Story done for one of Morningstarz' Characters from world of warcraft. All characters belong to Morningstarz
A Light Bringer Surrounded by Darkness
Lily-Chan had little memory of her parents, being only three when she last heard there words. She...
Draenei, Draenie, World of Warcraft
Story I did for a good friend Mornigstarz, is based off two of her red panda characters
Ushi Lastwalker and Ichiro Sliverpatch
A bit of a prologue as we enter in the midst of the life of Ushi Lastwalker, and Ichiro Sliverpatch:
It was not...
Panda, World of Warcraft, pandaren
Hetnen Silverfox
A lot of the past is unknown to the foxes. The ruling wolf race has made it a crime to educate the enslaved vulpine. The only knowledge passed down was by word of mouth, causing much of what was history to become legend. The vulpine...
Backstory, Fox, Wolves
Ushi Lastwalker and Ichiro Sliverpatch
A bit of a prologue as we enter in the midst of the life of Ushi Lastwalker, and Ichiro Sliverpatch:
It was not uncommon for Ichiro to look back on his childhood, and his fond memories of meeting his Ushi. He...
Sex, Wow, pandaren