Rogue's Redemption Ch. 3

The hazy hound awoke to a pounding on the doorway of his bunk. "Karus? KAR-US!! Are you alright? Has anything happened?" Percival shouted through the latched tight entryway. Grasping his pounding head, the wolf attempted to collect himself. He had...

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Rogue's Redemption Ch. 2 (part 4)

\* \* \* As Karus had first entered Bruster's Tavern, Ts'Sai was following closely behind. Unlike the wolf she was tracking, it was not necessary for her to psych herself up for the entrance, and was able to make a very quick pace, catching up to him...

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Rogue's Redemption Ch. 2 (part 3)

"I...I'm sorry Karus, I didn't mean to..." "No biggie," he waved off in a higher pitch than normal, "But mind if we kinda...walk quietly for awhile? This place is stirrin' up more bad memories that I figured." Karus was being completely honest, he...

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Rogue's Redemption Ch. 2 (part 2)

The young kitty performed a flowery curtsy and said, "Name's Ts'Sai, Mrs. Beatrice. Glad to meet'cya! Doubly glad ya didn't shoot my buddy either!" "Aahah ha-ha!" Beatrice laughed, standing up and slapping her knee, "Don' worry yer purdy lil' head,...

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Rogue's Redemption Ch. 2 (part 1)

_He was trapped. The collapsed flight console kept his legs firmly pinned down. Twisting and wrenching to get free, he only further injured his already smashed legs._ _There was a clear view outside, as the canopy was in tatters, of a dark red...

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Rogue's Redemption Ch. 1

The little raccoon's ragged breathing reverberated ominously in his spacesuit. His fur was becomming matted with sweat. Shaking in fear, he glided behind a large piece of debris in the massive field he was in. His trepidation did not come from the...

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