Phoenix Coven - Chapter 44
Eric whispered to bruce. "indeed." bruce agreed as ryan's entourage walked down the red carpeted entrance to the building, passing the news reporter barricade, cameras flashing and recording.
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 43
Chapter 43 The Jaren's Choice Mick looked around at the tribal dinosaurs that were rubbing and licking him, Xen, and Jet who had also awakened. Mick then looked at Reggie, who he recognized on the spot. "...Reginald?" Mick asked after a long...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 42
._ chief reggie irontail, formally known as reginald leatherbetter, led a scout team of fifteen of his new tribe, the passion whisper kin, through the forest.
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 47
Chapter 47 Submission and Freedom - Part I _Egad's Villa - Loft_ _One Hour Later..._ The coven was gathered in the loft, all disrobing from their party attire as Amon and Zarch finished up the bonding devices that would be used for the initiations...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 45
Mick whispered through his concealed earpiece that was wired to a radio in his jacket using the code-name for tommy.
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 46
Chapter 46 Exit, Stage Right! Bishop and Gareth's hand cannons let loose two blasts of concentrated plasma, striking their targets! Bruce was hit in the arm and Eric in the shoulder, the heat from the blast burning through their clothes, heavily...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 73
Chapter 73 Means to an End Cailus managed to get the upper hand on Egad, gripping a hand around his brother's throat as the battle raged on around them! Tommy was dead-locked with Bruce, his Ninjatos grinding against Bruce's sword cane! Bishop was...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 72
Chapter 72 Nuclear Dawn A few seconds after Eric passed, the train suddenly lurched and jarred violently, causing everyone to stumble! "What the hell was that?!" Jet exclaimed. Egad got on his headset. "Amon! What's going on with the...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 71
Chapter 71 Crouching Doberman, Fighting Dragon Everyone then went back inside the train, going back into the hall of car 15. They had just shut the hatch when Cailus made an announcement over the intercom. "Well done, brother! Well done! You've...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 70
Galen asked, his voice barely a whisper. "cailus foxmoore." ofret answered. "serpiente bastardo attacked mel'andrea, dragged all of us out of the house and into a jeep. he had us all blindfolded.
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 69
The tauntan whispered. "he promised us all jobs... he promised us all jobs, homes... he's lied, he's lied to everyone..." "if you think i'm with cailus foxmoore, you are mistaken." mick said, remaining calm despite the tense situation.
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 68
Chapter 68 Liberation of the Azure Flux Cailus stood on the command deck of the _Azure Flux_ train, looking over the external monitors with Bruce Norman, Eric Cardigan, and a few of the merc band leaders he hired. Ambassador Milet sat at one of the...