Interview wth a Soldier

Interviewer: Hello. I understand you wish to keep you identity concealed? Interviewee: No, that is not the case. I have just been told that my appearance would throw off viewers at most tv stations. Interviewer: And why is that? And, how should I...

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Gazleene's Story

Gazleene stood in her cavern, her white coat decorated with the red symbols of fertility. Her mane and tail are a shiny black, both braided with gold chains attached to pearls. A bouquet of foot long iridescent blue-green feathers is stuck into the top...

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Saoiste's Beginnings ‾ WIP

Saoiste wandered through the remainder of her village. She wasn't anyone special, she knew this. In fact, most in the village considered her strange, because, simply, she WAS a her, and NOT a hir. But still, the sudden, shocking loss of every single...
