Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Experimenting with Disaster Soul Heart landed in front of her house and dismissed Shatter Heart and Blade Star before entering. A paper wrapped package clutched in her hands. "Finally. I didn't think I would find them so easily." She...

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Discovery The island where the Shadow Magi lived was in the Atlantic Ocean hidden behind a wall of magic; any ships that might have crashed into it were diverted by a sudden thought by the helmsmen and anyone who looked at it would see...

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Finding Family Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Determined Departure Time passed as the Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins grew up, as did their teenage guardians, Take Care Bear and Independent Bear. It wasn't long before things with Dark Heart came to a head. True Heart, Noble...

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Free Love, Exile and Rebirth Chapter 2

A/N: this chapter was a collaboration between myself and Eternaldragonstear/Shimmeringstar/Lonesomeheart/Aqua Bear Chapter 2: The Torturers They waited for Champ as long as they could, until just past noon, but the Care Bear Magi couldn't wait any...

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Defiant and Loyal Chapter 3

Cryos: Warning! This chapter contains graphic depictions of sex and sexual acts. If you do not wish to read them then skip past the section surrounded by this barrier \*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\* Chapter 3: Feeling Female There was a...

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Crafty Heart's Lucky 13 Chapter 2

Chapter 2: A Love V, Not a Triangle It had been a few weeks since Flambo and Crafty first arrived at Hidden Heart Wolf's cabin and Flamboyant Heart was taking magic lessons. He was really hoping he could catch up to them quickly so he could do more...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 36

Chapter 36: Looking to the Stars Sweet Heart Pegasus stepped through the portal to Pegasus Falls and smiled at the two guards who were posted there. "Hello." "Greetings, sister Sweet Heart." They both dipped their head respectfully. Sweet Heart...

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Defiant and Loyal Chapter 1

Me: Alright so... I have a confession to make. I was going to write this as part of the original Care Bear Magi Life story, but Defiant Heart asked me change things for... personal reasons. Defiant Heart: It's very personal OK, I was scared so I...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Towards an Endless Future Indy saw Mental Heart Bear's face twist into a psychotic smirk and sensed the energy build up even before it became visible. He gripped his katana in both hands and took off right at Mental Heart, slashing at him...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Brilliant Heart No-Heart levitated up over the edge of the clouds, his amulet glowing like a blood-red moon, his body wreathed in darkness and lightning as he towered over his previous height. His voice boomed out across the Kingdom of...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 45

Chapter 45: When Feelings Fail Teacher Bear lay still as Take Care examined her. She still felt tired but nowhere near as weak as when she had been in the Hall of Hearts. Take Care finally finished her diagnosis, "The good news is you're not...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Twilight Indy couldn't sleep. He had tried to talk things over with Take Care but eventually let her drift off, knowing she needed her rest. Indy smiled as he watched her sleep, then gave her a kiss on the cheek and slid out of bed. ...

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