A Chance Entounter Ch 03

Eric spent the entire day with Cassie. Most of the time the two spent fucking each other's brains out. Which was fine with Eric. He gave up resisting the lust, and found giving in was far more enjoyable. And the changes his body was going through...

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A Chance Entounter Ch 02

The morning sun blankets the two figures sleeping on the forest floor. Eric stirs, his eyes taking a few minutes to adjust to the early morning sunlight. It must still be early, the sun is just over the horizon. Eric tries to sit up, but for some...

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A Chance Entounter Ch 01

"Come on Eric don't be such a stick in the mud. Come with us." "No. Just leave me alone Jamie!" Eric snapped, fed up with his older brother's constant teasing. Eric had no interest in spending an evening out celebrating his brother's twenty-first...

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