What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book II: Chapter 8

"an' gimme yore spear." "...wot?" "yore spear. i need it." benrath didn't continue. he just waited until the brewer walked over to him and handed him the spear. the shrew gripped it tightly and nodded.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 19

We still live by our faithful laws, even though yore not with us today. but life goes on an' ye live in our heart, and yore struggles weren't for naught. yore times all came, you had to depart, leavin' us only lessons you taught.

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Avarin Falls, Chapter 2: Sanna and the Giant Boar

The air, cooled by gentle breezes in the canopy, was still and humid amidst the roots of the yores. sanna pulled her ebony hair back in a knot, fanning her neck as best she could.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 24

"the red sand tribe attacked me community an' yore doin' me a favour by goin' after 'em! so mayhaps i should look into this pirate for ye--i scratch yore back, you scratch mine, but in reverse!"

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Lord Brocktree: Behind the Bushes

"yore really good smellin'. i love badger musk." "why thank you," said brocktree. "and i like your smell too." then brocktree got hard.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 17

"you take pride in knowin' that yore friends openly make fun o' yore foul breath?" "course i do! jus' another reminder that i'm stayin' healthy with all the pellets i consume, wot!" penjo's eyes grew wide.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 7

Sooner or later, yore gonna drag this whole army into the ground, an' yore 'kingdom' will be smothered with sand and our corpses! so i'm gonna make this simple: yore gonna start listenin' to me, to clemson. yore gonna stop killin' so many slaves.

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Starfox: Raid

"well, took ya long enough," pigma complained, "an' by the way, yore food's over there," as pigma pointed to the thrown food at the floor.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 10

...where's yore food? give it to me; i know you 'ave yore own stash of food somewhere!" "okay, pup, all right...just relax."

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book II: Chapter 1

"yore awfully quiet 'bout all this. wot's yore take on kurwin's idea, ishlin?" ishlin scoffed. "i'm with dirtfoot! who gives a fuck 'bout 'compassion' an' 'sentiment' an' all this other shit? 'do wot we say and we won't jam a sword up yore arse!'

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