Serenifi: Double Z Training Video

So it's up to you miss coyote, la-fume and skunk to keep a watchful eye out for... (cut off by the sound of a door slamming open.)

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Serenifi: Zig-Zag's New Stars

Serenity coyote and her girlfriend, fifi la fume, were ecstatic about their wedding, which was to happen in 2 and a half weeks.

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Serenifi: Nice To Tie You Up!

"i'm serenity coyote, and this is fifi la fume, and pandora coyote." "what were the three of you doing back there?" asked pandora. "oh, it's a long story... but i'll tell you anyway." said the raccoon.

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Serenifi: The Fox In The Pink Dress

Serenity coyote and fifi la fume were laying on the couch in fifi's cadillac, doing nothing whatsoever. the power was out for a while, so they had nothing to do. "oh, what i would give for something, anything, interesting to happen right now!"

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Serenifi: Back To The (Far) Future!

Fifi la fume, lexi bunny, and tech e. coyote belong to warner bros.

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Serenifi: The Movie: The Remake: Prologue

Lexi bunny, ace bunny, and fifi la fume belong to warner bros. serenity coyote belongs to kessielou. (on da.) miranda fox (aka the vixen in the photo) belongs to crabula290e.

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 7

(Cut to Tranquility entering the Acme Graveyard, approaching a particular tombstone, with the text: "RIP: Serenity Coyote Born: October 18, 1987, Died: September 4, 2007.) Tranquility: NO! This can't be happening! 2007? This can't be...

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Calamipe: The Warm Touch Of Red Meat

Serenity coyote and her girlfriend fifi la fume were looking for fifi's old boyfriend, stripe in the acme book-store-that-also-sells-other-crap. "he's not in ze video game section."

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Serenifi Anthology: A Looney Welcome

I'm serenity coyote, and this is my girlfriend, fifi la fume." "you know, i can't believe i'm in a university that's 3/4 cute animals! this is amazing!" "this is unbelievable!" "this. is. acme acres!!!!"

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 10

Cut to pov of her inhaling the fumes emitting from the toy, before picturing her very father(s) in front of her. cut to the young hybrid in the middle of a circle, riding a male fox, grabbing at the dongs of a panther, a red-and-ten skunk, a buck, etc.

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 7

Tranquility: listen, you must ask one fifi la fume to go out to the dance with you, or else i will melt your brain with this! (turns on the tv screen, which displays a bunch of animated yellow circles with arms and legs.)

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Serenifi: Pussies Galore!

Sawyer belongs to turner animation penelope pussycat, rita, and fifi la fume belong to warner bros. unikitty belongs to lego

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