Before Dawn

Story by TyronMhorr on SoFurry

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#3 of The Long Night

Well behaved pets get rewards.

Tyron had been the plaything of the rather demanding and strict Cole for what felt like an eternity. He wasn't sure how long it had been since he arrived on the panther's doorstep and been bullied into sexual servitude. It felt like years, but it was probably only months. At least three. And he hadn't cum for at least half of that, as his dick was kept locked up inside a chromed metal sheath that entirely covered his own fuzzy one, held in place by a metal band that was padlocked around his scrotum. The cat seemed to like keeping him blindfolded too, so he'd never know what was coming next. He wound up spending a lot of the time between sessions with the panther napping or lost in thought. Meals were one of the few times his hands weren't bound, but he was never left without supervision.

Tyron had learned that Cole wasn't kidding when he had told him that he 'played hard'. Every few hours it seemed, he would be roused and fucked, and never the same way twice. It had to be at least four times a day. Sometimes the cat would just torment the hoofer with yet more edging or teasing. The inadequate sleep schedule and the lack of any way to gauge the passage of time was taking it's toll on him though. His time as Cole's slave seemed endless, and the result was that he no longer knew if it was Sunday or September.

Right now, he lay face down on the big cat's bed - his face buried in the musty sheets and his wrists cuffed to the spreader bar between his ankles that was keeping his legs spread apart so that the feline could drive himself deep into the gazelle's upturned ass - and he was no closer to release. Each thrust of Cole's hips only made his chastity-enclosed sheath wobble between his legs while his dick drooled through the metal slit at the tip of the chastity cage with each poke of the cat's tip against his swollen prostate. Even the gentle tap of the cat's scrotum against his made him moan aloud, feeling like a bruising slap to his long-denied orbs.

Over his back, Cole gave a mighty growl as he pounded his hips against the gazelle's ass, until finally shoving as deep as possible. The heavy balls twitched against him as the panther delivered another temporarily satisfying load into the gazelle. Tyron's hips meanwhile continued to hump blindly into the air, just knowing that the cat had had yet another orgasm while he was once again denied only driving him crazy with need. The ache in his groin from near-constant arousal was something the like of which he had never felt before.

"Oh gods, fuck, please please let me cum! Please, just let me cum!" he whined, muffled by the pillows he was laying on. In the back of his mind he knew that it wasn't going to happen - not that it stopped his begging. The gazelle's desperation was a constant source of amusement to the cat.

A meaty paw clapped his ass-cheek, and he felt the tug as the panther pulled out - barbs tickling his ring and as it slurped free, a slow drip of a the cat's scalding seed creeping down the back of his too-sensitive sack. When the reply came, there was an audible smirk in the voice. "Nah. Maybe later."

He heard the soft pad of paws on thick carpet transitioning onto hard tile as the panther stalked off into the adjoining bathroom and started up the shower, Tyron was left to his own thoughts, whimpering, hogtied, and unable to even grind up against the bed.

* * *

It can't have been more then 20 minutes later when he heard the phone ringing. His urges had died to down to that slow and steady throbbing he'd been feeling this last while that started in his balls and radiated up into his groin. The sounds of running water in the next room stopped, followed by the door sweeping open and a grumbling panther trudged through the room and downstairs to answer the phone.

His nose twitched at the sweet scent of hot water and soap flooding the room - oh how good that would feel on his aching body right now. The angry voice from the hallway below drew his attention though, perking his ears to hear better.

"What.. now? God fucking damnit, I still done had another week yet!"

"No, no... it's gud nuff. I need a while to get ready. Noon?"


The stairs groaned with each footstep as the panther came back upstairs and into the bedroom, pausing. Even through the blindfold, he could feel the feline's eyes on him - still held in place by bondage.

Over the next little while, he could hear the sounds of cupboard doors and drawers being opened and closed as the panther packed his things. The sound of something heavy was dragged over the wooden lintel of a wardrobe, and then panther grunted as he lifted it and dumped it onto the bed beside Tyron - making the matress bounce.

"I'm gonna unlock your wrists for a moment. Don't do anything you'd regret."

A hand grabbed his wrist and unlatched the karabiner locking him to his own ankle, and then the other. Tired shoulder muscles protested as he was helped up onto hands and knees. Despite being temporarily free, he dare not do anything to give the panther cause to punish him.

More grunting as the heavy thing was pushed and shoved underneath him and between his legs. The curved, padded top of it brushed against his thighs as Cole pushed whatever-it-was into place. It gave a dull wooden thud as it shoved against the steel spreader bar between his hocks. And for a moment, he was left alone - shivering in anticipation.

He heard the sound of a squeeze-bottle cap like you're find on a ketchup bottle being popped. Or rather more hopefully lube, as one hand grabbed his tail and a pair of fingers smeared and smushed a generous amount into his twitching pucker, ensuring he was slick inside and out.

"Now sit back," commanded the voice, a hand on his shoulder urging him to comply. As he did so, the other hand pulled at his cheeks, spreading and guiding him down until he felt the cold rounded tip of a toy spreading him open once more - plug shaped by the feel of it - until his ass was seated on the barrel and the rubber toy firmly planted in him.

He couldn't help but whimper as the slender toy pressed lightly against his prostate. The panther's paw pushing gently but insistently on his shoulder ensuring that he took it to the root, sitting on what he now knew - and dreaded - to be. "Pl-please, I can't do this..." he whined, shivering as he felt the hard tip of the rubber toy pressing against his swollen nut.

"You can, and you will," said Cole, silencing any further arguments. Tyron felt his wrists grabbed again and pulled behind him and down, snapping them back onto the cuffs at his ankles - but this time forcing him to bend backwards. Back arched and chest pushed out, head tilted back so his muzzle pointed towards the ceiling. His heart was nearly beating out of his chest in a combination of fear and anticipation. Could this be it?

Fingers fumbled on either side of his head, and then sudden, painful brightness flooded his sight. He blinked and turned his head to the side to avoid the sunlight beaming through the parted curtains. A sharp tug at his groin made him squint downwards however, as much as the cuffs would allow.

Cole had sat beside him on the bed, and was fitting the key into the lock on the chastity cage! With a snap, it opened, and the top part of the cage pulled away easily from him. Finally free, his dribbling erection sprung quickly from his sheath, pointing skyward. Then his balls were freed, the panther working to ease them through the metal ring to release him entirely from his confinement.

Tossing the cage aside, Cole grinned at Tyron and picked up the control box. "Hold on to yer horns," he smirked, and turned the dial.

The quick buzz of the sybian's powerful motor reached his twitching ears before the vibration reached his prostate. The shock of it made him squeal and buck his hips. And the sight of the wriggling gazelle made the panther laugh.

"Jeez dude, that's only a low setting," Cole chuckled, eyeing the wide-eyed, squirming pet. "Hows about we crank it up some?" asked the panther, as the dial clicked audibly with each notch.

Tyron had never felt anything like it before in his life. The slim plug was mashed right up against his swollen gland and delivering a powerful pulsing. He could feel his own muscles clenching uncontrollably around it, and the reverberations throughout his entire pelvis. After all the teasing torture that the panther had put him through, he could already feel his climax rapidly approaching without his dick even being touched.

"I'm - I'm gonna.." he managed to utter, not really knowing why he would warn the feline that had spent forever preventing him from release. Squeezing his eyes shut, he could feel the heavy weight in his loins of an impending climax bursting - his cock pulsing desperately for what seemed like too long. Long enough that he thought that the panther had broken his plumbing. But then the dam broke, and the first shot of pearly cum speared clear across the bed to splatter against the wall. He couldn't help the moaning, or his hips thrusting into the air to launch more streaks of semen onto the pillows and blankets. Each throb of his balls hurt, but it felt so good too. It just seemed to keep going, like every climax he'd missed was pouring out of him all at once.

Cole simply watched with a bemused expression.

His orgasm finally began to fade, but the vibrations from the sybian he was riding didn't. His entire groin felt sore as unused muscles seemed to cramp up from the sudden activity that had been asked of them. And then a paw closed around his far too sensitive erection, making him jerk against his cuffs.

Prying his eyes open, he found himself looking at a big, silky-furred paw, the arm of which led up to a grinning Cole. The paw started moving, making him shake his head and beg, "S-stop, please!"


The paw was moving more quickly now. His head was still spinning from having finally been allowed to cum, and now his body was quickly being pushed towards a second. There was another click as the toy's dial was moved up another notch, making the gazelle through his head back in ecstasy.

"Please, not so soon!"

"No. I wanna see how backed up you are."

The first climax had taken only a minute or so. The second took three, perhaps less. His wrists yanked against the cuffs, which only pulled on his ankles. His shaft fountained his load over his belly and chest, and the fingers clasped around it - helpfully aimed by Cole of course to ensure the maxumum damage was done. He whimpered his way through it, shaking his head and trying to twist out of the panthers grip - but it still didn't stop.

Another click, and the stroking got faster - concentrating now on the glans of his maleness. The hand cupped around it, squeezing and rubbing until he was giving shallow gasps, his mind swimming from the pleasure and the pain of it. He was incoherent, unable to form the necessary words to even plead with his master any longer. He didn't want to cum again. Not so quickly. Not so soon.

His head lolled back on his shoulders, eyes rolling back in his head as his body defied him - the long chastity seeing to it that he remained rock hard and eager, even if his mind didn't want to. His pucker itched and tingled, and even the gentle brush of fur against his dick felt like coarse sandpaper. But Cole wasn't stopping.

It took another 4 or 5 minutes, but Cole worked hard to get the third orgasm out of him. His dick pulsed weakly, bobbing as it oozed out the remaining contents of the gazlle's balls while he squealed and thrashed his limbs, babbling for mercy. But this time, Cole let go, letting the gazelle pass through his orgasm without further stimulating his abused cock.

Slowly, the speed-dial was turned down and off. Tyron hazily felt the cuffs on his hands and ankles being unbuckled. Hands pulled him forwards, letting the Sybian's dildo pull out of him with a schlurp and a whimper and he was deposited on the bed in a messy, sticky heap. He could hear Cole moving around, humming to himself as he moved things - but exhaustion set in, and the world faded out.

* * *

When he awoke, it was still bright. The alarm clock beside the bed said it was just after noon. The bed smelt intensely of panther and sex, but it was the softest thing he'd slept on in some time. The house was quiet - and he knew that he was alone. Cole was gone.

Rousing himself due to the urge to relieve his bladder, he sat up and reached down to grip himself only to give a strangled yelp as his fingers closed only around slick, shiny chrome. Cracking his eyes open fully and sitting on the edge of the bed, he stared in disbelief at the cage sealed around his sheath with a small but sturdy looking brass padlock.

His phone! His cellphone was sitting next to the alarm clock. Grabbing it up he checked the date - it had been only been about a week since he walked through the door of Cole's home. One week that had felt like months. The notifications on his phone indicated he had a message on Knotr, where he'd first met the mysterious feline.

Sorry we had to cut things short. Got called back to work early. Help yourself to breakfast or whatever you want - the front door will lock behind you when you leave. Left you a little gift to wear while I'm away. Will be back in 8 weeks :3 Told your boss that you had flu.

While the idea of sex right now was the furthest thing from his mind - eight weeks without an erection. Two months without being able to jerk off or cum. And he'd only spent a week with Cole.

It was going to be a very long summer.