An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 7-Others

But now,seeing another anthro infront of me,i couldn't belive it. we sat in silence for a few minutes until shelby spoke up. "are you okay seth?" "i'm fine,i replied,"i just never expected to meet another anthro,and a female at that."

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 6-The Hunted

The other anthro's at the table shivered at the mention of the cells. there was a long pause. "yes",the man dressed in blue said,"we always have the cells."

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 4-Exposed

At the exact moment it gave out and my anthro dragon form was revealed,a surge ran through me that was so powerful,i broke,and spit a ball of fire into them.

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The Anthro Virus: The Start of Something New

Please comment and critique! Rip the shit out of it if you need to i want to get better so tell me how I'm doing. The hallway was damp and dark, as two large and heavily armed men led a much smaller figure through the corridor. The young man...

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 14-Arrival

#14 of an anthro's tale 14 year old seth allen is trying to keep his head down long enough to survive high school,he has an insane crush on a girl way out of his leauge and he loves cars and loves to work on them.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 18-Autoshow

#18 of an anthro's tale 14 year old seth allen is trying to keep his head down long enough to survive high school,he has an insane crush on a girl way out of his leauge and he loves cars and loves to work on them.

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Anthro novel - Chapter Six, Remorse.

Pakari felt her snout burn, a prickle of pain running through her skin whenever she moved her whiskers. She walked along the pristine spacious corridor, so much more beautiful and clean than her own. It gave an air of elegant efficiency, and she could...

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Anthro novel - Chapter Five, Lapaki.

Manu sat back thankfully, his body sinking into the warm, comfortable duvet of his grand four poster bed, which sat magnificently in the centre of his bedroom. Home. He closed his eyes and sighed, as the events of the evening cluttered his mind and...

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Anthro novel - Chapter Three, The Wake.

Manu awoke slowly, his eyes thick with fatigue. He rolled heavily onto his side and reached a paw to fluff the fur of Pakari, but felt it meet nothing but empty space. His eyes opened further as he began to realise the bed was empty, pressing his paw...

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Anthro novel - Chapter Seven, Betrayal.

"There. All finished." Lapaki announced as she neatly tucked the last of the dressing underneath the edge of her delicate workmanship. She had neatly bandaged his entire arm in two layers of dressing, including a special padding she had coincidently...

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Corbett the Anthro Raven character sheet

Corbett Corvus The Raven Gender: Male Height: 5 feet and nine inches Weight: 160 lbs. Figure/build: Medium build and flat stomach Eye color: Hazel Feather/Beak color: Jet black Occupation: Scientist Tattoos: None Piercings:...

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Riven the Anthro Wolf character sheet

. :) riven the anthro canine gender: male height: 5 feet nine inches weight: 160 lbs.

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