Serenifi: Jail-Bait, Incest, Furry, AND Time-Travel? Oh-Me, Oh-My!
lexi bunny and fifi la fume belong to warner bros. montana max belongs to warner bros, but his alter ego (the mystical mr. entrance) belongs to me.
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 10
(Cut to Tranquility racing down the street, towards the Blockbuster, where Lola Bunny is waiting.) Tranquility: Alright, they're back together. Let's turn this chick on! \*Insert rim-shot here\* Hehe... Get it? "Turn on"? Lola: (Sternly) Hilarious....
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 8
(stuffs the paper inside an envelope with the text: "do not open until 2005, or until lexi bunny exists".) to be continued...
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 3
Lola: you sure it was a different lexi bunny? tranquility: the closest thing to a mainstream cartoon animal at the time was a colorless dinosaur, so no. besides, l found this foreshadowing device!
Serenifi: The Movie: The Remake: Part 2
The 15 males awoke to to the calls of lexi bunny, and had breakfast. "alright, this is the second day of helping our friends. you feelin' up for the task at hand?" they all murmured in agreement. "great! put these on!"
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 1
(Cut to an exterior shot of a mansion against the sunset, then inside, where we see a group of female cubs and male adults of assorted species, plus one adult arctic vixen.) Robyn: Well, that concludes our James Bond marathon! What do we do...
Serenifi: The Movie: The Remake: Part 1
Scott was suddenly awakened by a megaphone, held by lexi bunny. "this is your first day on the job, so you better get that buljimax!" "alright, sir..." lexi assured the skinny, yet well-dressed weasel. "this won't hurt a crumb..."
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 1
(Open on the outside of a mansion in the evening.) (Cut to the inside, where we see 11 female cubs and 15 adult males, plus one adult female arctic vixen, in the living room.) Robyn: Well, that concludes our "Universal Monsters" marathon! What do we...
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 4
(Cut to Tranquility exiting a pawn shop with a magazine in her hand, before Lexi pops up.) Lexi: Come on! Better put this lube to some good use! (Cut to Montana emerging from the Pizza Hut.) Montana: A Blockbuster? Haven't seen one of those in......
Serenifi: The Video Game Promo
Staring: serenity coyote, fifi la fume, lexi bunny, and characters belonging to the following: warner bros, j.k. rowling, sega, hasbro, naoko takeuchi, eric w. schartz, michael russell, kessielou, and lilchaoscoyote!
Serenifi: The Video Game: Cutscene Script
-lexi bunny." we gotta find lexi! fifi: (pointing at the audience): and you've gotta help us! serenity: if you need instructions on how to do whatever we're gonna do later on, check out the enclosed instruction book.
Serenifi: The Movie: The Remake: Part 4
lexi bunny belongs to warner bros. minnie mouse, daisy duck, snow white, faline, slue-foot sue, katrina van tassel, cinderella, alice, wendy darling, tinker bell, lady, aurora, duchess, maid marian, and bianca belong to disney.