Marshall's Love Adventure

Chapter 1 It was a quiet and beautiful morning in Adventure Bay. The sun was starting to rise. The smell of freshly cut grass filled the air. Ryder was asleep and so were the pups. All except for one. Marshall was awake, sitting at a nearby tree where...

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 14

As the pups were getting closer to the edge of the forest, they slowed down. It wouldn't be much longer, and Marshall's sprained paw was starting to hurt again. "We're almost there!" Chase told the Dalmatian, who was a couple of feet behind. "I...

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 15

A week had gone by since Marshall and Zuma officially started dating. Marshall had been recovering from his injured paw, as well as get cured from the cold he caught from being out in the cold, rainy weather. Marshall didn't mind being sick. Sure, it...

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Merry Christmas Marshall - Ch 1

**Hey guys! Blayke here. I bring to you all a new story. A Christmas story! I had originally planned for this story to be done and posted sooner, but stuff happens, and now I'm late with this story. I apologize for not having posted it earlier, but I...

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