Portrait of the Autist
The coldest winter never bit so coldly at the young man's flesh, as the winter in his heart did. The organ most often associated with love, compassion, and life was to him, at least, devoid of that symbolism. A whirlpool raged calmly at the open...
The First Post of the New Year!
Hey all! Happy New Year and welcome to 2021! We all know that last year is one for the record books for good and bad. It'll be a while before the world returns to a "normal" state, but I feel things have been moving in a fairly positive...
Update: A Breeder's Tale
Hey there, Just wanted to inform you. I've been working on the next chapter of my story. Don't want to spoil it for anyone who likes being surprised so I wont. Just know it's on it's way.
Does anyone read my journals. xD
So I've been wondering what everyones thoughts are on my story series. I've hit a bit of a spot on where to go, to keep things interesting. Such as, Do I continue with the story on the ship (Main Story Arc), or do I break away, and have old characters...
Writing Commissions - Open!
Given the success of finishing writing my first commission, I am going to formally open up writing commissions for any other perspective clients. Details are as follows: - Prices for writing commissions are 10 dollars per every 1000 words - Time to...
Fuckin' Eels man....
#48 of journals eels are cthulian horrors... okay, been sitting on this for several days, and i need to get it out. didn't want to say anything earlier in case it spoiled which pokemon thomas would have an encounter with in this chapter (44). eels.
Morning. July the twenty third, two-thousand, fifteen. It feels like a day from the Future. I say that having recently watched Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd's antics, on a big screen-- In my own living room. Has time really passed, that...
I don't know what to do.
#2 of journalism **i need your help.** **i finally caught up with all my updates, but since i have so many projects, i don't know what to do.** **either "legend high", "where gods be mortals", or "taboo fantasies abound!"
Sad news
Welp guys, gotta tell you I'm sad to say it, but The Runt is going to be on permanent hiatus. A combination of things caused this; job, school, bills, health issues, creative blocks, my focus being drawn elsewhere, depression, family issues, me being...
Thoughts on painting my future part 1
#1 of thoughts on painting my future a journal for a sweet and thoughtful kitten hi i'm lulu i am age 22, 4ft 11in feline. i like painting drawing and poetry. i'm a little fur but don't be fooled i can fight.
Preview # 1
August, 12 dear dia journal, i feel as if something strange is going on.
#1 of journals this is an apology/rant. that's all.