Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 37

XXXVII Preparations (Day 369 on Tashoo) (Afternoon) As the three of us walked back to Ara's house, Naka asked me, "I cannot believe you succeeded in getting the Ka'yno to challenge you. That was your plan from the moment you walked into the...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 36

Finally, after a few seconds, he said, "since the kootona was being kept in the home of my-ara, it is safe to assume that she and her son agree with you, uany. therefore, i cannot choose my-rora. so, in his stead. . ."

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 12

It also matters little to me that he considers my-ara and my-rora as family members and he would be protecting them as much as the village. his bravery here also means little to me. he is a uany and the uany are our sworn enemies.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 29

XXIX The Assassination Attempt (Day 218 on Tashoo) When everyone returned to the Atasho Vaorado, I explained why today was special. I also told them I wanted them to fight a mock battle to show them how my techniques would work. I said that Ka'...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 16

XVI The Battle (Day 115 on Tashoo) Another nightmare is upon me. Even though I know they are not real, I can't help but fear them. What do they mean? Where do they come from? Why do I have them and why do they occur in two parts? Who are these...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 17

One of the designs on the vest was the family crest of my-ara's family. i changed into the clothing and exited my room. rora and vamoo let out a whistle, a difficult task for the mory due to the shape of their lips.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 25

XXV Returning Home (Day 191 on Tashoo) I don't know how long I was unconscious, but when I came to, I saw a most frightful sight. Kyna was fighting, with sword and claw only, a Chakootoa, the most dangerous herbivorous animal on all of Tashoo....

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 11

He is questioned as to his worthiness to continue to live as a slave in the house of my-ara. xi trial of life or death (day 108 on tashoo) (morning) another nightmare. what do they mean? why do i have them regularly?

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Extra Chapter: Good Fathers

"i'll always stand beside you . . . my ara."

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