Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt18.

#19 of pokémon - darkest taboo **part eighteen.** it was a several hours latter and jack had just stepped out of the pokémon centre's communal shower not having wanted to challenge the gym covered in sneasel silvia, he'd been wondering how oni had learned

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt17.

#18 of pokémon - darkest taboo **part seventeen.** . it was midday by the time ahsoka, jack and his pokémon had arrived in grass vale.

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt16.

#17 of pokémon - darkest taboo **part sixteen.** jack had been quiet for most of the morning responding politely when ever asked anything but not directly engaging in conversation, breakfast had been enjoyed by all human and pokémon alike but it was midday

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt15.

#16 of pokémon - darkest taboo if you should see in mistakes or missing words/letters please let me know so i can make an edit please. thank you!

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt14

#15 of pokémon - darkest taboo **part fourteen.** the night was turning to day as night becomes dawn, in ahsoka's apartment jack was curled up around his dear friend oni a sneasel he had been with long before starting his pokémon journey.

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt13.

#14 of pokémon - darkest taboo **part thirteen.** day had become night fall as the investigation to events at the pokémon centre where postponed for the night, there had been few leads all of which had ended at dead ends, the tunnel leading out from the

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt12.

#13 of pokémon - darkest taboo **part twelve.** walking into the bed room blaze left oni sitting on the floor still stunned, to be honest she had to admit to herself that she was no less shocked by what had happened either and wanted some answers.

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt11.

#12 of pokémon - darkest taboo **part elven.** laying there slowly coming down from his after glow he could feel bunny's fur moving against his all ready over sensitive skin, with an effort he force his eyes open to see her easing down along his body

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt10.

#11 of pokémon - darkest taboo i'm sure some of you may well have been waiting for this quite patiently.

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt9.

#10 of pokémon - darkest taboo i gave you my word and here it is , hope you enjoy as some pokéfun is due next part try and guess who it will be?


Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt8.

#9 of pokémon - darkest taboo part eight. laying jack down over her yellow duvet cover ahsoka ran a hand along the front of the young trainer's top, he was still out cold from having feinted at giving him his first real kiss.

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt7.

#8 of pokémon - darkest taboo one more part after this and we'll have some naughtiness, you have my word on this which is some thing i take most seriously.

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