Betrayaled Death. (X)

Betrayal and Death. (X) ~"It has been to many dawns...Only one more to go..."~ Thought Teralen to herself as she silently enjoyed her flight through the air during the quiet peaceful Early-Dawn. It has been a full cycle since she last saw her little...


A Dawn's Visit. (IX)

A Dawn's Visit. (IX) The time spent at Sarenala's cavern seemed to pass too fast for Korvi and Shaol as the two new friends played most of the dawn, having most fun with each other, getting used to each other quite fast after the first hour of meeting,...


First Best Friend. (VIII)

First Best Friend. (VIII) Dawning seemed to take forever for little Korvi's mind as her tail twitched. She has been restless ever since she woke up early, as this dawn was the dawn that she'd be finally going out of the home cavern! Excitement aroused...


Passing Dawns. (VII)

Passing Dawns. (VII) Time started to pass dawn by dawn, Star-fall after Star-fall. The dawns crawled by and the months slowly passed, only ten months in a cycle with twenty-nine dawns a month. Little Korvi hardly knew of the shifting dawns and...


Learning to Feed. (VI)

Learning to Feed. (VI) The bright Fire-Star rose in the horizon as Korvi woke up, only a twenty-five dawn old hatchling. She has already doubled in size, growing a little more each dawn, though still very little. Seeing early dawn finally arise, she...


Teaching to Speak. (V)

Teaching to Speak (V) Seven dawns has passed by, since Teralen has visited them, only seven since Korvi's hatching. Little Korvi was only seven dawns old now, and has so far learned to walk only a short distance. The dawn has come that Fierya decided...


Wing-Sister Teralen. (IV)

Wing-Sister Teralen (IV) The morning's light rays drifted into the cavern, the Fire-Star was just rising above the horizon as Fierya woke up with a loud yawn, cradling her little Korvi against her side under her warm tender wing. Furyan was already...


Blessed Hatching. (III)

Blessed Hatching (III) The night of Star-fall was calming and quiet amongst the Infernals, the Kelrethen moons at the highest point in the night sky. The egg in Fierya's nest was a deep rich tone of bright ruby red now, while also thin lines of a light...


Rainy Starfall. (I)

Rainy Starfall (I) The darkness of Star-fall loomed all around as heavy rain clouds were above in the sky. Fierya walked slowly through the wet grass that felt like mush under her paws, sighing lightly as the rain poured down upon her smooth, leathery...


Gifted Life (II)

Gifted Life (II) The wind blew gently outside of Fierya's home, complete Star-Fall shrouding the meadow outside. It was a calm, quiet and peaceful night, as even the wild-life slept at this time. As all creatures rested during the hours of Star-Fall, a...
