Lagomorphs -- Chapter 1: Treasured Garbage
#2 of lagomorphs jeff makes plans for his summer vacation. of course, the best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley. it seems that jeff might have subscribed to the earthwatch newsletter.
The Devil May Care 47
Tags: no sex, orc, cat, lioness, bunny, various species, series, modern fantasy, planning, running a kingdom, plots and plans,
Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 13: Dinner Plans
Luke was having problems concentrating on the documentation he was writing. Personal events kept distracting him. He needed to get it written today, though. He probably wouldn't have time later. With his heavy course load, he'd discovered he...
Choice(Balance)-Arc 2"Trust" part 10
"but we still have no idea on how to handle our assault when we land there.we have no means of attack.if we are going in,we need a plan to execute so that we can cripple his kingdom once and for all."
Death In The Holy Land: Pt. 1
If my plan goes correctly we will just bloody lebanon's nose and hopefully scare them into giving up any plan they have of invading us." general ahriel nodded approvingly.
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Seventeen
We do have a plan in place to help win back our planets, but only at a great cost. admiral alexander, your discovery?" "first we have to know what we're dealing with," admiral alexander said, speaking up.
Le garçon scato de la plage
Un plan scatophile imaginaire comme j'aimerais en vivre... **je l'avais repéré à la plage.** des yeux bleus couleur de la mer, difficile de ne pas s'y noyer.
My darling Sheppy
Im Irish He's American I can always talk to hom I know I always can The most beautiful sheppy i have ever seen We met on SoFurry June 2013 I will never forget that wonderful day My lonliness vanished and faded away So much love and so much...
My darling Sheppy
Im Irish He's American I can always talk to hom I know I always can The most beautiful sheppy i have ever seen We met on SoFurry June 2013 I will never forget that wonderful day My lonliness vanished and faded away So much love and so much...
"you should just nuke the fucker from orbit and be done with it at that point" hahnemann commented a flat somewhat cynical joke, likely he half believed it a valid plan.
Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 30: Closer to an Answer?
Except that they surely had a plan for preventing that. maybe their pnns would vaporize if they sensed the wrong kinds of radiation. but didn't one of the laws tell them to protect their own existence? "it does sound like something we should try.
Pilha de memórias.
Plano de aventura. Pilha de memórias. Premissa. Um dos personagens do grupo acorda após um estranho sonho no qual ele é um sábio em missão. Todas as noites, o sonho continua a si próprio, em segmentos. Perturbado, ele acaba procurando ajuda com um...