
I'm so sorry guys but I lost my joranal for this story and once a story is gone, it's gone. I never rewrite stuff, unless you count typing it after wards. So again, I'm sorry for losing this story


Thoughts on painting my future part 1

#1 of thoughts on painting my future a journal for a sweet and thoughtful kitten hi i'm lulu i am age 22, 4ft 11in feline. i like painting drawing and poetry. i'm a little fur but don't be fooled i can fight.

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Preview # 1

August, 12 dear dia journal, i feel as if something strange is going on.

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On the trail to Zion: A Rat's Tail

I decided to write this journal after my most recent convalescence. i write this journal as an attempt to stave off the boredom when i cannot sleep.

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Jaime's babyfur journal

Thanks and enjoy these snippets of jaime's journal. here are some of the journals of jaime the president and ceo of shi inc. the makers of diapers and other products for the baby fur\* and diaper fur community.

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Still alive I suppose

Been a while since I checked on here, and while my blood wants me to believe that it's my fault, I have no control over family members with cancer, idiots that spread contagious diseases, and rare kidney crushing side effects. I need a vacation from...



Morning. July the twenty third, two-thousand, fifteen. It feels like a day from the Future. I say that having recently watched Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd's antics, on a big screen-- In my own living room. Has time really passed, that...

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Sad news

Welp guys, gotta tell you I'm sad to say it, but The Runt is going to be on permanent hiatus. A combination of things caused this; job, school, bills, health issues, creative blocks, my focus being drawn elsewhere, depression, family issues, me being...

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I don't know what to do.

#2 of journalism **i need your help.** **i finally caught up with all my updates, but since i have so many projects, i don't know what to do.** **either "legend high", "where gods be mortals", or "taboo fantasies abound!"


Story Guide: BOVERSE

**"Boverse"** _i.e. "Bovine Parents Universe"_ * * * SEE **'ALL STORIES'** SECTION AT THE BOTTOM FOR LINKS * * * This document lays out a basic framework and reference for the setting of some of my furry stories. I originally wanted to set the...

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Happy Halloween

Hello fans, First I wish all of you Happy Halloween. This year I do not have the time to create a new story for Halloween. I decided to, instead, write the last few chapters of the "nice idition" of "isolated holidays". I also decided that with the...

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Hoss Update: And the Ass Said to the Angel, Let's Play Kick to Kick.

Well, I have been to the mountain top. And it was fucking cold and sometimes blowing a gale and my mane looks really sexy blowing in a force 9 gale so that was ok. On more serious notes. Things have been not good, I lost my job, lost all confidence,...

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