
:) suddenly get a feeling that something should be there but in the end isn't there you could have done something or your efforts just weren't good enough but whatever happens happens that's life things happen

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First day of being a demon

You know, I can't jump to that point without saying how I got this way. It was a school field trip and we were at a mine. I'm curious by nature and ended up getting lost in the many tunnels and found one of the mythical gates of hell. It was really...



Distance the wall standing tall before eyes to meet & calm a shaken hand i find physically, same as in mind, the feeling turning from a want to a heavy demand still, with each deep breath, i revisit reasons to steady my moments unclear life


A Broken Mirror

In front of me is a broken mirror Reflecting what I all know too well A face which I hate sometimes, Maybe even all the time. No matter what I do The mirror always seems cracked on the face. Even if I try something new, It's still the same. I'm...

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I wear a kind mask like I always do. But today I put on a new mask, That shifted my mood. A mask unlike how I am supposed to be, Not my personality. And yet I can't stop wearing it. The mask expresses rage, hatred, and blood. Towards those...

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story of life

I need, I need But a line to keep Breath shallow and low Time slow and well But this pain never goes So were to turn No real escape Just a imaginative break To see and feel As the world would tell The story's That been hidden Trapped inside...

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Still alive I suppose

Been a while since I checked on here, and while my blood wants me to believe that it's my fault, I have no control over family members with cancer, idiots that spread contagious diseases, and rare kidney crushing side effects. I need a vacation from...


A Song of Freedom

Thermals rise off the sides of the hills as the sun goes down, and I rise with them, wings spread wide to catch their lift. Warm air catches at my pinion feathers, and I rise from the side of my hill. It's like holding your hands out in a...


I Feel As If It's Too Late For Me

._ _and i felt as if life had ended._ _until i met him._ _he lit up my life when i was at the edge,_ _at the hands of death i was pulled._ _i felt he made my hollow heart whole._ _but..._ _i found out he just felt bad for

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How It Goes - End

The faint rattle of keys makes his ears twitch. The door unlocks like it always does - swiftly, loudly, harshly. The door swings open with a small creak. He is greeted to the familiar scent of his home. His den. He enters the hallway, closes the door,...


a little story about my day

today has been the a interesting day to say the least. I live i the UK in a flat in London with my boyfriend Tom and we have been together for 1 year know I spent 2 months wages for a reservation at a real nice restaurant near Buckingham Palace the...


Growing Up Furry: What it was like for Me Growing Up

It wasn't until digimon season 2 that all of the pieces of the puzzle that would be my furry life made themselves known to me. for the first time in my life, i was starting to put them together.
