Echoes II: Elaria Chapter Three

Chapter Three Jack and Vasquez kept to the front of the team as they cleared each room they came across. It was eerily silent, no noise except for the gentle hum as the vents pumped in oxygen to the building and buzzing of the lights in the wall. It...

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Guardians Downfall Chapter 1 Revised

Chapter 1: The UGM Serenity Date: November 8, 2776 Location: Leben Shipyard Alpha Sierra, Epsilon Eridani System He stared off at the stars from his cabin, it looked so peaceful. Compared to the frontier colonies, constantly being attacked by...

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Echoes II: Elaria Chapter Two

Chapter 2 Terra continued to monitor the soldiers progress via the probes, running scans of the bodies they came across of both Humans, Pelzigans, and hosts for the parasite. She had to take a moment to collect herself at some of the scenes she saw,...

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