One Dot Below the I (#4)
#8 of poetry two new poems in this series of free-form poetry i'll begin this poem a short distance from here poem only a minute or so before you came in
The Phox
This poem is one of those new ideas and there is a secret behind the way i made this poem about a young vulpine, who is pretty wise for a fox.
My Dreams are in Stories
#4 of poetry this is the last of four poems i did for my creative writing class. we were allowed to write the poem on whatever we wanted, but we had to follow the "villanelle" poem structure, which had very specific rules about rhyme and syllable count.
If You Are Reading These They May Be About You
poems of the passions that animals like us stoke for we're not yet dead. poems of the feeling, against my grateful muzzle, of my god's chest fur. poems that speak of the little gay rabbits. prayers for their asses.
Incomplete Life Portrait
So time frame wise, i intended the poem to take place in the range of from the beginning of come to dust until chapter 8 in burn down the tower. anyway, i hope someone likes the poem in spite of me being a complete amateur at writing poems.
Prehistoric Passion - short poem
I am actually incredibly proud of this poem. it's been my favorite poem. this poem was written about my future career as a paleontologist and what i see in this career.
Poem for a Friend
For a poem, i wrote this just for you.
A Bright Change - short poem
I began writing this poem back in 2015 and didn't like how it was turning out. it quickly became one of my many neglected poems. i finally stopped neglecting it and finished it. this poem was inspired by a recent change in my life for the better.
[Tribute Poem] In a Sympathetic World
If you read the poem, you must read the story and then read the poem again, because it's extremely touching, and you may very well love literature forever afterwards!
Purest Heart
#13 of poems unicorn's! who doesn't love unicorn's right? i thought i would make a poem about one! this poem will be included in a fantasy themed poetry book that i'm planning/currently writing.
Never Let You Go (Part III)
My breathing started to quicken as i considered whether or not i should tell the bobcat about my poem. the poem. the one that had spawned from so much heartbreak in my life a few years ago.
Jay Fox - Chapter Four - The Way Things Happen
20 mins later mr chipper looked up to jays finished poem "ahh, your finished jay?", "yes sir, it's not very much though".