The Thieves Quarry Pt.3

As that hungry wolf leaned back to admire her naked body, Yuki turned her head away, feeling very exposed and vulnerable without her armor to protect her. His needy paws had already removed her clothing, and now his peering eyes were removing her...

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The Thieves Quarry PT.2 (In Progress)

If Yuki was not drunk before from the ale, she was drunk now - drunk on his touch and smoldering voice. His tantalizing whisper left her weak in the knees, but when he pressed her between counter and his own toned body she gasped audibly. Feeling his...

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The Thieve's Quarry. Part 1

Deft fingers tugged the strings of the ignorant nord's coin purse. Grasping it tightly, so as to stifle any noise, the snow leopard quickly tucked the pouch into her pocket. She had turned and walked away before the drunken nord or any of his friends...

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