails awoke to the sounds of crickets outside of his workshop. His head was throbbing slightly, but the boy felt like a million dollars. He had managed to curl himself up into a little golden ball underneath his desk. When he sat up, he gave a yelp of surprise- one because he hit his head on the underside of his desk- and two before it jammed the dildo still inside of his rear end a little deeper. He shuddered and reached back, pulling the device free of his depths and sighed. The batteries must have worn out, because it no longer hummed or jerked. Instead it made a feeble sort of buzzing, before dying in his paws and tails simply smiled. The foxie felt fantastic, and slowly he stood up, stretching before turning back towards the tornado, which still was in shambles. His tummy growled.

"Right....right....I wonder if Sonic ate all of those...of course he did. I wonder if we can still go to dinner..."He said quietly, twirling the dildo in his paws about like an old fashioned gunslinger. He padded back towards the treasure chest, which was still opened from earlier, and dropped it inside, bending over to replace it in it's specific spot where it belonged- he gave a loud SQUEAK when something slapped his rear end firmly!

"Hey sweet cheeks. " Whispered a familiar voice. Tails quickly turned about, slamming the treasure chest down, with a yelp, and a deep, deep blush over his muzzle the same color as the ruby chaos emerald.

"What are YOU doing here?!" He yelped in surprise...