Becoming: Part 3-A long Walk

It killed him that he had all this time, time that could be used for contemplating his life, but he couldn't remember a single detail before waking up in the mysterious building.

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Becoming: Part 2-Through the Flames

Alex awoke to the sound of people sprinting, panicked voices and mechanical beeps. He lifted his head and saw a group of people in white coats rush past his door and into the room across the hall from his. Although the men and women were crowding...

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:33)

(preveously-"Follow me...") \*Now\* You begin walking down a hallway. The koopalings follow. You lead them to a really big room. There`s a cross on a wall, and huge buckets of toys. The koopalings get exited. "Go play kids." you say. Bowser comes over...

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:23) <- already °__°

(preveously-He seems so happy...Why...) \*Now\* You look at him. He smiles. "Why are you so happy?" you ask him. He holds your hand. You stare at him. "A friend of mine...He`s comming over." he says. "Who the hell are you talking about?!" you sound...

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:16)

(preveously-You can`t survive much longer...) *Now* Everyone goes to bed. You hear Bowser snoring. You rattle your chainsa little. You hear "tap, tap, tap....Shhhh." The koopalings! "Hi kids." you say. They set you free! You hug each one. They see your...

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:15)

(preveously-"Goodbye" you continue, and head out the door...) \*Now\* You exit, closing the door behind you. You walk down the steps, and onto the dirt trail. Without warning, you take off running. Your gear on you. You run all the way to Toad Town....

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Gateway to Hell - Prologue

_Excerpt from the diary of Shigihara Satoshi_ January 15th, 2013 Life here in the United States isn't what I thought it would be like. The people here are lazy, most of them not as hardworking as I. The office I work at is drab, dull and boring....

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Preview # 1

August, 12 Dear Dia Journal, I feel as if something strange is going on. Lately I haven't been able to sleep because I feel as if I am being watched, and I swear I hear whispers whenever I try to go to the bathroom. My vision gets blurry and I...

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The End of a Life: Smoking Kills

So... no idea what I'm writing here yet. This is going to be a freewrite. Let's take an adventure together and see where it leads. ---- Everything seemed to go quiet. The two men were staring at each other. A yellow flower blossomed near one man's...

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 3

**Darkness** Chapter 3 Oh my god! I was Terriermon's tamer! Even if Terriermon wouldn't admit it! Then I remember Terriermon and I rush over to him. Wyatt: Terriermon! Are you okay? I pick him up, he was unconscious. Though he was breathing. I...

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The Primal Betreyal #01

Hi guys! This is my first story ever, so don't suspect this to be good. English is not my native language, so there cam be some errors. I'll be happy if someone will read this and tell me, what i should correct. For now: have fun reading...

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Doctor's crappy day part four

Dr. Jeremy Hyde was awoken early in the morning by hand cradling his balls. The owner of the hand looks to be a young Cat. The truth of the matter is the white cat with big but adorable red gold eyes is not young age whies. The white cat holding Dr....

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