Love is a Puzzle: Part I
For some reason, my intro here didn't save. Anyway, this is a continuation of my short story Puzzle Piece, which seemed to get a positive response. This will be a series, but I'm not sure how long it will go on for. In any case, I hope you...
Zach - Chapter II
So, here's the next chapter in Zach's story. I know, I know, it's mostly a flashback sort of deal, but I wanted to show how Zach came to be in the park and why he was so tense and disshelved looking. I will do this from time to time, give full on...
Zach - Chapter I
Hey everyone! So, this is my first story here on SoFurry, I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! It's also my first furry story too, so if I make some mess ups like saying 'hands' instead of 'paws' or whatever, than sorry!...
The Artist
First off, thank you to everyone who has viewed and commented my stories, it's really great to get your feedback. This story is based on an RP between me and a long-time friend of mine. It was our first RP together and we never 'ended' it, per se, but...
Puzzle Piece
So, this is my newest story. It's pretty short, really, but I like what it ended up being. It might be a little rushed, but that's a problem I'm working on in my works, it's not because I was lazy with this particular story. In any case, I hope you...