Jeremy 030; Hold On And Stay In Control

At the end of the two hour training session he all but collapsed to his knees exhausted by the pace they'd kept.


Jeremy 045; To Save The Day

Now that i've spent a bit of time going over this one the tone between the two are completely different. the movie sam picked was the latest superhero action movie.


Jeremy 044; By Way Of Explanation

He stopped two blocks from the club and stepped out of the way of the other pedestrians. putting his back to the wall of a building jeremy sorted through the conflicting emotions and thoughts.


Jeremy 043; Pulling An Alpha Out Of a Hat

Steven continued smiling as he asked "so, when are the two of you settling down? your mother is over the moon at the prospect of becoming a grandmother you know." "i was holding off on that, didn't want you to feel old before your time."


Jeremy 046; The Thirteenth Floor

A mongoose sat behind the desk and stared at him as did the other two. he walked up to jenna and extended his arm in greeting. she accepted the greeting with a smile and introduced the wolf next to her.


Jeremy 040; Incompatibility

They both knew he'd been at it for more than two hours for the second time that day. it still took more than half an hour for jeremy to fall asleep once he was back in his room.


Jeremy 012; Today's Forgotten Hero

Okay, here we go with more of the same. Well, maybe not more of the same, that would be repetitious and boring. While this isn't full of action or intrigue it is setting the stage for a lot of what is coming up later. Thanks for staying with it,...


Jeremy 010; Time Moves On

two weeks after ian passed his graduation finals the academy held the ceremony. front row seats had been reserved for the dawn family. jeremy suspected it was due to his status as a dominant but decided it best not to ask.


Jeremy 013; Karma Never Sleeps

The badger landed two more blows against his side before jeremy could counter with a strike of his own. the mustelid went down at jeremy's feet.


Jeremy 015; A Cause For Concern

He saw several of his school mates and was able to remember their names without the help of patomes with all but two. he left for home just past two in the afternoon. the gifts he'd chosen for his family were small and easily fit in his backpack.


Jeremy 016; Fight For survival

He was surprised at how the two different specie fought with each other. the crows usually won, being the more aggressive of the two. looking down at the leopard jeremy saw he was watching. he was clearly terrified. "what was your name?"


Jeremy 017; Karma's Toll

Angry at addleson for forcing him into choosing between two wrong decisions. shaking his head he asked "what was i supposed to do? you've told me i don't have the right to kill anyone. now you show me this?
