The Blanket — 6

The BB gun that Ed had gotten for his birthday was a used thing, something that the giftgiver had pulled from the guts of the basement and produced in social offering. A problem Ed that had had with it is that he didn't kmow where to use it. Living in...

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The Blanket — 5

Living in a suburb was a good thing, at least if you had angst and friends. Ed had measures of both of those things, and whether or not they were equal amounts was a question up in the air. He'd pulled away from most of his social circles, now that...

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The Blanket — 4

Funny how little anachronous thoughts burrow their way into a mind at the strangest opportunities, little out of place happenings to the conscious. 'Koda's home is really cool' is one such thought, and it occured to Ed as the fourteen year old girl...


The Blanket — 3

"Mom?" Eds voice said as he peeked into the kitchen, in the quiet calm of the house at night. Every one of his friends had left, their parents included, and he and his mother were left to their leftover cake and banners. Ed looked at his mother and...


The Blanket — 2

The room was stained playfully with banners and red solo cups filled with innocent liquids like koolaid and sprite. Familiar, joyful faces wheeled about, friends of friends and people Ed knew and had known for years. One was missing, Eds father -- he...

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The Blanket — 1

In the long run it didn't feel as bad as it probably should have. Any normal kid would've had his heart ripped out from the whole thing -- his little world should've been cascading down on him, bits of rubble from a falling building crashing like rain...


The Blanket — Introduction

((I give zero shits if you read my 500 word rant broh, go ahead n skip it if you don't care)) Too much incest fiction is smut based. All incest fiction I've ever read has been smut based and I struggled to find a piece of fiction in this niche that...

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Breaking in a Toy — 13

I spit Jesse's cum out onto his face and naked chest. The wounds on his back were now a week old and I'd decided to treat them after our session, actually expending medical supplies for my toy. I had plans for him, I needed him to be able to survive...

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Breaking in a Toy — 12

There was a dearth of hands and a great big void of labor to be filled back at camp, and I was requested as a laborer. Things had occurred as they were supposed to occur, people were still searching for Jesse, and my confidence was fading. The...

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