Jeremy 034; When In Nutzville...

With the holiday coming up here in the States I was considering posting this early. As soon as I got a comment hinting that I was the slightest bit predictable I just had to prove them wrong. At least I chose to take their comment that way, I did...


Jeremy 033; Blind Curve

I'm feeling a little under the weather so going to post this week's chapter early. Also don't have much by way of comments either. Jeremy took to the road outfitted in his new riding gear. He was glad he had been able to find a pair of...


Jeremy 032; Road-Stop Blues

He went out to the main room and spent a few minutes taking the tags and price labels off his purchases. he had the right clothing to ride in the snow now, but didn't feel the need to go back out and press through any further for the day.


Jeremy 031; Same As It Ever Was

So, now that Chile is behind us I have to admit I had a lot more planned. I cut the visit short because it would have come close to derailing the story. As it is I'm thinking two chapters is a fair chunk to help introduce the next few threads of...


Jeremy; List Of Species

Available Specie List as compiled by a number of historians and added to by the author: An Editor's note: Said author had very loose and unorganized notes. This is a bit of a rush job to bring to print and obviously not as polished or...


Jeremy 030; Hold On And Stay In Control

He's in it now ain't he. Jeremy woke perhaps half an hour later at a nudge from Major Ferris. It was time to get back to work. The new day was much like the previous. He stayed at the major's side and relayed orders and information. She...


Jeremy 045; To Save The Day

I almost posted this one as an extra last week. Not only does it pick up just minutes later but last week was kind of short. Still, kind of glad I didn't. Now that I've spent a bit of time going over this one the tone between the two are completely...


Jeremy 044; By Way Of Explanation

By Way Of Explanation Okay you lot, for me that was an awesome week. Thanks again for all the questions and comments. These past few weeks of comments have been good but last week made me feel as though I've got the best readers following...


Jeremy 043; Pulling An Alpha Out Of a Hat

Been a long week so right to the story. Sam led the way to Ian's apartment. He didn't say much on the way, other than that their brother had picked the location of his apartment with everyone else's location as much as his workplace in mind....


Jeremy 046; The Thirteenth Floor

Its been one of those weeks again. Yep, I got nothing prepared again so its right to the story. Jeremy took a deep breath and sighed as he felt the typical push against his feet as the elevator stated its way up. He hadn't been this nervous...


Jeremy 040; Incompatibility

We're back with a new year here in reality. Hope you lot have recovered from all your celebrations. Things are going get interesting soon enough. For now, Jeremy has his own revelries to get over. Jeremy came awake at the muffled sound of a...


Jeremy 012; Today's Forgotten Hero

Okay, here we go with more of the same. Well, maybe not more of the same, that would be repetitious and boring. While this isn't full of action or intrigue it is setting the stage for a lot of what is coming up later. Thanks for staying with it,...
