Seven Years Later Chapter 6

Seven Years Later CH. 6: Forest Dwellers            A month soon passed since Kutty and Unshi joined the guild. Team Well Wishers began to surprise everybody with their inspirational dedication. A few guild members took notice of this recent...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 16

      The sounds of an argument could be heard echoing loudly as the scent of smoke drifted through the hot, dry air. We picked up our pace and noticed scorch marked trees and unnatural puddles of water leading up to the entrance of the farm. When we...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 15B

       "Hey Winta. do you really think that it's a good idea to leave Ritch with those two?" Mishren asked as we walked away from the seething chikorita. "No need to worry," I chuckled. "Liru and Nyami both have strong personalities so I'm pretty sure...

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