Isolation-Excerpt 16-Hetawave

When Sarah and I came back to the lounge, she showed Jacob and Tyler the few pages of data that she had printed out. They had similar reactions to it that she did. "Bastard is up to something", Jacob said flipping through the data. "But what?",...

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Isolation-Excerpt 15- Red Code

"So", Tyler asked, "what the hell do we do now?" I sighed, "do we take our chances in trying to hike to the nearest base?" "No way", James said, "there much worse outside than what's in this lab. Have you wondered why the lab is built like an...

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Isolation-Excerpt 14-Escape Attempt

The four of us were greeted back at the lounge by a new face. The man was in his late seventies. His hair and beard were a light grey color and his eyes were an icy, cold blue color with flecks of silver threaded into them. The man was wearing tan...

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Isolation-Excerpt 13-Force Recon

I actually slept pretty well that night, seemed that everyone did in all honesty. Wasn't sure why, but I was glad that I did because I was up nine the next morning and felt ready to kick ass. Sarah and Mike were the only other ones up, besides Allen,...

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Isolation-Excerpt 12-Gameplan

Present Day Biosphere Labs Time: 10:58 PM March 22nd/2166 My friends seem horrified at my stories. Sarah and Tyler were pale in the face and Allen and Jacob were completely speechless. The kid was laying in the bean bag with his hands over his...

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Isolation-Excerpt 11-X-Day

22 Years Prior Prouxsas City, Bespin 11:01 AM, June 6th, 2144 "Your highness", The adviser said as he followed my Mom and I down the hall, "I must recommend that you and King Rizzolk attend the ceremony." "On what grounds?", my Mother asked....

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Isolation-Excerpt 10-Dr. Psycho

I high tailed it back to the lab as quick as my legs would carry me, gunning down the few feeders that tried to get in my way. When I did make it back to the lab, Allen ushered me in and shut the door behind me. Once inside, I noticed that every one...

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Isolation-Excerpt 9-The Basement

Once I was done eating I grabbed my gear, had Allen put the map to the basement on my PDA and headed out. Since the power was back on, I was able to walk down to the stair well without too much trouble. The stair case went down about 40 feet or so and...

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Isolation-Excerpt 8-Vents

Mike laughed at my comment as I helped him up. "That was too close", Allen said, "there were at least four dozen of those things." "Seemed like there were more", Mike said wiping dirty, bloody sweat off his forehead, "is there a working shower...

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Isolation-Excerpt 7-Biome Labs

I brought up my PDA the second I was in the hallway. I navigated to the maps and found a JPEG file that had a big blue "NEW FILE" on it. I clicked on it and found that it was the map to the Biome's. From where I was it was straight down the hallway to...

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Isolation-Excerpt 6-Survivors

I didn't get much sleep that night. I had several nightmares that I was back in captivity that almost made it seem like I'd never escaped in the first place. Add that in with the constant low moans and scratching of whatever creature happened to be...

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Isolation-Excerpt 5-Outlet

I'd slept on the hunt before, that wasn't new. Sometimes the target would prove too smart to find and kill in the span of one day and when that happened I would retreat to my ship for the night and pick up the trail in the morning. This time was...

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