Magic is as Magic Does
Https:// --- liedt (okapi) (c) liedt on fa story and other characters (c) me, amethyst mare **magic is as magic does** written by amethyst mare for liedt the package was innocuous, a simple, square cube of brown paper, yielding
She taught me many things, advancing my abilities in magic to at least the level of my mother in just a few years. she also taught me the language of the winter highlands and of a few other nations as well.
There was something just so magical about being outside on days like today. magic. that was a topic, was it not?
For Magic!
"am i the only one who took portal magics 201 extra credit course?" he demanded. tara glared at him. "i'll have you know i took portal magics 315, foxy!" all her feathers ruffled up. then they flattened again.
Kitten Magic, Fox Magic
He wanted to analyze this 'kitten magic.' had the spell latched onto him to give him magical abilities like zeelo's? but... zeelo said this was 'fox magic' now. yet...
Magic Mask
Ben had a party to be getting to today, and he didn't even have a costume. He waited for the last minute mainly because he forgot, as that was one part of his weird personality. He decided to visit a shop right before the party so he wouldn't look...
Scale Magic!
With some of it still in his hands, he drew a little circle, and suddenly jess's mouth was locked open, held open by a magical ring between his teeth.
Magic Mask
Ben had a party to be getting to today, and he didn't even have a costume. He waited for the last minute mainly because he forgot, as that was one part of his weird personality. He decided to visit a shop right before the party so he wouldn't look...
The Magic of a Smile
"does that mean you'll come to my magic show, then?" melon nodded rapidly as royal wiped the tear away from his cheek.
Magic is Real
A girl sits in her apartment bedroom, waiting for her two roommates to return home. She hums, the song not familiar but it feels like it is. She's pretty sure she isn't making the song up. But then again, this girl has always been a day dreamer. Her...
The Magic of Names
The immediate changes the magic wrought were on erent's cranium.
Of Magic and Misery
_Double, double toil and trouble;_ _Fire burn, and caldron bubble._ _Cool it with a baboon's blood,_ _Then the charm is firm and good._ _ _ _~_ _Macbeth, William Shakespeare_ Smoke billowed up to the cave's ceiling as a cauldron bubbled and...