Kaja's Backstory, Chapter 4

Gorrum was on patrol some weeks, and on other weeks he stayed within the city. Those were the best weeks of all. When not on patrol, he was home every night, laughing loudly over dinner and telling the girls stories at bedtime. Sometimes, Agra would...


Tauren Tale, Chapter 15

Theodore pulled himself out a little ways and then thrust upward just as hard as he could manage. She felt like he was going to rip her apart. "How does that feel, little cow?" he whispered in her ear. His naked body was flat against her own, touching...

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Tauren Tale, Chapter 14

Her expression defiant, Sanja refused to take her eyes off of the rogue. "Get the pack," she whispered to her brother. "We're leaving." "If you don't put the manacles on yourself," Theodore said. "Then the beast will do it for you. And he's not going...

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Tauren Tale, Chapter 13

"So, do the Tauren worship the Ancients?" Kazbo asked. Sanja shook her head. "Tauren worship the sun and the soil. They worship nature. The Ancients are part of that, of course, but they aren't gods," she explained. "I think that if the Ancients...

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Kaja's Backstory, Chapter 3

The children made up little stories and acted them out with their dolls. They played dress-up with Agra's clothes. They ate, bathed, slept, and spent every single moment together. Within a month, Kaja seemed to emerge from her shell. As she washed...


Kaja's Backstory, Chapter 2

Kaja loved her adoptive parents, but the bond that formed between them had nothing on that between her and Grima. Grima had always wished for a sister, and so Kaja's arrival was like a dream come true. To Grima, the little Tauren girl was a cross...


Kaja's Backstory, Chapter 1

Orphaned. To an Orc, orphaned means that you have lost both of your parents. But unlike Orcs, Tauren live in large family tribes known as utankan. Although they generally have a special fondness for their parents, the calves are raised by the entire...


Good and Evil ... after hours

Tuesday nights at Dante's were always wretched. Dan slowly stretched his back and returned to washing glasses. There were a few regulars at the bar, a few regulars playing pool, and a few regulars at the tables. Although you might see a little variety...

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Tauren Joke

Atepa rushed to the elder's hut. He stopped near enough to speak without shouting, but not so close as to loom over the bull seated just outside the entrance. Atepa was far from winded - the Tauren have a legendary endurance - but his dark grey fur...

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Tauren Tale, Chapter 16

The days were a blur. There was hot sun on her back. The smell of rich, dark soil in her nose. The feel of the antler-bone digging tool in her hand. Her nails ached. Her back ached. She had never been so tired, so confused in all of her life. She...

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