Broken dreams of love

Dreaming of love. like a wind it hits me. Back and forth push after push. I can't help but to fall for you. Can't you see. Can't you fell. My heart is on fire. You set me off unlike any other. I thoght you were the light to my sky. How I had dreamed...

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poem broken demon

world so slow. People so low. Is any thing right. Or is it just a big lie. Angles whispher in my ear. Demons yell all around. They want my soul. They crave my life. Tears fall from my eyes. Blood sprays from my heart. rip apart from this life....

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No somos esclavos

No somos esclavos **Por Dylan, Chester** Prólogo: El año es 2.234. La bruja de tierra han dominan el ser humano está decorada en el poder de los rascacielos por major solar powered plantas controladas por las fuerzas armadas de cada nación. Sin...

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The war of metal solders

Title: "The war of metal soldiers" By:Cain, Fox Prologue: The broken world As I watch dawn break over the ruined city I stretched my white wings. Getting to see just how bad the war ravaged the building and the people. As thick dust floated through...

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Slaves we are not.

# Slaves we are not ## By:CainFox Prologue: The year is 2,234. The land witch the human have dominate is decorated in skyscrapers power by major solar powered plants controlled by each nation's military forces. However some areas around the globe...

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looky, look. poem

Looky, looky over there do you see me. Wait no that can't be. Then around you go with no sight of me. A rub of the head and a wallet less. They scream at me for the things I do. But hey it just me, it the nature of things. It is wrong it's bad it a...

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Not sure what to say. Poem

What can I say. What do I say. I see her soft sweet face. What do I do Lost inside her eyes. Why can I not speak. The warmth overcomes me. Joy inside are eyes. As if we have joined into one. Love just like the sun. An inferno of ever...

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