Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 15

The extra-predatory figure asked as he advanced on the sereva. unlike the phantasms from before, these figures definitely looked more solid. suddenly, he lashed out, slicing a large gash into the sereva's arm. kuna's fear returned as he winced in pain.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 11

He moved forward and gently rubbed the sereva's head. "it's an honor to meet you, kuna of the sereva people." kuna blushed a bit and looked over to lykou, who just grinned and winked at him. "come, it's time for lunch.

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MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 19

Then he suddenly noticed the sereva blushing slightly as well and squinted at him. "wait a minute... ku, are you really asleep?" everyone sat in silence for a moment, waiting to see if the sereva would stir.

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MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 6

The konuul glanced at the sereva with a sheepish expression before replying to the invitation, "that... actually sounds pretty good. thank you so much." the sereva shot him a quick look in return, then sighed. "yeah... th-thanks."

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 27

Still, the sereva remained next to him, keeping at least one arm around him at all times. they ate slowly, in silence for the most part.

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In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 5 (MHO)

He stabbed it in the eyes, then its ribs repeatedly until it released the whimpering sereva.

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Downtime - Ch. 8 (MHO)

The sereva asked with a confused expression. "what do you mean?" "i... was going to tell you something similar. only it wasn't a statue," lykou informed him, causing the sereva's eyes to widen.

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Downtime - Ch. 2 (MHO)

He shot the sereva a quizzical look. "and how long have you gone on just those anyway?" lykou thought for a moment, scratching his chin.

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In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 11 (MHO)

I was lenient before, but-" "lenient my ass," the sereva snapped back, glaring at the revenant before turning to climb up the wall.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 29

I think so, look," lykou replied, pointing to the gourd-canteen sitting next to the sereva. kuna looked, then gulped. "then... then sh-she... she was..." "yeah," the canid responded, rubbing the sereva's back softly.

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MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 1

He chuckled and handed one of the halves to the sereva and set to work setting up the firepit while he ate.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 10 (Less-NSFW edition)

Then he turned back to the sereva and smiled. "all good, kuna. i told you you're safe with me," he said with a wink.

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