Cats and dogs part 3(wow fanfic)

Jorhus grunted in mild annoyance, shifting how he stood so his joints wouldnt become stiff. He eyed over the area with a frown pondering why Tella always seemed to choose such exposed and vulnerable places to work her magic. Today she stood on the edge...

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Cats and dogs part 1(wow fanfic)

Jorhus yawned, stretching out as he moved over to his tent. He had been sent back to Gilneas as a guide for Tella, a young elven druid. Their mission was to start putting things back into order and begin purging the plague from the land. He sighed...

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Cats and dogs part 2.(Wow fanfic)

Jorhus grinned as he leaned back into his bed eying over the worgen woman that had come back with him that night. He licked his chops as he looked her over taking in her beauty as she slid out of her cloths. It occurred to him that he had never gotten...

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Sekinar's pride

Sekinar sighed, glancing to his right as he walked towards the sun which was setting over the horizon. It had been yet another long uneventful day. He wasn't sure how long it had been since he started this journey but it was something he had to do...

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