Shadow Warrior: The Great Enemy - Ch.4

Shadow Warriors: Great Enemy Chapter 4: Ambush! Author: Cjdstruction Larren's pursuit to Kahalleris is nearing, Galden is leading with Shing, Klarris, and Jeeraden are trying to catch up with their Leohorses. Unfortunately, unfortunately their ride...

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Shadow Warrior: The Great Enemy - Ch.3 Revised

**Shadow Warriors: The Great Enemy** **Chapter 3: General Brutahn and Captain Sharde'** **Author: Cjdstruction** While Larren and the rest of the Shadow Warriors are fast approaching on their way to Kahalleris, A large force coming from a different...


Shadow Warrior: The Great Enemy - Ch.2 Revised

Shadow Warriors Chapter 2: The Dark Fangs Written By: Cjdstruction While I was heading for Kahalleris, I've been recalling my memories of my mother. Always so kind and gentle, like all mothers should be. Always helping on the times of my needs. She...

Shadow Warrior: The Great Enemy - Ch.1 revised

Shadow Warriors Chapter 1: The Calling Created By: Cjdstruction The world is gone to the brink of war, MY world. From across the lands between Luthaca'ar to the Great Seas of Marathin. Oh how I long for the Great Bolares to shed our people with some...

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Shadow Warriors: The Great Enemy Ch.3

Shadow Warriors Chapter 3:score unsettled Author: cjdstruction While Larren is fast approaching on his destination, The evil forces also on the move are planning their next attack to prevent the Shadow Warriors coming. Captain Shard, and General...


Shadow Warriors: The Great Enemy Ch.2

Shadow Warriors Chapter 2: The Dark Fangs Written By: cjdstruction While I was heading for Kahalleris, I have been going through my memories of my mother. Always so kind and gentle, like all mothers should be. Always helping on the time of...

Shadow Warriors: The Great Enemy Ch.1

Shadow Warriors Chapter 1: The Calling Created By:cjdstruction My world is gone to the brink of war, My world. From across the lands between Luthaca'ar to the great sea of Marathin. Oh how I wish for the Great Bolares could send our...

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