Wolfen - Chapter 23

Verik stared at the wolfen for several seconds, processing the information. Finally, he shook his head and looked him in the eye. "My...brother?" The other one's smile weakened a bit. "Yeah, I'm Gerrin." When Verik didn't show any signs that he...

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Wolfen - Chapter 23

Verik stared at the wolfen for several seconds, processing the information. Finally, he shook his head and looked him in the eye. "My...brother?" The other one's smile weakened a bit. "Yeah, I'm Gerrin." When Verik didn't show any signs that he...

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Wolfen - Chapter 22

"What is the look we're trying to go for? Flowers?" Verik grumbled as he followed Jack down toward the human city. The awkward-feeling human robes not only looked ridiculous on his body, but no matter how much he adjusted the thing, it just wouldn't...

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Wolfen - Chapter 21

Verik's heart almost stopped. "What do you mean? Explain it to me!" Emmaline simply shook her head. "I, honestly, don't know any more than that. I only saw vague glimpses." "Then you need to do it again! Maybe if focus your strength on finding...

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Wolfen - Chapter 20

1 day later... Everything around Myorakk was silent. He had been in that cramped cell for what he thought was a little over a day. The only life that he could detect were the bats that decided to make this cave their new home. All the others of his...

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Wolfen - Chapter 19 (Part 2)

The sun was just starting to set, lighting the area in a haunting orange glow. Everything was silent. The humans were too nervous to say anything, the wolfen also remained quiet, and there was no animal life all the way up on this mountain. ...

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Wolfen - Chapter 19 (Part 1)

Verik pulled his arm back, ready to strike out, but hesitated for a second. It felt wrong to intentionally injure an ally, but at the same time, it had to be done. And since nobody wanted to do it, for some reason it fell to him. "Just hit me...

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