Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.4 Doen
Zion - Light of the New Moon, Part 2 Chapter 1.4 Doen Fairview _Zachary is going to attempt to awaken the party using divine prayer and probably exhaust himself in the process. Let's hope this turns out for the best! Currently, the Doenians...
Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.4 Bannihar
Zion - Light of the New Moon, Part 2 Chapter 1.4 Bannihar The Long Road Ahead _With only two out of four votes in for this group, the result ends in a tie, it's left up to the Author Contributed Characters to weigh in. After votes are tallied,...
Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.1. Shrad
Zion - Light of the New Moon, Part 2 Chapter 1.1 Shrad Through the Bahn _The Shradians have elected to have Nori lead the party onward for the next stretch of road; staying off the Highway will hopefully provide the group a chance to evade any...
Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.3 Doen
Zion - Light of the New Moon, Part 2 Chapter 1.3 Doen Fairview _The Contributing Readers have elected to have Zachary take the high ground and attempt to understand the needs of the Waysiders. With any luck, perhaps this will turn out for the...
Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.3 Bannihar
Zion - Light of the New Moon, Part 2 Chapter 1.3 Bannihar The Long Road Ahead _With only two out of four votes in for this group, the result ends in a tie, it's left up to the Author Contributed Characters to weigh in. Considering Kayte and...
Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.1 Doen (Non-Canon)
Zion - Light of the New Moon, Part 2 Chapter 1.1 Doen Gathering For the Departed _This version of Chapter 1.1. for Doen was originally posted in error-- the party did not actually chose the option for which this post was prepared. Instead of...
Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.2 Doen
Zion - Light of the New Moon, Part 2 Chapter 1.2 Doen Fairview _The party has elected to press on after the short time resting and restocking in Fairview. Let's see how this plays out, shall we? Currently, the Doenians will be receiving +++...
Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.1 Myrh
Zion - Light of the New Moon, Part 2 Chapter 1.1 Myrh Free Will _The Myrhean party chose to stop and resupply; thankfully there's a medium sized wayside only a few days from their position. Could things really be that easy? We'll have to wait...
Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.1 Bannihar
Zion - Light of the New Moon, Part 2 Chapter 1.1 Bannihar The Long Road Ahead _It appears that the Banniharian group has taken Iskiy's advice and has elected to get a move on. At this point, they are receiving + Delay and - Favor for their...
Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 5.3 Myre
Zion - Light of the New Moon Chapter 5.3 Myre The Silver Gate _Considering how Liam and Leijh were the focus of the last post, it seems only fair to give some attention to other characters. We're taking a break from Leijh's journal and...
Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 5.3 Shrad
Zion - Light of the New Moon Chapter 5.3 Shrad Peace in Pieces _The group moves in to check out the wreckage of the old caravan along with Guardsman Sten, two of Loric's Guards, Loric's manservant Guthrey, and the High Priest's dozen personal...
Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 5.2 Myrh
Zion - Light of the New Moon Chapter 5.2 Myrh Eye of the Storm _The party elected to let Brother Johann join them for evening prayers, and maybe even mingle with the Caravan... a little. Either way, people will be keeping an eye on him... just...