Life of wolves: chapter 1

_ **LIFE OF WOLVES: CHAPTER 1** _ It was a cool night, the stars all shone down upon a small forest that had maybe a few acres of green trees and multiple paths. At the edge of the forest lay a house which had an extensive back yard and the only...

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Life Of Wolves: Chapter 2

_ **LIFE OF WOLVES: CHAPTER 2** _ It has been a month since the murder of Lupo's family and nothing could bring him to life not even his new boyfriend, the funeral was held only a few days ago and everyone who knew his parents came to say...

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Fed To The Wolves: Chapter 3

**_Fed To The Wolves_** Jack was staring deep into the eyes of the man he loved and hated, John was beat up pretty hard, his eyes could barely flutter open to see his saviour. Blood was leaking out of his head, a small cut on the edge of his left...

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Fed To The Wolves: Chapter 2

**_FED TO THE WOLVES_** John and Jack were looking in Jacks house exploring all the rooms that they thought Nathan and Santolo could be in. They first decided to check the bathroom closest to Jack's bedroom but there was nobody in there, nor in...

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Life Of Wolves: Chapter 3

**_Life Of Wolves: Chapter 3_** Santolo was furious, you could see it in his eyes. Whenever he was happy they were glazed over as if cartoon eyes, but now all that was left were too narrow slits of eyes that looked like they had belonged to a...

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Fed To The Wolves: Chapter 1

**FED TO THE WOLVES** My Intro: "To try and fail is to be human, to stop trying is when you have truly failed." When I was younger I wished that I had no family, to be fully self reliant, at least that is what I hoped for, until it happened....

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