Juryokine: Chapter Thirty Two
To a girl born with strength and reflexes unimaginable to normal people, who had grown up around others like her... to say that she held such a high opinion of a mere human... "earlier, you told him to do what he thought was right.
Juryokine: Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty One There was a strange vibration in the air when Toke began to regain consciousness. The kind you can't really hear, but you feel deep in your bones. He groaned and forced his eyes open. He was in a tiny room, he realized, and his...
Juryokine: Chapter Thirty
The moment the seraph had stepped into the room, toke's mind had kicked into high gear. his chances of survival had suddenly decreased by a very large amount. even escaping out the window wouldn't help him now.
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Nine
"forgive me, but that seems highly unrealistic." toke shrugged. "well, zashiel's one of the best warriors they have." "and toke," zashiel added, putting her hand on his shoulder, "is a juryokine.
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Eight
_we're so high up!_ toke thought as they careened towards the ground below. _higher than i've ever been before._ at this height, even the peak of mt.
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Seven
"i highly doubt that. but please, tell me who it really was that turned you into an abomination." "it was..." toke paused, trying to desperately to think of an answer. zashiel had never told him another sorakine's name. except...
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Six Toke's feet dragged on the floor like he was wearing bricks for shoes when he walked through the door to Professor Navras' classroom. "Toke," The old inventor greeted him, and stood up. "How was the visit with your...
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Five "What is a dream?" Professor Navras asked. He stood looking at the clock at the front of the workshop, and with a dramatic sweep of his black robe he turned to face his class. "Are they merely visions from our unconscious mind...
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Four "Take it easy, Toke," a familiar voice said as the young man began to drift back to consciousness. He was sure he knew that voice from somewhere, but it was warped by the aching throb in his head. With a groan, he opened his...
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Three
Judging by the way the other nails hurried to obey, toke guessed that if he wasn't the leader, he must have at least been high ranked. "i got plans for this city!" he said, speaking loudly enough to be heard by everyone, but not quite yelling.
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Two "I can't believe this," Toke whispered. He sat in the chair beside Wayli's bed, hunched over so that his chin almost rested on the mattress. Boam stood with his back against the wall behind him, not saying anything. Wayli's...
Running With the Wolves
\*\*\*\* it was a calm, quiet and overwhelmingly moist morning at northgate high school. fog had rolled in overnight, swirling around at ground level and glowing in the morning light.