Anima Chapter 3

The morning was lukewarm, and there was just a light hazing of fog. I tried to keep myself calm but riding in the car was not the most relaxing activity now with a tail of stiff feathers hanging behind me. I had to sit in the front passenger seat with...

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Anima Chapter 1

ANIMA SYMPTOM LOG DATE: August 27th NAME: LYALL WILLIAMS AGE: 20 SEX: Male HYBRID: Unknown assumed B.O.P. SYMPTOMS: Golden iris, increased vision perception, corners of eyes have small rust colored feathers. Feathers have since disappeared,...

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Anima Chapter 4

They were right. Living with the tail was a pain, but eventually, you get used to it. I spent a few days getting it caught on and in everything. From doors to knick-knacks on tables, nothing was safe from me. Add the irritation of knocking everything...

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Anima Chapter 8

The photo Kole sent me was far from the only weird thing I had seen today. Kole would soon find out what was happening, but I didn't feel comfortable telling him. It's getting later into the year, and as the hunters know, it's getting time for the...

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Anima Chapter 7

Silence. No one dared say a word. The group sat quietly and waited for someone to say something. All while not wanting to be the first to speak. After about an hour of silence, slowly everyone began to get up and head to bed. I laid down on the...

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Anima Chapter 6

"Losing myself" When I think of losing myself, I think of doing things I wouldn't usually do. Maybe even just changing as a person over time. Losing control of yourself is not really what comes to my mind, but there is hardly a better way to...

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Anima Chapter 5

Nothing. When I reached between my legs I found nothing. Just skin covered in light creamy white feathers. I searched further trying to find something, anything down below. As I reached back I found it got even weirder. Instead of my hand going past my...

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Anima Chapter 15

"Hello?" I called out to the empty room. But there was no one called back. Looking around, it was as though everyone had taken off and left the house. Nothing seemed out of place. Chairs were neatly put away against their respective tables, couches...

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Anima Chapter 14

Laying in bed, I tried all manners of positions, trying to find some way to fall asleep. My heart was racing at the thought of what I had just done. I could still feel something in my throat. I tried my best to get some amount of sleep....


Anima Chapter 13

By the time the changes stopped, everyone in the room was watching me. All the eyes locked on my face were not a great help, and my eyes could only focus on one person at a time. "Lyall?" Matthew said quietly. I opened my mouth to speak...


Anima Chapter 12

I jumped as the sound coming from my mouth screeched in the room. My ears rang from the volume of the sound, and I could hear the ringing, which felt like an echo of my voice. Fear gripped me, frozen, unsure of what to do. I stood in the bathroom...


Anima Chapter 11

Three weeks have passed since Jeremy and I found Damien. Three weeks since Benji had his incident. The first snow of the year fell last night. The ground seemed cold enough to keep it from melting on impact. The snow wasn't heavy, leaving only...

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