Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 5

5 Hezzi was in no hurry to go outside. It would take a while for all the Wolves to gather, and he still had some thinking to do. He looked down at the broken carving still clutched in his hand, the sharp splinters of wood sticking out like arrows. So...

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 4

4 Hezzi lay on his side, his knees drawn up to his chest, his arms folded tightly against his body, the little wooden figure of himself Ander had carved so many years ago clutched tightly in his fist. With all the flaps closed, his tent was nice and...

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 3

3 "Your own brother, eh? That's hard," Salem said, taking a deep drag on a pipe he had pulled from his front pocket a few minutes ago. Ander was quite interested in the process of stuffing it with pipe-weed and then lighting it with a contraption not...

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 2

2 OOoaargh!!" Ander sat straight up and the pain that tore through his arms dispelled that horrible dream so quickly it was almost welcome. Not quite, but almost. He looked down and was surprised to see both his arms bandaged and wrapped up tightly...

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 1

Chapter 2 More than a Name 1 Ander didn't know where he was, or what he was doing there. Everything around him was just a solid slab of blackness, stretching off into forever. He looked down, but there was nothing, just more of that empty...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 34

34 First, there came the thud and crack of the bolt piercing flesh, then the warmth of blood on her face. But there was no pain. Kiana opened her eyes. She could see the tip of the bolt, red and dripping, less than an inch from her forehead. It was...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 33

33 Kiana didn't think they would be able to cross that river, but they did. She didn't want him to try that plan with his arms all mangled, but he wouldn't listen. Just kept saying, "We have no choice." Ander's plan worked just as expected, of...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 32

32 The blow caught Kiana in the stomach. It was more of a shove than an actual strike, but coming from such a large Wolf it was still more than enough to knock her down. She fell to the ground with a splash, her dress now smeared with his...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 31

31 Hezzi burst out into the open, his lungs screaming for air. The thunderous river, which normally would have grabbed his attention and held him fascinated, didn't so much as register in his panicked mind. He looked around, trying to figure out where...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 30

30 The pain that exploded inside Ander's right arm made the holes in his left feel like mere mosquito bites. He watched in horror as Banno tore into his muscle, shaking his head back and forth like a starving animal, red slobber flying from his mouth...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 29

29 This was turning into quite a slog of a night for Hezzi. After all the trouble he went through to help out, Ander simply told him to get back to the village (_ordered_was more like it), but when he finally got back there, the next guard shift had...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 28

28 ... my brother!" Banno could see the hand reaching out to him. He could even understand who it belonged to, but he was no longer capable of understanding what it meant. His mind, his being, his very perception of the world itself had narrowed down...

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